Merry Christmas, Baby Maverick!. Brenda Harlen
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Название: Merry Christmas, Baby Maverick!

Автор: Brenda Harlen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474002691


СКАЧАТЬ shirts or bulky sweaters that easily covered the slight curve of her belly.

      Regardless of the circumstances of conception, she was happy about the baby and excited about impending motherhood. It was only the “single” part that scared her. And although her family would likely disapprove of the situation, she was confident they would ultimately support her and love her child as much as she did.

      The tiny life stirred inside her, making her smile. She loved her baby so much already, so much more than she would have imagined possible, but she had no illusions that Trey would be as happy about the situation. Especially considering that he didn’t even remember getting naked and tangling up the sheets with her.

      She pushed those worries aside for another day and entered the line in the café. After perusing the menu for several minutes, she decided on a peppermint hot chocolate with extra whipped cream, chocolate drizzle and candy-cane sprinkles. She’d been careful not to overindulge, conscious of having to disguise every pound she put on, but she couldn’t hide her pregnancy forever—probably not even for much longer.

      Which, of course, introduced another dilemma—how could she tell anyone else about the baby when she hadn’t even told the baby’s father? And what if he denied that it was his?

      The sweet beverage she’d sipped suddenly left a bad taste in her mouth as she considered the possibility.

      A denial from Trey would devastate her, but she knew that she had to be prepared for it. If he didn’t remember sleeping with her, why would he believe he was the father of her child?

      “It really is a small world, isn’t it?”

      Kayla started at the question that interrupted her thoughts, her face flaming as she glanced up to see Trey’s grandmother standing beside her table with a steaming cup of coffee in her hands. Not that Melba Strickland could possibly know what she’d been thinking, but Kayla couldn’t help but feel unnerved by the other woman’s unexpected presence.

      She forced a smile. “Yes, it is,” she agreed.

      “Do you mind if I join you?”

      “Of course not.” There weren’t many empty chairs in the café, and it seemed silly for each of them to sit alone as if they were strangers. Especially considering that Kayla had known the Stricklands for as long as she could remember.

      Melba and Gene were good people, if a little old-fashioned. Or maybe it was just that they were old—probably in their late seventies or early eighties, she guessed, because no one seemed to know for sure. Regardless, their boarding house was a popular place for people looking for long-term accommodations in Rust Creek Falls—so long as they didn’t mind abiding by Melba’s strict rules, which included a ban on overnight visitors. An explicit prohibition that Kayla and Trey had ignored on the Fourth of July.

      “Goodness, this place is bustling.” Melba pulled back the empty chair and settled into it. “The whole mall, I mean. It’s only the first of December, and the stores are packed. It’s as if everyone in Kalispell has decided to go shopping today.”

      “Everyone in Kalispell and half of Rust Creek Falls,” Kayla agreed.

      The older woman chuckled. “Looks like you got an early start,” she noted, glancing at the shopping bags beneath the table.

      “Very early,” Kayla agreed, scooping up some whipped cream and licking it off the spoon.

      “I love everything about Christmas,” Melba confided. “The shopping and wrapping, decorating and baking. But mostly I love the time we spend with family and friends.”

      “Are you going to have a full house over the holidays this year?” Kayla asked.

      “I hope so,” the older woman said. “We’ve had Claire, Levi and Bekka with us since August, and Claire’s sisters have hinted that they might head this way for Christmas, which would be great. I so love having the kids around.”

      Kayla smiled because she knew the kids referred to—Bekka excluded—were all adults.

      They chatted some more about holiday traditions and family plans, then Melba glanced at the clock on the wall. “Goodness—” her eyes grew wide “—is that the time? I’ve only got three hours until I’m meeting Gene for dinner, and all I’ve bought is a cup of coffee.”

      “Mr. Strickland came into the city with you?”

      The older woman nodded. “We’ve got tickets to see A Christmas Carol tonight.”

      “I’m sure you’ll enjoy it,” Kayla said. “The whole cast—especially Belle—is fabulous.”

      Melba smiled at her mention of the character played on the stage by Kayla’s sister. “Not that you’re biased at all,” she said with a wink.

      “Well, maybe a little.” Her sister had always loved the theater, but she’d been away from it for a lot of years before deciding to audition for the holiday production in Kalispell. The part of Scrooge’s former fiancée wasn’t a major role, but it was an opportunity for Kristen to get back on stage, and she was loving every minute of it.

      In support of her sister, Kayla had signed on to help behind the scenes. She’d been surprised to discover how much she enjoyed the work—and grateful that keeping busy allowed her to pretend her whole life wasn’t about to change.

      “Lissa and Gage saw it last week and said the costumes were spectacular.”

      “I had fun working on them,” she acknowledged.

      “But you have no desire to wear them onstage?”

      “None at all.”

      “You know, Kristen’s ease at playing different roles has some people wondering if she might be the Rust Creek Rambler.”

      Kayla frowned. “You’re kidding.”

      “Of course, I wouldn’t expect you to betray your sister if she is the author of the gossip column.”

      “She’s not,” Kayla said firmly.

      “I’m sure you would know—they say twins have no secrets from one another,” Melba said. “Besides, she’s been so busy with the play—and now with her new fiancé—when would she have time to write it?”

      “I’m a little surprised there’s been so much recent interest in uncovering the identity of the anonymous author, when the column has been around for almost three years now.”

      “Three and a half,” Melba corrected, proving Kayla’s point. “I suspect interest has piqued because some people think the Rambler is responsible for spiking the punch at the wedding.”

      Kayla gasped. “Why would they think that?”

      “The events of that night have certainly provided a lot of fodder for the column over the past few months,” the older woman pointed out. “It almost makes sense that whoever is writing it might want to help generate some juicy stories.”

      “That’s a scary thought.”

      “Isn’t it?” Melba finished her coffee and set her СКАЧАТЬ