Constructing conyugal love. Ricardo E. Facci
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Название: Constructing conyugal love

Автор: Ricardo E. Facci

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Документальная литература

Серия: Por un hogar nuevos

isbn: 9789874756572


СКАЧАТЬ is created when there is no physical contact. Not being together, but separate, produces a distant, impersonal relationship. A special element of unity is not present when you are not together for a long period with some physical contact. A marriage does not need to be caressing all the time, but when the caresses are less frequent, a certain tenderness and sweetness disappears from the relationship.

      It is more difficult to listen and concentrate to the other person only with the eyes and ears. They also need their hands. This is easily proven when one is not concentrating on the other. But the use of hands will remedy this.

      A decrease in the caresses is a sign of a cooling of the relationship, of a higher concentration of the person in their own interests, and an increased sensitivity to be hurt. It often starts with a feeling of being isolated, misunderstood, and used. Marriage can be turned into a chore. They think that the romance is gone and this does not necessarily mean that they are upset with the other, or reject the marriage responsibility. But what a pity. They lost the “spark” which should be something new every day with your life partner. Life becomes all tasteless, monotonous. And your attention is dominated by other things, not the spouse. You are not in sync with your spouse. The inside of the body needs to express itself. When a couple touches they come to fully own each other.

      To talk in couples

      1. How much do we caress? What effects do we discover when we caress less?

      2. Why do we caress less?

      3. Which of the two of us caresses more frequently?

      4. What do we say when we take the hand of the other?

      5. Do we know how to listen to the non-verbal language?

      To pray together


      you acted according to

      communication modes of man, making us discover

      the best way to reach the other

      is by your own way.

      Help us not to waste

      the myriad of ways that we have

      to communicate loving,

      to always be synchronized

      with each other

      so our verbal and non-verbal dialogue

      does not have interference

      of any kind.

      That we never stop using

      our language

      to warm our marital relationship.


      We love and know us also with our body

      Adam knew his wife Eve...

      (Gen 4, 1).

      Sex is no longer taboo in talks on the street, among adolescents and young people and in all the dialogues in which sex, concerned in its generality, does not affect the privacy of the partners.

      But it is still taboo to discuss the issue between husband and wife because it touches on intimacy. Do you speak of sexuality with whom you share and live? Experience tells us that husbands do not discuss their sexuality. They “make love” but they do not speak it because “they are embarrassed”. They give of themselves, and are physically delivered to the other. And that is where it ends. Each one will have to interpret the act because it is a “silent movie”.

      Bodies do not love, pleasure does not love, nor does desire love. Love originates from within, from the depths of the heart. Bodies are the transmitters of that message of intimacy and depth of the being. Thus, sexuality is defined in a warm and loving language that takes as its content that which each one feels with respect to the other.

      Without ceasing to be an individual, each being opens up to their partner completely. Personal and total delivery is exemplified through their bodies. A self that is body, soul, and spirit enters in communion with the other in its three dimensions: physical, psychological and spiritual.

      Sexuality is not love but the language of love. It is not human. A sexuality without love is not human because it does not integrate the three dimensions of the person. This makes sexuality basically transparent of the two lives, two souls and two bodies; transparency of two truths, two loves, two sincerities that open mutually. The transparency of the naked bodies is not a sign of the daring and provocative, rather the sacred sign of two hearts and two clean lives. When there is any lie within us (adverse sentiment, not expressed, at the moment being shared) it makes nudity lose its naturalness, thus arises the shame Adam and Eve (cf. Gen 3, 7).

      The transparency of sexuality will make the physical signs of the couple accompanied by words of love, which are filled with the sense of the same sign. It's one of those unique moments when the word becomes tender, loving, and sweet and without aggressiveness. A physical delivery that is not accompanied by the tenderness of the word, is mysterious, murky, tarnished. It is the moment to mutually express how much they want and love, how much each is needed, how happy each feels living next to each other so you can know each other fully!

      Not in vain, the word of God called the sexual relationship with a somewhat rare term for our language today: know. As expressed in biblical text with which we started the reflection, “The man knew Eve, his wife.” All delivery of the spouses must be a full and mutual understanding because it is a revelation of one to the other as they are and as they want to be. Knowing is to enter into the being of the other. It is to empathize with the other, it is to discover the truth of the other. We love and we know each other also with the body.

      To talk in couples

      1. Do we talk about our sex?

      2. What do we feel when we deliver ourselves to the other?

      3. How do we see our sexual behavior?

      4. In what must we improve sexually to grow in our relationship?

      To pray together


      We give you thanks and we praise,

      because you are the God of love.

      You have created us, male and female,

      with endless craving for love.

      You want that our intimate delivery

      is a sacrament,

      a sign that you love us.

      And also,

      that our physical delivery

      is a sacrament from within ourselves,

      a sign that expresses

      the language of our love.

      Thank you, Lord,

      because through that delivery

      You let us know each other

      every day more СКАЧАТЬ