Натали: искусство жить. Надя Бирру
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СКАЧАТЬ how are you?

      Amir: i am fine thanks, congrats you get i-net;)

      Natalie: yes, quite happy about it! I need to make a call that I am at home (to the person I was before, the daughter of the lady I live with)

      Amir: ok no problem, take your time

      Natalie: she called already herself. Her name is Mary and she is VERY kind to me

      Amir: that’s very good

      Natalie: the old lady’s name is Nelly and she is now in hospital, so I am here alone!

      Amir: ohhh i want to listen to you that she is in hospital, how is she now?

      Natalie: she hurt her leg in tram, same leg for the second time…

      Amir: God! how’s she now?

      *** Call from Amir, duration 00:18. ***

      Amir: ok speak

      i need to buy a microphone, my head set is broken

      Natalie: not too bad, doctor watched her

      Amir: thank GOD

      Natalie: why? dońt you know you have the problem before? it́s strange

      Amir: yes i can hear you

      *** Call ended ***

      Amir: i don’t, come on you have beautiful voice;)

      Natalie: I dońt like the situation! Why I have to speak with myself? Buy a microphone and then call!;) and your web is also broken I guess?

      Amir: Hiiii i am sorry, bad connection! can i see you again?

      Natalie: yes, if I can see you :)

      Amir: well web is not broken for sure, it’s with me just have to install its software

      Natalie: well let’s try. When will you do that?

      Amir: maybe tomorrow because its weekend tomorrow and i will have sufficient time to spend with you and my laptop

      Natalie: ok, then you will see me tomorrow!

      Amir: :( just a sight of you???… how’s everything at home? your son?

      Natalie: all right! my son needs my help with Estonian, he used I do it instead of him! :)

      Amir: hahaaha really? so who is helping you in GERMAN?

      Natalie: nobody yet, but I have one friend in Berlin, Raimund, also from facebook, we have in plan to meet next weekends and maybe I can find some friends here, in Köln

      Amir: that’s nice, yea you should have friends to spend good time with them

      Natalie: mostly I want them to help me with the language, by the way I like to learn Arabic, so if we really meet some day, be ready to teach me!

      Amir: sure why not, it will be my pleasure… ok open your cam for 1 minute, i wana see you, you’re looking very beautiful today

      Natalie: and i don’t want! I cańt see you, so you also won’t see me. It is honest!

      Amir: just 1 minute, tomorrow i will work on my laptop as i said it’s weekend… just open and close… you there?

      Natalie: yes, but I told you: I dońt want! Yoúve promised me I would see you, but your webcam even isńt installed. What is it? you was SO angry when I couldńt do the same for you and I really couldńt and explained you why.

      Amir: i am sorry for that

      Natalie: I don’t like when ppl lie, remember that

      Amir: that my webcam is not installed, in fact i didn’t use it from long time

      Natalie: ok, you are sorry, I am too, you won’t see me today, that’s all

      Amir: that’s the reason it’s not working… just for some seconds

      Natalie: and mine also doesńt work for you today! :))

      Amir: and then you can close your cam… Hahhahahahaha ok no problem, i understand, it’s my mistake

      Natalie: very well! I want to be on facebook for a while and read some msges from my friends

      Amir: ok, no problem, should i wait for you?

      Natalie: no, good night! :)

      Amir: you don’t want to talk?

      Natalie: I used go to sleep on time and I have to take a shower before and pray! so bye

      Amir: ok… tomorrow i will be here, so we can talk long, i will fix my webcam and will check for microphone as well

      Natalie: I dońt promise long talk, I dońt like it really

      Amir: :( ok short talk

      Natalie: well! :)

      [11.10.201* 22:30:25] Amir: hhaahahahah ok take care and sweet dreams, i miss you, good night

      [11.10.201* 22:30:46] Natalie: GN



      Дела у Нелли с выздоровлением шли не очень хорошо. Сказывался и возраст, и унылый настрой души – организм не хотел бороться, сопротивляться и восстанавливаться, рана на ноге оказалась глубокой, начала загнивать и никак не хотела затягиваться.

      Натали проведывала Нелли ежедневно, благо больница находилась недалеко, всего три трамвайные остановки, которые Натали легко и с удовольствием проходила пешком.

      В первый день, отыскав больницу, а в ней нужное отделение и палату Нелли, Натали была так довольна собой, что на обратном пути вскарабкалась на полуметровый каменный заборчик и шла по нему, подпрыгивая на ходу, как в детстве. В одном месте СКАЧАТЬ