Паньгу отделяет небо. Народное творчество
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СКАЧАТЬ do the adoption proceedings stand?” Christopher asked. Seven months ago, Toby had taken in the Hemings children: eleven-year-old Brian, eight-year-old Justin and seven-year-old Kylie. The kids had had nowhere to turn and faced possible separation when their aunt was ordered into rehab for a drinking problem and child neglect. Both Christopher and Toby had known the kids from the Vicker’s Corners YMCA where they had worked as coaches. Most people would’ve run from that kind of responsibility—Christopher knew he certainly couldn’t have handled it—but Toby hadn’t thought twice before agreeing to take them in.

      Unfortunately, the kids’ aunt, who obviously didn’t have the children’s best interests at heart, had decided to try and take the kids from Toby and send them into another unstable situation in California. Her reasoning was the kids should be with relatives. Never mind that the relative she’d chosen was out of work and on parole.

      That’s all it took for Toby to decide he needed to legally adopt the children.

      “Everything is still pending,” said Toby. “Frankly, it’s taking so long I’m starting to get worried.”

      “I just don’t understand what the holdup is,” said Angie. “They not only have a loving home with us, but they also have become part of the family. They call Jeanne Marie and Deke Grandma and Grandpa. They’re calling your sisters and brothers Aunt and Uncle. How anyone could think that uprooting these poor kids is what’s best for them is beyond me. It breaks my heart.”

      Toby caressed Angie’s shoulder. “We are going to do everything in our power to make sure they stay with us.”

      “What can I do to help?” asked Christopher.

      Toby shrugged. “At this point I don’t know what else anyone could do.”

      “The Fortune name carries a lot of clout,” said Christopher. “Maybe we can use its influence to get things going in the right direction.”

      Toby peered at him. “What exactly are you suggesting?”

      Christopher gave a one-shoulder shrug as he rubbed the fingers of his left hand together in the international gesture for money. “Money talks, bro.”

      Toby frowned and shook his head. “Please don’t even suggest anything like that. I don’t want to be accused of doing anything unethical. That might hurt the situation more than it helps.”

      “Nonsense,” said Christopher. “I think you’re being very shortsighted if you don’t take full advantage of your birthright.”

      Christopher saw Toby take in a slow deep breath, as he always did when faced with conflict. It was as if he were framing his response so that he didn’t lose his cool.

      “I appreciate your concern, Chris,” said Toby evenly. “But the caseworker told me she’s worried that the Fortunes themselves may be part of the problem. Since the Fortunes invaded Horseback Hollow so many strange things have happened. The authorities still think Orlando Mendoza’s accident might have been directed at the family.”

      “Don’t be ridiculous,” said Christopher. “Why would anyone want to hurt the Fortunes? I mean, look at me. I’m living proof. Since I changed my name nothing bad has happened to me.”

      Christopher turned his palms up to punctuate his point.

      “That is, if you don’t count your running away from home and shunning your entire family as something bad.”

      Toby cocked an eyebrow at Christopher.

      Christopher locked gazes with his brother and crossed his arms.

      “Look, I know this Fortune Foundation gig is still new and exciting to you,” said Toby, “so don’t take this wrong. But someday you’re going to learn that some things are more important than money.”

      Christopher glanced over at Kinsley, but she and her friend were gone. His gaze swept the restaurant, but she was nowhere to be seen. How had he not seen her leave?

      He picked up his champagne glass and knocked back the contents.

      “Come on, Chris,” said Toby. “When are you coming home? No one has seen you in months. They certainly have no idea that you’ve completely disowned Daddy’s name.”

      Toby was usually the only one who could see Christopher’s side in times when he and Deke disagreed, which was more often than not. Awkward silence hung in the air and, for once, Christopher didn’t know how to fill it. He didn’t want to fight with Toby, but he wasn’t going back to Horseback Hollow. His life was here now, and he would prefer to keep his old and new lives separate. The contrast between the Joneses and the Fortunes was stark. Christopher couldn’t take the chance of losing the respect he’d earned at the Foundation.

      “Man up, Chris,” Toby urged. “Take the high road and be the one who extends the olive branch to Deke.”

      “Yeah, well that high road has two lanes. Deke can bring that olive branch to me easier than I can bring it to him. I’m a little too busy right now to coddle a grown man.”

      Toby made a tsk sound. “An old man. Don’t wait too long. You may be sorry if you do.”

      “Don’t pull that guilt trip crap on me,” said Christopher. “Just don’t. But please do tell me why it’s okay for Deke to resent me for making an honest living in a career I love. For making my own way. For not having dirt under my fingernails. No offense to you, but why should I have to grovel to him because the ranch life is not the kind of life I want? Until Deke understands that, I don’t think we’re going to meet anywhere, much less with an olive branch.”

      Truth be told, he would rather be known as James Marshall Fortune’s nephew than as the son of Deke Jones, crusty old cattle rancher. Christopher hoped that Toby wouldn’t make him come out and say that.

      Toby stared at Christopher, looking thin-lipped and angry.

      “So you’ve got the fancy suits, the brand-new car and a parade of women who think you’re a big shot,” said Toby, virtually rolling his eyes at what he obviously perceived as self-importance. “Looks like you’ve finally achieved your dream, haven’t you?”

      “You shouldn’t knock it since you’ve never tried it,” said Christopher. “No offense to you, Angie. I’m just saying.”

      Toby took his wife’s hand and laced his fingers through hers. “No loss. Believe me, I wouldn’t trade my life for yours. I couldn’t possibly be any happier than I am with Angie and the kids. On that note, I think we’d better start heading toward home.”

      Toby pulled out his wallet and tossed a crisp $100 bill onto the table in payment for the food they hadn’t managed to stay long enough to have delivered to their table. It was probably one of the ten that Christopher had given him as a wedding gift.

      Christopher slid the bill back toward his brother. “Here, Toby. I’ve got this.”

      Toby stood. “No, you don’t. If you got this, you would stop acting like such a pretentious jackass and come home and make amends with Dad. You may have given up on us, Chris, but we’ll never give up on you. Take care of yourself and call me when you’re ready to talk.”

      Chapter СКАЧАТЬ