The Cavalier Songs and Ballads of England from 1642 to 1684. Various
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Название: The Cavalier Songs and Ballads of England from 1642 to 1684

Автор: Various

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664602909


СКАЧАТЬ Drollery, 1671.

      * Wit and Mirth, or Pills to Purge Melancholy.

      Wit restored, 1658.

      Wit’s Recreation, 1654

      Williams’, Sir Charles Hanbury, Political Songs.

      Wood’s, Anthony, Collection at Oxford [Ashmolean].

      Withers, George, Songs.

      Wade’s, John, Ballads [qu. date].

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      This is perhaps the most popular of all the Cavalier songs—a favour which it partly owes to the excellent melody with which it is associated. The song, says Mr. Chappell, is ascertained to be by Martin Parker, by the following extract from the Gossips’ Feast, or Moral Tales, 1647. “By my faith, Martin Parker never got a fairer treat: no, not when he indited that sweet ballad, When the King enjoys his own again.” In the poet’s Blind Man’s Bough (or Buff), 1641, Martin Parker says,

      “Whatever yet was published by me

       Was known as Martin Parker, or M. P.;”

      but this song was printed without his name or initials, at a time when it would have been dangerous to give either his own name or that of his publisher. Ritson calls it the most famous song of any time or country. Invented to support the declining interest of Charles I., it served afterwards with more success to keep up the spirits of the Cavaliers, and promote the restoration of his son; an event which it was employed to celebrate all over the kingdom. At the Revolution of 1688, it of course became an adherent of the exiled King, whose cause it never deserted. It did equal service in 1715 and 1745. The tune appears to have been originally known as Marry me, marry me, quoth he, bonnie lass. Booker, Pond, Hammond, Rivers, Swallow, Dade, and “The Man in the Moon,” were all astrologers and Almanac makers in the early days of the civil war. “The Man in the Moon” appears to have been a loyalist in his predictions. Hammond’s Almanac is called “bloody” because the compiler always took care to note the anniversary of the death, execution, or downfall of a Royalist.

      What Booker doth prognosticate Concerning kings’ or kingdoms’ fate? I think myself to be as wise As he that gazeth on the skies; My skill goes beyond the depth of a Pond, Or Rivers in the greatest rain, Thereby I can tell all things will be well When the King enjoys his own again.

      There’s neither Swallow, Dove, nor Dade, Can soar more high, or deeper wade, Nor show a reason from the stars What causeth peace or civil wars; The Man in the Moon may wear out his shoon By running after Charles his wain: But all’s to no end, for the times will not mend Till the King enjoys his own again.

      Though for a time we see Whitehall

       With cobwebs hanging on the wall

       Instead of silk and silver brave,

       Which formerly it used to have,

       With rich perfume in every room—

       Delightful to that princely train,

       Which again you shall see, when the time it shall be,

       That the King enjoys his own again.

      Full forty years the royal crown

       Hath been his father’s and his own;

       And is there any one but he

       That in the same should sharer be?

       For who better may the sceptre sway

       Than he that hath such right to reign?

       Then let’s hope for a peace, for the wars will not cease

       Till the King enjoys his own again.

      [Did Walker no predictions lack In Hammond’s bloody almanack? Foretelling things that would ensue, That all proves right, if lies be true; But why should not he the pillory foresee, Wherein poor Toby once was ta’en? And also foreknow to the gallows he must go When the King enjoys his own again?] [1]

      Till then upon Ararat’s hill

       My hope shall cast her anchor still,

       Until I see some peaceful dove

       Bring home the branch I dearly love;

       Then will I wait till the waters abate

       Which now disturb my troubled brain,

       Else never rejoice till I hear the voice

       That the King enjoys his own again.

       Table of Contents

      From a broadside in the Roxburghe Collection of Ballads. It appears to have been written shortly after Martin Parker’s original ballad obtained popularity among the Royalists, and to be by another hand. It bears neither date nor printer’s name; and has “God save the King, Amen,” in large letters at the end.

      Oxford and Cambridge shall agree,

       With honour crown’d, and dignity;

       For learned men shall then take place,

       And bad be silenced with disgrace:

       They’ll know it to be but a casualty

       That hath so long disturb’d their brain;

       For I can surely tell that all things will go well

       When the King comes home in peace again.

      Church government shall settled be,

       And then I hope we shall agree

       Without their help, whose high-brain’d zeal

       Hath long disturb’d the common weal;

       Greed out of date, and cobblers that do prate

       Of wars that still disturb their brain;

       The which you will see, when the time it shall be

       That the King comes home in peace again.

      Though many now are much in debt,
