EMPOWERED. Marty Cagan
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Автор: Marty Cagan

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Экономика


isbn: 9781119691327


СКАЧАТЬ moved from companies like theirs to one of these leading companies, and how their performance dramatically improved in the process.

      And further, having worked with many people at each of these companies, I point out how ordinary the vast majority of the people on these teams actually are. Maybe the important difference lies elsewhere?

      Maybe these strong companies have different views on how to leverage their talent in order to help their ordinary people reach their true potential and create, together, extraordinary products.

      CHAPTER 5

      Leadership in Action

      After all, these are the people responsible for staffing and coaching the members of the product teams, and they are responsible for the product vision, principles, and especially the product strategy, which determines the specific problems we need product teams to solve.

      So, what do these strong product leaders look like? And what are they like to work for?

      In INSPIRED, I profiled six product managers who were all responsible for iconic products, yet were largely unknown, and I told their stories—including the challenges they faced and how they overcame them.

      In EMPOWERED, I want to do the same, but this time with product leaders. I profile here eight product leaders. Each has had an exceptional career at iconic product companies. Yet again, most of them are largely unknown.

      I'm not trying to provide full biographies here, but rather, I asked them each to share, in their own words, their journeys to leadership. My hope is that their words will give you a good sense of their approach to leadership, and most of all, what it is like to work with and for a strong and experienced product leader.

      CHAPTER 6

      A Guide to EMPOWERED

      Who This Book Is For

      Specifically, the book is aimed at product leaders and aspiring product leaders. Especially the leaders of product managers, product designers, and engineers.

      When you see a reference to “product person,” that is normally anyone in product management, product design, or engineering. The person might be an individual contributor or a manager.

      When you see a reference to a “product leader,” that is normally a manager/director/VP/CPO of product management, manager/director/VP/CDO of product design, or a manager/director/VP/CTO of engineering.

      Unless stated otherwise, the advice in the book is aimed at product leaders.

      If some advice is aimed at a specific role, such as a product manager, product designer, tech lead, or data scientist, then this will be called out explicitly.

      While there is some role‐specific information for product designers and their leaders, and engineers and their leaders, there is more information for product managers and their leaders. This is because, when moving to empowered product teams, the product manager role and the product management leadership role are usually furthest from where they need to be.

      Who Is Speaking?

      Unless otherwise noted, the author's voice is either Marty Cagan or Chris Jones. Both of us are partners at the Silicon Valley Product Group.

      We don't call out which person wrote each chapter because we both agree with everything written here, and both of us were involved in the many iterations required to get from the first draft of each chapter to the resulting book.

      Further, the lessons shared in this book are drawn from the broader set of SVPG partners. Between all of us, we have well over 100 years of experience leading product organizations at many of the top tech companies.

      We are intentionally writing in the first person because we want to come as close as possible to the experience of sitting down with you, the reader, for a series of one‐on‐one coaching sessions, where our only goal is to help you become an exceptionally strong product leader.

       In Part II, we focus on the most important responsibility of strong product leaders, which is coaching and development of the people on the product teams.

       In Part III, we discuss staffing these product teams—how to identify, recruit, and onboard these people and ensure they are effective.

       In Part IV, we discuss the product vision and principles, which define the future we are trying to create.

       In Part V, we look at how we structure the product teams into a team topology that best meets the company's needs.

       In Part VI, we discuss the product strategy, which is how we decide which are the most important problems for these product teams to solve.

       In Part VII, we convert our product strategy into action through team objectives (problems to solve) for each product team.

       In Part VIII, we provide a detailed case study that shows how each of these concepts plays out in practice in a complicated, real‐world situation.

       In Part IX, we discuss how to establish the necessary collaboration between the product organization and the rest of the business.

       In Part X, we tie everything together and give you a plan for transforming your organization to work the way the best teams and companies do.

      While the type of change that is necessary is by no means easy, it is absolutely possible. This book is specifically designed to give you the knowledge and the skills you'll need to succeed.