The Cavalier Songs and Ballads of England from 1642 to 1684. Various
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Название: The Cavalier Songs and Ballads of England from 1642 to 1684

Автор: Various

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664602909


СКАЧАТЬ included, it being the intention of the publishers to issue a companion volume, of the Jacobite Ballads of England, from the accession of James II. to the battle of Culloden, should the public receive the present volume with sufficient favour to justify the venture.

      The Editor cannot, in justice to previous fellow-labourers, omit to record his obligation to the interesting volume, with its learned annotations, contributed by Mr. Thomas Wright to the Percy Society; or to another and equally valuable collection, edited by Mr. J. O. Halliwell.

      December, 1862.




       Table of Contents

      Ashmolean Collection.

      Antidote to Melancholy, 1682.

      Apollo’s Banquet, 1690.

      Additional MSS.

      Aviary, 1740–1745.

      Broadsides, in the reign of Charles II.

      „ „ „ Roxburghe ballads.

      Butler’s, Samuel, Posthumous Works, 1732.

      Burney’s, Dr, Collection of Songs.

      Ballads, six, of the time of Charles II., in the British Museum.

      Bagford’s Collection [qu. date].

      Brome’s, Alex., Songs [qu. date].

      Banquet of Music, 1689.

      Bull’s, Dr, Collection of Songs [qu. date].

      * Collection of State Songs that have been published since the Rebellion, and sung at the several Mug-houses in the Cities of London and Westminster, 1716.

      * Collection of Loyal Songs, 1750 [Jacobites].

      Complete Collection of Old and New English and Scotch Songs, 1735.

      Craig’s Collection, 1730.

      Convivial Songster, 1782.

      Crown Garlands of Golden Roses.

      Carey’s, Henry, Musical Centus, 1740.

      * D’Urfey’s Songs (4 volumes,) or Pills to Purge Melancholy.

      Douce’s Collection, Oxford.

      Delightful Companion for the Recorder, 1686.

      Dixon’s Ballads of the Peasants of England.

      English Political Songs and Ballads of the 17th and 18th Centuries, by Walker Wilkins.

      Evans’ Old Ballads, 1810.

      England under the House of Hanover, by Thos. Wright.

      Folly in Print, or a Book of Rhymes, 1667.

      Golden Garlands of Princely delights, 1620.

      Harleian MSS.

      Halifax’s Songs, 1694.

      Halliwell’s Collection of Ballads, “Cheetham Library.”

      Hogg’s Jacobite Relics of Scotland.

      Jordan’s, Thomas, London Triumphant, 1672.

      King’s Library.

      „ Pamphlets—Collection of Political Songs, from 1640 to the Restoration of Charles II.

      Kitchener, Dr, Loyal and National Songs.

      Loyal Songs, 120, 1684, by N. Thompson.

      ,, 180, 1685 to 1694.

      Loyal Songs, 1731.

      * Loyal Songs written against the Rump Parliament, between 1639 and 1661.

      Loyal Garland, containing choice Songs, &c., of our late Revolution, 1761, and 5th Edition, 1686, Percy Society.

      Merry Drollery, complete, 1670.

      Muses’ Merriment, 1656. See “Sportive Wit.”

      Musical MSS., British Museum.

      Musical Miscellany, Watts.

      Muse’s Delight, 1757, or “Apollo’s Cabinet.”

      Old Ballads, 1723, British Museum.

      Playford’s Music and Mirth—“Douce’s Collection.”

      „ Choice Songs, &c.

      Playford’s Theatre of Music, 1685.

      ,, Pleasant Music Companion.

      ,, Catch that Catch can.

      „ Antidote against Melancholy, 1669.

      Political Merriment.

      * Pills to Purge Melancholy, 1661.

      Parker’s, Martin, Ballads, Roxburghe Collection.

      Political Ballads, Percy Society, Wright’s Collection.

      Pepys’ Collection, British Museum.

      Rats rhymed to Death, 1660; King’s Pamphlets, British Museum.

      * Roxburghe Ballads, 3 vols.

      Rump Collection of Songs, 1639 to 1661. See Loyal Songs.

      Ritson’s Ancient Songs, 1790.

      ,, English ,,

      Ramsay, Allan, Tea-table Miscellany, 1724.

      Rome rhymed to Death [qu. date].

      Sportive Wit; the Muse’s Merriment [qu. date].

      Skene MSS.

      Suckling’s, Sir John, Works [qu. date].

      Second Tale of a Tub, 1715.

      Satirical Songs on Costume.

      True Loyalist, or Chevalier’s Favourite, 1779.

      Triumph of Wit, or Ingenuity Displayed.

      Taubman’s, Mat., Heroic СКАЧАТЬ