EMPOWERED. Marty Cagan
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Автор: Marty Cagan

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Экономика


isbn: 9781119691327



      Coaching is no longer a specialty; you cannot be a good manager without being a good coach.

       —Bill Campbell

      Bill made this statement years ago, but one of the major learnings of our industry post‐pandemic, is that coaching is more essential than ever. If you hope to innovate at scale, it is simply not optional. Problems escalate faster, relationships are damaged much more easily, and collaboration is harder.

      Which is why you'll notice that the longest part of this book is on coaching. That is no accident.

      In the technology industry, we focus so much on the core skills and competencies used by product managers, designers, and engineers, but so little on the skills and competencies of managers and leaders. Yet it is these managers and leaders who are responsible for molding people into effective teams.

      The logic is simple: Your company depends on successful products. And successful products come from strong product teams.

      Coaching is what turns ordinary people into extraordinary product teams.

      If a product team is not effective, we need to look hard at the people on that team and see where we can help them improve as individuals, and especially as a team.

      The chapters in this part highlight the most important areas of coaching and development for members of product teams. Unless you've been personally coached by an experienced manager, many of the topics may be new to you. Certainly, if you can speak from experience on these topics, so much the better, but if not, it is still valuable to be able to discuss the topic openly. You can learn and improve together.

      More than anything, good coaching is an ongoing dialog, with the goal of helping the employee to reach her potential.

      Coaching might be even more essential than mentoring to our careers and our teams. Whereas mentors dole out words of wisdom, coaches roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty. They don't just believe in our potential; they get in the arena to help us realize our potential. They hold up a mirror so we can see our blind spots and they hold us accountable for working through our sore spots. They take responsibility for making us better without taking credit for our accomplishments.

       —Bill Campbell

      In this chapter, I'd like to focus not on the people you are trying to coach, but rather, on the necessary mindset of you as coach.

      The wrong mindset may lead you to apply these tools in ways that actually undermine their intent.

      A coaching mindset provides a foundation of intent. It is the framing that directs your application of coaching techniques, and your guiding principle for taking action and making decisions around developing a team.

      If you are an experienced coach or manager, you may have already developed your own set of principles. If not, or if you are new to management, or if you are responsible for developing a new manager, this chapter attempts to describe the most important guidelines for coaching and management.

      It's amazing and distressing how few managers actually subscribe to this principle—that developing people is job #1. Most say the right things about the importance of the team, but their actions tell a very different story. They see their accountability for aggregate product outcomes as their most important job and treat their teams as a means to an end.

      If you are a manager, you should be spending most of your time and energy on coaching your team. This means expending real effort on things such as assessing your team, creating coaching plans, and actively helping them improve and develop.

      You should measure your own job performance on the successes of your team members, even more than the success of your products.

      Many new managers see their job as driving their team's task list.

      Empowering means creating an environment where your people can own outcomes and not just tasks. This doesn't mean less management—it means better management.

      You must step back to create this space, while stepping in to remove impediments, clarify context, and provide guidance.

      Remember that we need teams of missionaries, not teams of mercenaries.

      Insecure managers have a particularly hard time empowering people.

      The insecure manager is so worried about being recognized for their contribution, they can see their team's success as a threat to that recognition, rather than the confirmation of the contribution that it truly is. They may deal with this by closely controlling how the team works, or by controlling the team's visibility to leadership. Truly bad managers may actively undermine their own team.

      Be aware of your insecurities and understand how your behavior can interfere with empowering your team.

      I want to be clear that this is not about being arrogant. If anything, arrogance itself is frequently a manifestation of insecurity. Most good managers have a healthy level of humility and are always exploring and working to improve their own performance and growth. They can have these feelings without micromanaging or undermining their team.

      You might be wondering what you can do if you, as a leader in the organization, don't personally have the necessary experience to coach and develop others. If this is the case, at least you are aware of this major gap in your qualifications for the job, but it will be essential for you to immediately find some product leader coaching for yourself. Find someone that has been there and done that at a strong product company and engage them to coach you—and help you in coaching your people.

      Nurturing a team that allows for diverse points of view begins with the hiring process where you consider your team as a portfolio of strengths and backgrounds.

      It continues with creating a space where alternative СКАЧАТЬ