American Independence and the French Revolution (1760-1801). Various
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Название: American Independence and the French Revolution (1760-1801)

Автор: Various

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Документальная литература


isbn: 4064066216115


СКАЧАТЬ Chairman of the East India Company to Lord Dartmouth.

       WAR MATERIAL FOR AMERICA (1774) . Source. — Calendar of Home Office Papers (1773-1775) . Pp. 240 et seq.

       Earl of Suffolk to the Earl of Dartmouth.

       Earl of Suffolk to the Earl of Dartmouth.

       Earl of Suffolk to the Earl of Dartmouth.

       Lords of the Admiralty to the Earl of Dartmouth.

       AMERICAN EXPEDITION TO CANADA (1775) . Source. — Calendar of Home Office Papers (1773-1775) . Pp. 407-409.

       Hugh Finlay to ? Anthony Todd.

       RESOLUTIONS FAVOURING THE AMERICAN COLONIES (1775) . Source. —“Speech on Conciliation with America,” Edmund Burke . Vol. i. of his Collected Works. London: G. Bell and Sons. 1909.

       THE ARMIES UNDER HOWE AND CLINTON (1777) . Source. — Gentleman’s Magazine. Vol. xlvii. (1777) , pp. 573 et seq.

       Return of Cannon, Stores, Ammunition, etc., taken and destroyed on this Expedition.

       CHATHAM’S LAST LETTER AND SPEECH (1778) . Source. — Correspondence of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Vol. iv., pp. 518 et seq. [From a draught in the handwriting of Lord Pitt.]

       The Earl of Chatham to the Duke of Richmond, April 6, 1778.

       [ Report of the Earl of Chatham’s Last Speech, from the “London Magazine.” ]

       KING GEORGE’S MESSAGE AND THE SPANISH MANIFESTO (1779) . Source. — Gentleman’s Magazine. Vol. xlix., pp. 324 et seq.

       Copy of the King’s Message. “ George R.

       Copy of the Spanish Manifesto.

       SOCIETY AT BRIGHTHELMSTON (BRIGHTON) IN 1779. Source. —Diarists quoted in History of Brighthelmston . John Ackerson Erredge. Brighton, 1862.

       (A.) The Libraries.

       (B.) The Raffles.

       THE GORDON NO-POPERY RIOTS (1780) . Source. — Letters of Horace Walpole.

       To Rev. William Cole, Strawberry Hill, June 15, 1780.

       SURRENDER OF CORNWALLIS (1781) . Source. — Gentleman’s Magazine. Vol. li., p. 539.

       PRELIMINARIES OF EUROPEAN PEACE (1783) . Source. — Gentleman’s Magazine. Vol. liii., p. 91.

       Between Great Britain and France.

       Between Great Britain and Spain.

       Between Great Britain and the United States of America.

       A VIOLENT ELECTION CONTEST (1784) . Source. — Cowper’s Letters. Thomas Wright. London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1904. Vol. ii., pp. 194-197.

       To Rev. John Newton, April 26, 1784.

       THE COUNTRY POST (1785) . Source. —William Cowper, The Task. Book iv.

       HIS MAJESTY’S SPEECH (1787) . Source. — Annual Register. Vol. xxix., pp. 268 et seq. of State Papers .

       My Lords and Gentlemen ,

       Gentlemen of the House of Commons ,

       My Lords and Gentlemen ,

       CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY (1788) . Source. — Speech in the Impeachment of Warren Hastings, Esq. Edmund Burke. Vol. vii. of his Collected Works. London: G. Bell and Sons. 1911.

       CORN IMPORTS AND EXPORTS (1789) . Source. — Annual Register, 1789 , pp. 279 et seq.



       THE SPOLIATION OF THE CLERGY IN FRANCE (1790) . Source. — Reflections on the Revolution in France. Edmund Burke. Vol. ii. of his Collected Works. London : G. Bell and Sons. 1910.

       SUSSEX ELECTION PETITIONS (1792) . Source. — Oldfield’s Representative History of Great Britain. London, 1816.
