Danger Calls. Caridad Pineiro
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Название: Danger Calls

Автор: Caridad Pineiro

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408968116


СКАЧАТЬ It took only a minute for them to place their orders.

      “You look wiped,” Sebastian said. “Why don’t you grab a seat? I’ll bring our coffees over when they’re ready.”

      Melissa nodded and walked to the front of the shop, where there was a bench seat and table near a window facing York Avenue.

      While waiting for their orders, Sebastian looked her way. She smiled nervously, then glanced down at her outfit, suddenly wishing she had changed. The white lab jacket and hospital scrubs were big on her petite physique, giving her a too-youthful appearance. Of course, that might not be such a bad thing considering Sebastian was several years younger than her—in his late twenties at the most. Also, someone had told her once that the pale blue color of the scrubs made her eyes look a crystalline blue. She wondered if Sebastian would notice, then forced such thoughts from her mind.

      The only thing between them was Sebastian’s help with the journals. Nothing else. Certainly nothing like what Sebastian had done with her and to her during their first meeting. A little bit of heat flared to life at the recollection of that night. She fanned her hand before her face to cool it.

      A second later, he walked over with their lattes and she fumbled a bit as she took the large cup from him. “Thanks.”

      When she looked up into his eyes, she noted amusement. She was about to ask him what was funny, when he said, “You’re not used to people caring for you, are you?”

      It was unsettling that he could be so right. “Are you always this perceptive?” she challenged, trying to erect some kind of barrier to his insight. She didn’t like being so transparent. Poker face, she reminded herself.

      Sebastian only smiled and motioned to the bench with the hand that held his coffee. “May I join you there?”

      Melissa realized for the first time that there was very little room beside her. Unfortunately, there was also no chair nearby. To refuse him would seem rude. She shifted to the edge nearest the window and inclined her head in invitation.

      When he eased down beside her, his broad shoulder brushed against hers. His denim-covered legs were not as close, but still too near. She was finding it hard to ignore him. He was attractive, with his gleaming dark hair and eyes accented by well-defined cheekbones. His skin had the kind of tanned color that didn’t fade in the winter. And his lips…

      Don’t think about those lips, she warned herself and forced her thoughts to something else.

      Like the fact that he wasn’t tall. Barely five foot ten, but his leanly muscled body gave the sense of greater height. His sculpted arms were bared by his short-sleeved T-shirt. She had tried to put his physical strength out of her mind, but now, with him nearly on top of her, it was hard not to appreciate how compellingly masculine he was. Even harder to just sit here beside him and stare. She grabbed her cup with two hands and shimmied closer to the edge of the bench. He smirked wryly.

      “Don’t flatter yourself,” she said.

      “I guess I invaded your space, huh? Sorry. I’m Cuban. We’re physical with…” He paused, as if searching for the right words. Finally he said, “Friends and family.”

      “Well, have MCI take me off your list,” she replied sharply, then shook her head. “I’m sorry. That was harsh.”

      Sebastian gave a careless shrug, which stretched the fabric of his shirt across the width of his shoulders. He took a sip of his latte. “But you’re right. We’re not family…or friends. Still, you want my help.”

      She was grateful he was enough of a gentleman not to mention their night together. Things were uncomfortable enough. She examined his face but couldn’t read his mood like she had the other night. “We’re not friends yet,” she said, realizing how weird it was that she had known this man intimately, but didn’t really have a clue about him.

      “There’s time for you to make my list,” he said. “What about you and Ryder? Have you been friends for long?”

      She stared at her coffee and avoided his gaze. “Ryder’s more than a friend. He’s all the family I have.”

      “I guess you’ve known him a long time?”

      “All my life.”

      Motioning with his hand, Sebastian asked, “All your life as in—”

      “Forever.” Melissa took another sip of her latte.

      Sebastian cocked his head, seemingly perplexed. “Didn’t you notice that, well, Ryder didn’t get any older-looking?”

      Out of the corner of her eye, Melissa glanced at him. “No more than I wonder about Dick Clark every New Year’s Eve.”

      Sebastian laughed. Melissa joined him and rolled her eyes, realizing just how unbelievable her whole situation must be to an outsider like him.

      “And you’ve been his keeper…Do you think we can call you something else? Like his companion, maybe?”

      “A rose by any other name—”

      “Do you resent it?”

      “It’s what I have to do.”

      “Why?” he challenged with a cocky shrug.

      “Because it’s my duty. Because my family has honored that call for nearly six generations.” Suddenly she had the urge to leave. The conversation was exposing too much to a virtual stranger. This meeting was supposed to have been about him helping, not about her. “Come to think of it, it’s time I returned to the hospital.”

      She began to rise, but Sebastian laid a hand on her arm and applied gentle pressure to keep her beside him. She stared at his hand and followed the line of his muscled arm until her gaze met his. “I have to—”

      “No, you don’t. In fact, rumor has it that the only two things you have to do are die and pay taxes. Only I guess you don’t have to die, do you?” His voice trailed off at the end, as if he, too, realized what an awkward situation they were in.

      “If you’re like Ryder, time doesn’t matter.” But it mattered to her and to this man sitting beside her, looking at her way too seriously and with too much compassion.

      “I respect what you feel about honoring your family’s loyalties, only—”

      “It’s an outdated concept in today’s world, where anyone can do anything and not worry about the consequences?”

      As if she hadn’t harshly interrupted, Sebastian calmly continued, “I know how hard it is. I just wish that you could find some peace with that duty. With what you want most for you, in here.” He emphasized that statement by pointing to the spot above his heart.

      Melissa struggled for something to say, something that could break the connection she was experiencing with him, only she couldn’t find the words.

      At her prolonged silence, he finally said, “When did you find out what Ryder was?”

      “I’m not sure I like all these questions,” she replied softly.

      Sebastian laid a hand on her arm. “I just need СКАЧАТЬ