Her Wild Protector. Naomi Bellina
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Название: Her Wild Protector

Автор: Naomi Bellina

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежная фантастика

Серия: Mills & Boon E

isbn: 9781474000611


СКАЧАТЬ took a long, steamy shower then climbed into bed and forced herself to read a few chapters of her book. Eventually her nerves settled down and she slept.

      * * *

      All the next day Tara fought a sense of unease. When she concentrated, she was still able to zip through her tasks as quickly as she had the previous day, but her mind kept wandering to the strange events of the evening before. Though curious by nature, warning bells dinged loudly and her intuition told her not to get involved in this strange incident. She knew whatever was going on spelled danger.

      The day finally ended, and just as she was about to head home, her work phone rang.

      “Hello, you’ve reached Tara in accounting. How can I help you?”

      “Meet me at the Crazy Bean Coffee Shop in fifteen minutes. This is Marshall. From last night.”

      Tara’s pulse skipped a beat.

      “How did you get my number?”

      “I have resources. I need to talk to you and if you won’t meet with me I’ll come to your office.”

      His tone held no room for argument and he’d already hung up by the time she came to her senses enough to protest. Tara believed he would make good on his threat and come up to her area in the office, so she quickly finished shutting down her computer, grabbed her purse and headed down the hall.

      To her utter annoyance, she found herself drawn to the bathroom mirror where she slid on a smidge of lipstick and fluffed her hair before leaving the office. Marshall’s voice on the phone, abrupt though it had been, contained an underlying tone of sensuality and sent a ripple of pleasure through her. Though she fully intended to keep the conversation brief and was only going along with his demand so he would leave her alone, she wanted to look good doing it.

      She stepped outside and was greeted with a gust of wind. So much for primping. Her hair flew everywhere and she squinted with her hand held over her eyes. It was bright, sunny and breezy—a perfect day. The Crazy Bean was not far away, so Tara decided to walk. She didn’t plan to spend much time in the establishment and figured she could get away easier on foot if she needed to. Besides, the coffee shop was always busy. If Hot and Crazy tried anything, a loud yell would bring help.

      Her heart did a little flip when she saw him sitting at a table. Even if he was a lunatic, he was a damn fine-looking one. Today he wore blue jeans and a long-sleeved button-down shirt. It was open just enough that she could see a patch of dark hair on his chest. As she got closer, the faint scent of an enticing woodsy aftershave or cologne reached her nostrils and made her pulse skip a beat. He still had on those sunglasses, and though they made him look hot as hell, people who wore shades indoors irritated her. She slid into the seat across from him.

      “So talk. I don’t have a lot of time,” she began. In reality, she had nothing but time this Friday night, but she wasn’t going to tell him that.

      A server took her order, then he leaned in close and lowered his voice.

      “When I saw you yesterday, you said something about seeing some kind of light. A blue light. Is that correct?”

      “I was having a problem with my eyes. Too much staring at a computer, that’s all.”

      “You’re a poor liar, Tara. This is important, so please tell me the truth. You saw me change to another form last night, didn’t you?”

      Tara tried to keep her face neutral, but was sure he saw her eyes widen.

      “Have you ever seen anyone do that before?” he asked, studying her closely.

      She shook her head and he reached over and lightly moved her bangs from her forehead. A tingle danced through her body at his touch.

      “You’re hurt. Did this just happen?”

      She nodded, speech eluding her.

      “Maybe that’s why you could see me change,” he murmured, almost to himself. “I need to talk to you more, find out what you can and can’t see. You’ll have to come with me to a more private place.”

      “I’m not going anywhere with you,” Tara said, finding her voice at last. “Whatever I saw yesterday was a hallucination, from this bump on my head.”

      “You’ve been seeing other things, haven’t you?” he asked. “Colors a little off, shadows where they shouldn’t be, flashes of light?”

      Tara stared at him, dumbstruck. That was exactly what she’d been experiencing since she hit her head.

      “What’s going on? Do I have a serious injury?” Even as she asked the question, she knew that wasn’t the reason for the weirdness she’d witnessed. A blue light had come from this enigmatic man sitting in front of her, not from a figment of her imagination or the bump to her head.

      “I can’t tell you any more here. Please, come with me. I promise you’ll be safe.”

      “Take off your sunglasses,” she said. There would be no further discussion until she could see past the mirrored surface.

      He pulled them off and her jaw dropped. His eyes were extraordinary, a deep emerald color, flecked and ringed with gold. Her own eyes were hazel and had been called beautiful, but were nothing like what she gazed into now.

      Then he smiled and she was lost. The face that had struck her as ruggedly handsome now became so sensually appealing, her mouth curved unconsciously. He radiated confidence and warmth, and the sincerity she saw caused her defenses to crumble.

      “Please, say you’ll come with me,” he pleaded.

      “I…” she began, but stopped as Marshall suddenly stiffened. He swore under his breath and she followed his gaze to a man who had just walked into the shop.

      “We should go. Now,” he said in a quiet voice, and put his glasses back on.

      The man stepped up to the counter and spoke to the cashier, then turned to look at them. He smiled at Marshall, and as he did, his features changed swiftly. His face and form shifted until suddenly, a large cheetah was standing a few yards away, holding a paper cup.

      Yet he was not just a cat. This creature was part animal, part man, and totally freaky. Tara’s blood froze. She yelped, and then jumped up from the table, spilling her coffee.

      “Don’t move. Sit down,” Marshall said quietly, urgency in his voice.

      She put her hand over her mouth.

      A scream threatened to emerge and Tara couldn’t understand why no one else in the shop seemed concerned that there was a wild animal in their midst.

      “Sit down,” Marshall said in a deep, low voice that was almost a growl.

      “Th-that man,” she stuttered.

      “I know. Sit down and look away before he sees you looking.”

      It was too late. Cheetah Guy stared right at her. She took a step back and knocked over her chair. His eyebrows drew together initially in puzzlement, but in a moment his gold eyes flared with anger. He lifted a lip in a snarl, showing long, pointed teeth. СКАЧАТЬ