Паньгу отделяет небо. Народное творчество
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СКАЧАТЬ But although Christopher looked forward to being an uncle, he couldn’t imagine any other kind of life than the one he was living now.

      On their way to lunch Christopher had seized the opportunity to show off his new town and lifestyle. He’d loaded the newlyweds into his spankin’ new BMW and given them the fifty cent tour of downtown Red Rock.

      Although there were certainly fancier restaurants in town, none spoke to Christopher quite the way Red did. Obviously the Mendoza appeal wasn’t restricted to Red Rock, since Toby and Angie seemed to love their food as much as he did.

      Christopher held open the door as Angie and Toby stepped inside. He breathed in deeply as he followed them. It smelled damn good...of fresh corn tortillas, chilies and spices. There was something about the mix of old and new that appealed to him. The restaurant was housed in a converted hacienda that had once been owned by a Spanish family rumored to have been related to Mexican dignitary Antonio López de Santa Ana. Santa Ana was known as the Napoleon of the West. Christopher had recently learned that the current owners of the property, Jose and Maria Mendoza, had been fortunate to purchase the house and land at an affordable price before anyone realized its historical significance. The place couldn’t have been in better hands because the Mendozas had given the place its due reverence. That was especially true after the restaurant had been largely destroyed by an arson fire in 2009. Luckily, the family rebuilt and reopened after several months and had been going strong ever since.

      Inside, the restaurant was decorated with antiques, paintings and memorabilia that dated all the way back to 1845 when President James Polk named Texas the twenty-eighth state of the Union.

      In college, Christopher had complemented his business major with a history minor. So it was only natural that he liked the place for its history.

      But the food...he loved the place for its food.

      Red offered a mouthwatering selection of nouveau Mexican cuisine. The chef had a talent for taking traditional dishes such as huevos rancheros, the chicken mole that Angie was so crazy about and tamales, and sending them to new heights using fresh twists on old classics. The menu was bright and vibrant, familiar yet new and exciting.

      Christopher had experienced nothing like it in Horseback Hollow. His mother, Jeanne Marie, was a great cook, but her repertoire was more of the meat and potatoes/comfort food variety. The food at Red was an exotic and surprising twist on traditional Mexican.

      The chef was always coming up with new specials of the day and anytime Christopher was in, he asked him to taste test and share his opinion. Christopher loved being able to offer his input.

      “Good afternoon, Mr. Fortune,” said the hostess. “We’re so glad you chose to join us for lunch today. Come right this way. Your favorite table is ready.”

      The shapely brunette shot Christopher a sexy smile before she turned, hips swaying, as she led the three of them to an aged pine table next to a large window where they could enjoy the comfort of the air-conditioning, but still look out at the well-landscaped courtyard. As far as Christopher was concerned, it was the best seat in the house.

      After they were settled, the hostess handed each of them a menu. “Enjoy your lunch, and please let me know if you need anything.”

      She winked at Christopher before she turned to make her way back to the hostess station.

      That was quite obvious of her, Christopher thought as he watched her walk away on her high-high heels with the grace and assurance of a tightrope walker. Her skirt was just short enough to draw the eye down to her firm, tanned calves. Now, that was a woman who knew how to dress. Unlike Kinsley, who hid herself under all that heavy tweed fabric that left her looking buttoned-up and shapeless. What a shame.

      Suddenly, seeing Kinsley in a skirt and heels like that became his new fantasy.

      “I see you come here for the good service,” Toby said, a knowing glint in his eye.

      “Of course.” As Christopher turned back to his brother and Angie, a blonde caught his eye. She was was seated at a table to their left—and he couldn’t help noticing that she resembled Kinsley—

      Wait, that is Kinsley.

      She was dining with a woman he didn’t recognize. He had a view of Kinsley’s profile. If she just turned her head ever so slightly to the right she would see him, but she seemed engrossed in her conversation. Just as he was contemplating getting up and going over to say hello, her server brought their food.

      She must have gotten here before him and ordered already. Besides, he, Toby and Angie had just sat down. They hadn’t even placed their drink order. He would wait.

      When she’d made his reservation she hadn’t mentioned that she’d be dining here herself, even though she knew he was going to be here right around the same time. Maybe she was afraid that he would think she was angling for an invite to join them. Most of the women he knew wouldn’t have been shy about doing that. But Kinsley was different. Quiet, understated, more conservative.

      She was a refreshing change from all the other women he’d met since he’d been in Red Rock. And there had been more than a few. Most of them were sassy and assertive, not at all afraid to reach out and let him know exactly what they wanted and how they wanted it. None of them was a keeper, either. They were all nice and fun, of course, but they left him wanting.

      Kinsley, on the other hand, was a puzzle, and most definitely, he realized as he was sitting there, one he was interested in trying to solve.

      Hmm. Why had he never thought about her like that before? He’d always thought she was pretty, and on occasion he’d tried to flirt with her, but until right now, he’d never really thought about what made her tick.

      As if she felt him watching her, she glanced his way, and their gazes snared. He waved and she lifted a finger before turning her attention back to her lunch companion.

      Despite this strange new Kinsley-awareness coursing through him, Christopher decided he should do the same and turned his focus to his brother and Angie. But pushing her from his mind was harder than he had expected.

      The view of the courtyard helped. It was spectacular, with colorful Talavera tiles scattered here and there on the stucco walls, Mexican fan trees and more thriving bougainvillea that seemed to be blooming overtime today in a riot of hot pink, purple and gold. But even the crowning glory of the stately, large fountain in the center of the courtyard couldn’t keep Christopher’s gaze from wandering over Kinsley’s way.

      “Too bad we couldn’t sit outside,” Toby said.

      If the temperature wasn’t pushing ninety, Christopher would’ve insisted that they sit out by the fountain. Even though the outside tables were shaded by colorful umbrellas, the humidity was a killer. He didn’t want to sweat through his suit and then go back to work.

      Not the image he wanted to portray, he thought, glancing at Kinsley.

      “Is this okay?” he asked Toby and Angie. “We could move, but it’s a killer out there.”

      “No, this is so lovely,” said Angie. “I want to stay right here.”

      Before she could say more, Marcos Mendoza, the manager of Red, appeared at their table.

      “Christopher Fortune, my man.” Marcos and Christopher shook hands. “It’s great to see you.”

      “You, СКАЧАТЬ