The Blushing Bride. Judith Stacy
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Название: The Blushing Bride

Автор: Judith Stacy

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

isbn: 9781474016612



      Ethan grinned. “Yeah, bedding down with her would—”

      “That’s not what I was thinking,” Jason said quickly.

      “Like hell you weren’t.”

      Jason turned away, pacing the width of the office, refusing to look at his brother.

      “What are we going to do with her?” Ethan asked, as he pulled matches from the desk drawer and lit the lanterns on the walls.

      Jason spun around. “Do with her? I’m not going to do anything with her.”

      “It’s too late to get her down the mountain tonight,” Ethan said. “Shady can’t make that trip in the dark. The trail is dangerous enough in broad daylight.”

      “She can’t stay here.”

      “What do you want to do, Jas? Give her a candle and a map and tell her to start walking?”

      Jason grumbled under his breath. “This is why I don’t want women up here. They’re nothing but trouble.”

      “Maybe,” Ethan said. “But she’s here now. We’ve got to do something with her.”

      “You’re right. I guess she’ll have to stay.” Jason paced a little more, thinking. “Take her over to Mrs. McGee’s place and see if she’ll put her up for the night.”


      “There’s no other place for a decent woman to stay.”

      “Yeah, I know…but…”

      “But what?”

      “Nothing.” Ethan shifted from one foot to the other. “I can take her over there…I reckon.”

      Outside, Amanda stood on the porch holding on to the rough support column and gazing around at the logging camp. What little she could see of it, at least. When she’d arrived earlier, she had only gotten a vague impression of the camp, and that wasn’t much to go on now that it was dark.

      Off in the distance a few windows glowed yellow with lantern light. She made out shadowy silhouettes of buildings and a couple of dark figures passing in front of them. A cool breeze blew. A dog barked somewhere.

      If she had good sense she might be frightened, Amanda decided. But right now she was simply too tired, too angry, and too disappointed to feel anything else.

      She needed to find Shady Harper and ask him to take her down the mountain tonight. But where was he? The freight wagon she’d arrived in was nowhere to be seen, and neither was Shady. She had no idea where to look for him.

      The little cluster of buildings that Shady had called a town was only a short walk east. Maybe he was there. If not, surely she’d find a hotel where she could spend the night. All she had to do was get there without falling over something and killing herself stumbling along in the dark.

      Amanda glanced back at the door of Jason Kruger’s office that she had slammed so indignantly moments ago, and decided that she wasn’t desperate enough to ask that man for help—not now or in the foreseeable future.

      The door opened just then and he walked out, his tall, wide frame outlined by the lantern light behind him. Amanda’s temper rose again.

      His face was in shadows and when he stepped closer Amanda realized it wasn’t Jason, but his brother. Her anger turned to something that for a flicker of a second seemed like disappointment. Amanda pushed it aside quickly. Certainly it couldn’t be that.

      “Miss Pierce?” Ethan said. “I’m going to take you some place to stay for the night.”

      “That won’t be necessary, Mr. Kruger.”

      “Just call me Ethan. It can get kind of confusing around here, otherwise.” He grinned and nodded toward the office. “Besides, I don’t like being mistaken for my brother, if you get my meaning.”

      “I do indeed get your meaning.” Amanda glared at the office door, then looked at Ethan. “But your help isn’t necessary. I’m going to have Shady take me back to Beaumont.”

      “Not tonight, he can’t.” Ethan shook his head. “Shady can’t make that trip after dark.”

      “Then I’ll get a hotel room for the night.”

      “There is no hotel.”

      “No hotel?” Amanda asked. “But surely—”

      “Just do like you’re told.” Jason walked up, his footsteps heavy on the wooden porch. Amanda sensed he’d been standing there, listening…watching.

      Anger threaded through her again. “You may be in charge of the logging camp, Mr. Kruger, but you have no say over what I do. Now, I am going to find Shady Harper and arrange for transportation down the mountain tonight.”

      “No, you’re not.”

      His big hand closed over her elbow. Long fingers exerted just enough pressure to keep her in place. She sensed incredible power in his grip, power barely under control.

      Heat rushed up her arm, twined down her throat into the pit of her stomach causing her anger to bloom again.

      And it was anger. What else could it be?

      Amanda jerked her chin. “I am not your concern, Mr. Kruger.”

      He leaned closer. A raw physical energy radiated from him, engulfing Amanda with its potency.

      “That’s where you’re wrong, Miss Pierce.” His voice was deep, heavy with authority and determination. “Everything and everybody on this mountain is my concern.”

      “Including me?”

      He tightened his grip and leaned closer. “Especially you.”

      Chapter Three

      “Let me give you a hand, Miss Pierce.”

      Ethan’s fingers closed around Amanda’s elbow, steadying her over the uneven terrain. His grip was as strong as his brother’s but not threatening in the least. In fact, Amanda barely noticed it.

      But she had certainly noticed Jason when he’d stalked back into his office, leaving his brother to deliver her to a safe place for the night. And that suited Amanda just fine. Jason’s mere presence rankled her.

      “You’ll like Mrs. McGee,” Ethan said, holding the lantern higher to light their way. The road was rough and rutted, dangerous in the dark.

      Amanda held up her skirt, picking her way along. “You’re certain she won’t mind if I stay the night with her? It’s hardly proper to show up uninvited and ask such a favor. I can pay her, of course.”

      “Mrs. McGee could surely use the money, but I doubt she’ll take it,” Ethan said. “She’ll probably just be glad for the company. Meg works СКАЧАТЬ