The Blushing Bride. Judith Stacy
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Название: The Blushing Bride

Автор: Judith Stacy

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

isbn: 9781474016612


СКАЧАТЬ couples will need a place to live. You can lease or sell homesites to them. The town will expand, offering another opportunity to profit from your land. And, of course, all of this will create a local market for your lumber.”

      He stood with his back to her for a long time, gazing out the window.

      Amanda stood. “Mr. Kruger, have you heard one word I’ve said?”

      He looked back over his shoulder. “Every word. And the answer is still no.”

      She crossed the room and stopped behind him. “I’ve just given you several excellent reasons why brides would be of great benefit to your logging camp. I don’t understand why—”

      “Then I’ll tell you why.” Jason swung around. “If I let women up here, first thing you know there will be lines at the barber shop. Men will ask to be let off early to take a bath.”

      “What’s so wrong with that?”

      “Next thing you know, they get married. Then curtains start going up in the windows. When my men ought to be resting up for the next day’s work, they’re busy fixing things up, making them look pretty.”

      Amanda rolled her eyes. “Well, we certainly wouldn’t want that to happen.”

      Jason edged closer. “Then my crews aren’t concentrating on their jobs because their women are mad at them. Or because they’re anxious to get home. Either way, my men aren’t thinking about work.”

      Amanda felt heat roll off of Jason. It soaked into her.

      He leaned his head down. “And a year from now I’ll have babies up here because of all the socializing going on.”

      Amanda’s cheeks flamed. How dare he say such a thing to her? She should have slapped his face. And she would have if she hadn’t been so hopelessly caught in the molten aura he gave off.

      He came nearer. She wanted to back away—should back away. Then his mouth clamped over hers, and she wanted desperately to stay right where she was.

      Jason looped his arm around her waist and pressed himself against her. Heat flamed between them. His lips moved against hers, plying, wanting, asking. He splayed his hand over her back.

      A thousand explosions pierced her body. She’d never been kissed before—not like this. Never been touched as Jason touched her now. It wasn’t proper. It certainly wasn’t dignified.

      But it was wonderful.

      Amanda swayed against Jason. She grabbed his shoulders to keep from falling and parted her lips ever so slightly.

      He slipped inside her at once, tasting her, exploring her. Luring her, tempting her until she did the same.

      A groan rattled in his mouth as Amanda pressed deep, matching his movements. He pulled her tighter against him.

      Amanda was lost in the feel of him, the taste of him. Hopelessly lost in the decadent moment of their mouths blending together.

      Until he suddenly yanked his mouth from her and looked up.

      A voice intruded into the fog clouding Amanda’s mind. She turned. Ethan stood in the open doorway.

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