Her Wild Protector. Naomi Bellina
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Название: Her Wild Protector

Автор: Naomi Bellina

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежная фантастика

Серия: Mills & Boon E

isbn: 9781474000611


СКАЧАТЬ go of her,” another voice demanded, and Tara turned to see Mr. D & D approaching them.

      Her attacker dropped her arm and took a step back. “We’re just having a chat—nothing’s going on,” he said, and with a final snarl at Tara, lumbered back into his shop.

       Chapter Two

      Tara stared with wide eyes at the stranger. He smiled pleasantly. Around the edge of his body, a faint blue light still pulsed. She blinked her eyes rapidly and rubbed them vigorously, trying to focus.

      “Are you all right?” he asked.

      “F-fine,” she stammered, her heart pounding wildly. She desperately wanted to leave, but he blocked her path.

      “Are you sure? Is something wrong with your eyes?” he asked.

      She rubbed them with her palms, knowing her makeup must now resemble a Salvador Dalí painting, but determined to clear her vision.

      “I’m fine. The light…it’s bothering my eyes.”

      His pleasant smile turned to a frown and the hair on her arms stood up. Behind them, the wolf dog growled and barked again.

      He momentarily turned his attention away from her and to the wolf dog. “Shhh, easy,” he said soothingly in a low voice. The animal gave a soft whimper and then was quiet. He turned back to Tara.

      “What light?” Mr. D & D looked at her intently.

      “That blue…” She stopped, her intuition ringing warning bells.

      “What did you see just now, in the parking lot?”

      “I didn’t see anything,” she said. “I have to go.” Pushing past him, she made her way between the buildings toward her car, and as she reached the lot, she heard a loud and powerful crash.

      A short distance down the road, the car that Hyena Woman had stepped into was wrapped around a light pole. Surrounding the car was a bright blue glow, the exact same kind that had emanated from the mysterious man moments earlier. The light now pulsed strong, sparking like a broken transformer.

      Tara didn’t even try to clear her vision this time. It wasn’t her eyes playing tricks on her; the light was real. She stopped for a moment and stared.

      A young man stepping out of his car held up his phone to get a picture. “Holy shit, did you see that?” he asked.

      “No, I didn’t see her hit the pole, but that light. What is that?” she asked him.

      He turned to her. “What light?”

      “Around the car.”

      “There’s no light.” The man raised his phone again and headed in the direction of the wreck. More people stopped, more cell phones were pulled out and restaurant patrons came running. Sirens sounded in the distance. There were exclamations from the crowd like, “Oh my God!” and “Do you think that person’s okay?!” But Tara knew there was nothing she could do to help the woman, and her instincts told her to get the hell out of there. She trotted as quickly as she could to her car and as she fumbled her keys out of her purse she heard footsteps rapidly approaching. A quick glance up revealed Mr. D & D was running toward her.

      She hit the clicker repeatedly.

      “Stop, please wait, I need to talk to you,” he called.

      The door handle slipped from her sweaty palm. She cursed and pulled again.

      “I’m not going to hurt you.” He’d arrived at her car just as she managed to open the door.

      “Damn right you’re not,” she said, jumping into the car. He grabbed the door before she could shut it.

      “I just want to talk to you for a minute. Please. I promise not to harm you.”

      “Then talk through the window,” Tara said, and pulling hard, shut the door and clicked the locks. She shoved the key in the ignition with shaking hands, started the car and slid the window down a crack.

      “Tell me what you saw back there,” he said.

      “I saw you with that woman who was in that horrible car crash. Right after you kissed her. Don’t worry, I’m not going to tattle. I don’t get involved in office gossip.”

      “You saw something else, didn’t you?”

      The fearful look in her eyes must have given her away, but Tara was not about to reveal what she’d seen, or thought she’d seen.

      “It’s important that you tell me. You could be in danger.”

      “I said I won’t blab your secret. Lots of people play kissy-face after a few drinks. It’s no big deal. Now, let go of my car, I need to leave.”

      “You have to give me a chance to explain. I’ll meet with you somewhere, in a public place, wherever you feel safe. You work in accounting, right? I’ve seen you there."”

      “Hey Marshall,” a voice called and looking around the body blocking her window, Tara saw a man running up to them. So Mr. D & D’s name was Marshall. Good name.

      “There’s a cop here. He wants to talk to all of us who were having drinks with Annette. Right now.”

      “I’ll call you tomorrow, we’ll meet,” Marshall said to her and backed away from the car.

      Without a backward glance, Tara took off and drove home as fast as she could, her hands shaking on the steering wheel. When she got to her building, she sprinted up the stairs and didn’t stop moving until her front door was securely locked and bolted. Then she leaned against the door and slid down the length, sitting on the floor to catch her breath.

      What the hell just happened? This had to be one of the strangest days she’d ever had, pleasantly so up until the end. Did someone slip a hallucinogenic substance in her drink? Tara put her face in her hands and winced as she touched her forehead. No, probably not a mysterious drug—it had to be her injury. The blow to her head had her seeing things. People and cars did not glow.

      She rose, poured herself a glass of wine and undressed, deciding to call this an early night. Even if that man, Marshall, wasn’t actually glowing blue the way her eyes told her that he was, she was convinced that he had something to do with the woman wrecking her car. Tara was sure. She detected an air of danger around him and more importantly, it was too much of a coincidence that he was so close to Hyena Woman moments before she crashed. He did something to her, maybe something much more ominous than a kiss. He had somehow impeded her driving ability. And Tara hadn’t stopped to gawk, but she was fairly certain the poor woman was dead. Her car was wrapped around that pole like stripes on a candy cane.

      Marshall knew that Tara had seen him with that Hyena Woman Annette and because of that, he was overly eager to talk to her. Something was very off here. Thank goodness she had an unlisted number, because she did not want to talk to him. That woman was dead. And what she’d told him was true—she did not get involved with workplace politics or relationships, СКАЧАТЬ