Merry Christmas, Baby Maverick!. Brenda Harlen
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Название: Merry Christmas, Baby Maverick!

Автор: Brenda Harlen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474002691


СКАЧАТЬ pretty earrings that hung from her ears.

      Kayla Dalton?

       He curled his fingers around the delicate bauble and sank onto the edge of the mattress as other images flashed through his mind, like snapshots with no real connection to any particular time and place. He rubbed his fingers against his temples as he tried to recall what had happened, but his brain refused to cooperate. He’d danced with Kayla—he was sure he remembered dancing with her. And then...

       He frowned as he struggled to put the disjointed pieces together. She’d looked so beautiful in the moonlight, and she’d smelled really good. And her lips had looked so temptingly soft. He’d wanted to kiss her, but he didn’t think he would have made that kind of move. Because as beautiful and tempting as she was, she was still Derek’s sister.

       But when he closed his eyes, he could almost feel the yielding of her sweet mouth beneath his, the softness of her feminine curves against his body. Since he’d never had a very good imagination, he could only conclude that the kiss had really happened.

       And in order for her earring to end up in his bed—well, he had to assume that Kayla had been there, too.

       And what did it say about him that he didn’t even remember? Of course, it was entirely possible that they’d gotten into bed together and both passed out. Not something to be particularly proud of but, under the circumstances, probably the best possible scenario.

       He tucked the earring in his pocket and finished stripping the bed, shaking out the sheets and pillowcases to ensure there weren’t any other hidden treasures inside. Thankfully, there were not. Then he saw the corner of something peeking out from beneath the bed—and scooped up an empty condom wrapper.

       He closed his eyes and swore.

       The idea that he’d slept with Kayla Dalton had barely sunk into his brain when he saw her later that day.

       She’d been polite and friendly, if a little reserved, and she’d given absolutely no indication that anything had happened between them, making him doubt all of his own conclusions about the night before.

      It had taken a long time for his memories of that night to come into focus, for him to remember.

      And now that those memories were clear, he was determined to talk to Kayla about what happened that night—and where they would go from here.

      * * *

      Kayla was on her way to the newspaper office when she spotted Trey’s truck parked outside the community center.

      She’d heard that he was coming back to Rust Creek Falls for the holidays, but she wasn’t ready to face him. Not yet. There were still three weeks until Christmas. Why was he here already? She needed more time to plan and prepare, to figure out what to say, how to share the news that she knew would turn his whole world upside down.

      The back of his truck was filled with boxes and the doors to the building were open. She’d heard that last year’s gift drive for the troops was being affiliated with Thunder Canyon’s Presents for Patriots this year, and she suspected that the boxes were linked to that effort.


      She didn’t need to look up to know it was Trey who was speaking. It wasn’t just that she’d recognized his voice, it was that her heart was racing the way it always did whenever she was near him.

      But she glanced up, her gaze skimming at least six feet from his well-worn cowboy boots to his deep green eyes, and managed a smile. “Hi, Trey.”

      “This is a pleasant surprise,” he said, flashing an easy grin that suggested he was genuinely happy to see her.

      Which didn’t really make any sense. She not only hadn’t seen the guy in four months, she hadn’t spoken a single word to him in that time, either. There had been no exchange of emails or text messages or any communication at all. Not that she’d expected any, but her infatuated heart had dared to hope—and been sorely wounded as a result of that silly hope.

      “How have you been?” he asked.


      The word was on the tip of her tongue because, of course, that reality had been at the forefront of her mind since she’d seen the little plus sign in the window of the test. But she didn’t dare say it aloud, because she knew he couldn’t understand the relevance of the information when he didn’t even remember sleeping with her.

      “Fine,” she said instead. “And you?”

      “Fine,” he echoed.

      She nodded.

      An awkward silence followed, which they both tried to break at the same time.

      “Well, I should—”

      “Maybe I could—”

      Then they both stopped talking again.

      “What were you going to say?” Trey asked her.

      “Just that I should be going—I’m on my way to the newspaper office.”

      “Do you work there?”

      She nodded. “I’m a copy editor.”


      And that seemed to exhaust that topic of conversation.

      “It was good to see you, Trey.”

      “You, too.”

      She started past him, relieved that this first and undeniably awkward encounter was over. Her heart was pounding and her stomach was a mass of knots, but she’d managed to exchange a few words with him without bursting into tears or otherwise falling to pieces. A good first step, she decided.


      And with those two words, her opportunity to flee with her dignity intact was threatened.

      Since she hadn’t moved far enough away to be able to pretend that she hadn’t heard him, she reluctantly turned back.

      He took a step closer.

      “I wanted to call you,” he said, dropping his voice to ensure that his words wouldn’t be overheard by any passersby. “There were so many times I thought about picking up the phone, just because I was thinking about you.”

      Her heart, already racing, accelerated even more. “You were thinking about me?”

      “I haven’t stopped thinking about you since we danced at the wedding.”

       Since we danced?

      That was what he remembered about that night?

      She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Under other circumstances, it might have been flattering to think that a few minutes in his arms had made such a lasting impression. Under her current СКАЧАТЬ