Danger Calls. Caridad Pineiro
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Название: Danger Calls

Автор: Caridad Pineiro

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408968116


СКАЧАТЬ she would. He adored his sister and trusted her judgment, but Diana had never grown beyond her hero worship of their police-officer father. She didn’t realize that while being a champion to others, their father had often put his family second and ignored a son who was totally different in temperament and interests.

      “Do you think Melissa could understand me?”

      “I haven’t thought about it,” Diana admitted.

      “She’s uptight and über-responsible. I’m a no-strings-attached kind of guy.” He looked away from his sister. He didn’t want her to see his confusion or his guilt. Despite his best efforts these last three months, he hadn’t been able to forget Melissa.

      More than most, he knew the hardship of conforming and being bound by another’s conventions. Sebastian sensed that Melissa’s life was not her own, that she needed an escape from the burdens she bore. He wanted to ease the weight off her shoulders. He hadn’t felt that way in a long time—as if he could help someone else. Be someone worthy for her. But he’d both disappointed and angered her tonight with his hesitation.

      Funny how much it was like the situation with his father all over again.

      After a long silent moment he turned to face his sister, not knowing what to expect. Certainly not the little Mona Lisa-like smile on her face. “Seems to me you’ve been thinking about it way too much, hermanito.”

      Sebastian stood, took a breath, about to tell her that he didn’t want to talk about it, when Diana surprised him by saying, “I’ve got to get some sleep. Hasta mañana.” She rose and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

      “’Night, sis.” How could she understand him so well? Sometimes better than he understood himself.

      After Diana walked into her bedroom and closed the door, it was impossible to concentrate on the mock investigations and battles of his game.

      If he had any sense, he would stop wondering about Melissa. But it was difficult, given the impression she’d made. Months ago, she had been strong enough to confront his sister and convince Diana to look for a missing Ryder. When faced with Ryder’s injuries, Melissa had been capable and unafraid. But after the crisis was over, the pain hidden behind her competent façade had called out to him. He’d tried to soothe her emotional wounds, and they’d ended up making love.

      Not that he considered himself shallow, but he had noticed more than her vulnerability. Melissa’s eyes—dios, but he could spend hours looking into her changeling blue eyes. A deep, dark slate-gray with worry. Bright and sparkling with bits of aquamarine when she was happy, as she had been in those unguarded moments the morning after.

      She had a dimple when she smiled, and although her smile was sometimes hesitant, as if she didn’t experience it often, it lit up a face that was stunning in a healthy, blond, California-girl kind of way.

      Sebastian couldn’t deny that he’d remembered on more than one occasion what she had tasted like when he kissed her. How her compact, curvy body had felt pressed to his. What she looked like without her…

      He groaned as his nether regions sprang to life as they did way too often when he thought about Melissa. He heard a door opening, sat up slightly and grabbed a pillow, which he placed on his lap to hide his erection. A second later, Diana strolled into the room.

      She was rubbing her hands together, as if she had just put on some lotion, and she had changed into her pajamas. “Still up?” she asked when she noticed him on the couch.

      Oh, he was up, but not in a way he’d admit to his sister. “Sí, still awake. Trying to figure out a problem.”

      Diana gave him a puzzled look, her brows furrowed together. “Need help?”

      Sputtering, Sebastian quickly replied, “No, thanks. I think I’ve figured out what to do.” And the truth was he suddenly knew where to begin.

      Chapter 3

      Melissa had been with her patient for the last hour, trying to be of comfort as the young girl went through her first treatment for a rare blood disorder. There was a crick in the small of Melissa’s back from sitting in the chair by the girl’s bedside and, after, helping shift her into another bed so she could return to her room.

      It didn’t matter that Melissa had missed lunch. She hadn’t really been hungry, and her fifteen-year-old patient was nervous and needed a little support. Besides, Melissa’s afternoon was light, appointmentwise. She could grab a quick bite later, before rounds. As she reached her office, she heard the phone ringing and raced inside.

      “Dr. Danvers.”

      “Hello, Doc,” Sebastian said.

      Anger rose up in her as she recalled their encounter of the night before. Color her stupid, but she’d been counting on him to help without hesitation. “Have you made up your mind yet?”

      “Direct and to the point. Right, Doc?”

      Melissa shook her head at her own abruptness and tried to smooth things over. After all, she needed this man’s assistance. “Please don’t call me Doc. It always makes me feel as if I should be balding and hanging out with six dwarves. I’m short, but not that short.”

      Sebastian chuckled and she was able to picture his grin in her mind. That was not good. She shouldn’t be remembering that much about this man. “Melissa, then. I wanted to talk about the help you needed. Maybe even share a latte kind of boost.”

      “I could use some caffeine,” she said, although what she was more interested in was his answer to her request. “There’s a pretty good coffee shop right near the corner of 60th and York.”

      “I can meet you there in about ten minutes. Does that work for you?” Sebastian asked.

      “I’ll see you then.”

      It was one of those weird summerlike December days in New York City. Midseventies with a bright blue cloudless sky. Melissa made the short walk to the coffee shop, enjoying the weather. It was something she rarely got to do.

      As promised, Sebastian was waiting outside. He wore faded black jeans that were snug against his lean legs and a black Buffy the Vampire Slayer shirt, bearing a picture of the blond superhero and assorted monsters. The first time she had met him, he had sported a Star Wars T-shirt.

      Today’s shirt, featuring one of her favorite shows, made her smile. Some vampires, Ryder excluded, might find the show politically incorrect toward the undead. Although she had never met another vampire. When she’d questioned Ryder, he’d hinted that others like him existed in Manhattan. He’d also made it clear he preferred to avoid their company. Melissa hadn’t pressed the issue at the time. Someday, however, they might have to revisit that issue.

      Sebastian grinned as he caught sight of her. His smile caused an unexpected lurch in the middle of her chest. Melissa suddenly felt like a self-conscious thirteen-year-old instead of a liberated thirtysomething woman. “Hi.”

      “Hola,” he replied and made no motion other than to hold his hand out in the direction of the shop. She wasn’t sure why that disappointed her. She’d been expecting a handshake, a hug or one of the other typical greetings people who knew one another shared.

      But then again, she and Sebastian СКАЧАТЬ