Security Engineering. Ross Anderson
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Название: Security Engineering

Автор: Ross Anderson

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Зарубежная компьютерная литература


isbn: 9781119642817


СКАЧАТЬ in the ‘Vault 7’ leaks in 2017. These include manuals for tools that can be used to install a remote access Trojan on your machine, with components to geolocate it and to exfiltrate files (including SSH credentials), audio and video; a tool to jump air gaps by infecting thumb drives; a tool for infecting wifi routers so they'll do man-in-the-middle attacks; and even a tool for watermarking documents so a whistleblower who leaks them could be tracked. Many of the tools are available not just for Windows but also for macOS and Android; some infect firmware, making them hard to remove. There are tools for hacking TVs and IoT devices too, and tools to hamper forensic investigations. The Vault 7 documents are useful reading if you're curious about the specifications and manuals for modern government malware [2023]. As an example of the law-enforcement use of such tools, in June 2020 it emerged that the French police in Lille had since 2018 installed malware on thousands of Android phones running EncroChat, an encrypted messaging system favoured by criminals, leading to the arrest of 800 criminal suspects in France, the Netherlands, the UK and elsewhere, as well as the arrest of several police officers for corruption and the seizure of several tons of drugs [1334]. The analyst's viewpoint

      Given a high-value target, there's a big bag of tools the analyst can install on their laptop or cellphone directly. They can locate it physically, turn it into a room bug and even use it as a remote camera. They can download the target's address book and contact history and feed that into Xkeyscore to search recursively for their direct and indirect contacts. Meanwhile the analyst can bug messaging apps, beating the end-to-end encryption by collecting the call contents once they've been decrypted. They can set up an alarm to notify them whenever the target sends or receives messages of interest, or changes location. The coverage is pretty complete. And when it's time for the kill, the target's phone can be used to guide a bomb or a missile. Little wonder Ed Snowden insisted that journalists interviewing him put their phones in the fridge!

      Finally, the analyst has also a proxy through which they can access the Internet surreptitiously – typically a machine on a botnet. It might even be the PC in your home office. Offensive operations

      The Director NSA also heads the US Cyber Command, which since 2009 has been one of ten unified commands of the United States Department of Defense. It is responsible for offensive cyber operations, of which the one that made a real difference was Stuxnet. This was a worm designed to damage Iran's uranium enrichment centrifuges by speeding them up and slowing them down in patterns designed to cause mechanical damage, and was developed jointly by the USA and Israel [326, 827]. It was technically sophisticated, using four zero-day exploits and two stolen code-signing certificates to spread promiscuously through Windows PCs, until it found Siemens programmable logic controllers of the type used at Iran's Natanz enrichment plant – where it would then install a rootkit that would issue the destructive commands, while the PC assured the operators that everything was fine. It was apparently introduced using USB drives to bridge the air gap to the Iranian systems, and came to light in 2010 after copies had somehow spread to central Asia and Indonesia. Two other varieties of malware (Flame and Duqu) were then discovered using similar tricks and common code, performing surveillance at a number of companies in the Middle East and South Asia; more recent code-analysis tools have traced a lineage of malware that goes back to 2002 (Flowershop) and continued to operate until 2016 (with the Equation Group tools) [2071].

      Stuxnet acted as a wake-up call for other governments, which rushed to acquire ‘cyber-weapons’ and develop offensive cyber doctrine – a set of principles for what cyber warriors might do, developed with some thought given to rationale, strategy, tactics and legality. Oh, and the price of zero-day vulnerabilities rose sharply. Attack scaling

      Computer scientists know the importance of how algorithms scale, and exactly the same holds for attacks. Tapping a single mobile phone is hard. You have to drive around behind the suspect with radio and cryptanalysis gear in your car, risk being spotted, and hope that you manage to catch the suspect's signal as they roam from one cell to another. Or you can drive behind them with a false base station7 and hope their phone will roam to it as the signal is louder than the genuine one; but then you risk electronic detection too. Both are highly skilled work and low-yield: you lose the signal maybe a quarter of the time. So if you want to wiretap someone in central Paris often enough, why not just wiretap everyone? Put antennas on your embassy roof, collect it all, write the decrypted calls and text messages into a database, and reconstruct the sessions electronically. If you want to hack everyone in France, hack the telco, perhaps by subverting the equipment it uses. At each stage the capital cost goes up but the marginal cost of each tap goes down. The Five Eyes strategy is essentially to collect everything in the world; it might cost billions to establish and maintain the infrastructure, but once it's there you have everything.