American Independence and the French Revolution (1760-1801). Various
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Название: American Independence and the French Revolution (1760-1801)

Автор: Various

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Документальная литература


isbn: 4064066216115


СКАЧАТЬ Horsham election petition.

       (B) Steyning.

       THE RIGHT OF THE FRENCH NATION TO SELF-GOVERNMENT (1792) . Source. — Cowper’s Letters. Thomas Wright. London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1904. Vol. iv., pp. 332-335.

       To Lady Hesketh, Dec. 1, 1792.

       PERORATION IN THE IMPEACHMENT OF WARREN HASTINGS (1794) . Source. — Speech in the Impeachment of Warren Hastings, Esq. Edmund Burke. Vol. viii. of his Collected Works. London: G. Bell and Sons. 1908.

       GEORGE III. ASSAULTED BY THE MOB (1795) . Source. — Letters of Princess Elizabeth of England. Edited by Philip Yorke. London: Fisher Unwin. 1898.

       To Lady Harcourt, Wednesday, 5th July, 1795.

       THE MUTINY AT THE NORE (1797) . Source. — Annual Register. Vol. xxxix., pp. 214 et seq. of History of Europe.

       ENGLAND AND THE DIRECTORY (1797) . Source. — Correspondence of the First Earl of Malmesbury , London, 1844. Vol. iii., pp. 577 et seq.

       Letter from Lord Malmesbury to Mr. Pitt, Calais. Sept. 18th. 1797.

       Letter from Lord Malmesbury to Mr. Canning, Calais, Monday, 9 p.m., Sept. 18th, 1797.

       Extract of a Despatch from Lord Malmesbury to Lord Grenville, Calais, 19th Sept., 1797.

       THE BATTLE OF THE NILE (OR ABOUKIR BAY) (1798) . Source. — Annual Register. Vol. xl., pp. 142 et seq. of History of Europe .

       SUPPLIES GRANTED BY PARLIAMENT FOR NAVY AND ARMY (1800) . Source. — Annual Register. Vol. xlii., pp. 160 et seq. of Appendix to Chronicle .



       HIS MAJESTY’S SPEECH TO THE FIRST UNION PARLIAMENT (1801) . Source. — Annual Register. Vol. xliii., pp. 207 et seq. of State Papers .

       His Majesty’s Speech to both Houses, on opening the Imperial Parliament, 2d February, 1801.

       Gentlemen of the House of Commons ,

       My Lords and Gentlemen ,

       Table of Contents

      This series of English History Source Books is intended for use with any ordinary textbook of English History. Experience has conclusively shown that such apparatus is a valuable—nay, an indispensable—adjunct to the history lesson. It is capable of two main uses: either by way of lively illustration at the close of a lesson, or by way of inference-drawing, before the textbook is read, at the beginning of the lesson. The kind of problems and exercises that may be based on the documents are legion, and are admirably illustrated in a History of England for Schools, Part I., by Keatinge and Frazer, pp. 377–381. However, we have no wish to prescribe for the teacher the manner in which he shall exercise his craft, but simply to provide him and his pupils with materials hitherto not readily accessible for school purposes. The very moderate price of the books in this series should bring them within the reach of every secondary school. Source books enable the pupil to take a more active part than hitherto in the history lesson. Here is the apparatus, the raw material: its use we leave to teacher and taught.

      Our belief is that the books may profitably be used by all grades of historical students between the standards of fourth-form boys in secondary schools and undergraduates at Universities. What differentiates students at one extreme from those at the other is not so much the kind of subject-matter dealt with, as the amount they can read into or extract from it.

      In regard to choice of subject-matter, while trying to satisfy the natural demand for certain “stock” documents of vital importance, we hope to introduce much fresh and novel matter. It is our intention that the majority of the extracts should be lively in style—that is, personal, or descriptive, or rhetorical, or even strongly partisan—and should not so much profess to give the truth as supply data for inference. We aim at the greatest possible variety, and lay under contribution letters, biographies, ballads and poems, diaries, debates, and newspaper accounts. Economics, London, municipal, and social life generally, and local history, are represented in these pages.

      The order of the extracts is strictly chronological, each being numbered, titled, and dated, and its authority given. The text is modernised, where necessary, to the extent of leaving no difficulties in reading.

      We shall be most grateful to teachers and students who may send us suggestions for improvement.

      S. E. WINBOLT.



       Table of Contents

      The difficulty which an editor of period 1760–1801 has to face is the wealth of contemporary sources available. I have drawn largely, as will be seen, on the series of Home Office Papers in the Calendar of State Papers, the series of the Acts of the Privy Council, the Gentleman’s Magazine, and Annual Register. I trust that the foreign relations of England are proportionately represented, though want of space has been against the inclusion of much that naturally suggests itself. In spite of defects, my hope is that teachers and pupils in public schools and universities will find these pages useful.

      S. E. W.

      Christ’s Hospital,

       April, 1912.
