Gathered Up. Annabeth Albert
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Название: Gathered Up

Автор: Annabeth Albert

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Portland Heat

isbn: 9781516107964


СКАЧАТЬ me. Push me up against the wall…However, to my dismay, he led me to the kitchen.

      “I want to show you what I made for lunch—”

      “Ev. Really? There’s food?” I groaned. “I thought—”

      “Dolma, köfte, and cacik. I thought you would like to try.”

      “I would.” I was trying desperately to be a good sport and not be disappointed that I wasn’t getting intimately acquainted with his bed.

      “Ah! See?” He opened the refrigerator to reveal a neat row of glass jars. “For you to take. After. And here is a lunch sack for you.” He picked up a small knitted cotton tote from the counter.

      “You made this?” I fingered the thick spongy yarn. Blocks of blue and brown formed the sort of mosaic pattern I was starting to associate with Ev’s signature look.

      “Yes. The blue reminded me of your eyes.”

      Pile of goo, party of one. He noticed little things about me, like when I changed my earrings out or whether my hair was back or up on a given day. “You mean it’s for me? Not just to borrow?”

      “Of course it is for you. Who else did I make a takeaway lunch for?” Ev bristled a bit. “But it is for after. Don’t forget to grab it if you are…pressed for time.”

      “After.” I leaned against the counter, content to let him orchestrate this show. “And I’m going to be pressed for time?”

      “Very.” And then he was finally on me, pressing me against the cabinets with a hard kiss. He tasted like strong coffee and sugar and a whole lot of pent-up lust. Breathing hard, he pulled away to tug me down a side hall I hadn’t seen before. “Someday I’m going to do very improper things to you in that kitchen.”

      “Promises, Ev, promises. Show me this room with a door.”

      “And a lock.” He raised one dark eyebrow as he opened a doorway. “After you.”

      The bedroom was a very Ev space—lots of browns and grays held together with unexpected splashes of color like a teal pillow and a terracotta knit throw draped over the chair in the corner. A full-size bed sat against one wall, and I didn’t care that it wasn’t bigger. We didn’t need a lot of room because I planned for us to be mashed together soon enough. It was higher than normal beds, with drawers under it for extra storage and a thick wooden headboard and footboard.

      Because time was of the essence, I toed off my shoes and started to pull off my shirt, but Ev made that disapproving noise of his again.

      “Oh, right. Clothing on.” I laughed at him. “I forgot. You are a man of particular tastes.”

      “Yes, yes, I am. And right now, my favorite flavor is you.”

      Ev kissed me like we had all the time in the world, which was strangely relaxing. He slid his lips over mine with whisper-soft precision—light but expertly angled for maximum tease. I exhaled around the kisses, the rush-rush of my everyday life falling away. We stood next to the bed, but it seemed less urgent now, like it would wait patiently for Ev’s fantasy to unspool. I’d had a lot of kisses over the years from both genders, but Ev was the first to kiss me like I was precious, worth savoring. Ev kissed like I mattered.

      His eyes were closed as his tongue finally slipped inside and dominated my mouth, but I felt more seen than I had in years. Every time I tried to start grinding, Ev’s hands stilled my hips. He nuzzled my beard, kissed my ears, licked my neck, blessed my eyebrows and nose with feathery kisses, and still no grinding.

      “Please. Ev.” My voice was already lower and needier than usual.

      Ignoring my pleas, he expertly fended off my own roving hands as he let down my hair, briefly burying his face in it like he wanted to memorize my shampoo. Pushing the neck of my shirt down, he sucked along my collarbone.

      “Killing me here, Ev.” My voice sounded shaky even to my own ears. “I need your skin.”

      “You said you like me taking over?”

      “Yes—” My answer was edging close to a whine.

      “And overwhelmed? Are you not sufficiently overwhelmed?” His voice washed over me, stronger and more erotic than any rope.

      “Well—” I started, but he cut me off, tumbling us onto the bed, him on top. “Yes. That. Push me into the bed.”

      “You like being held down?” He peered down at me, body already moving to pin me in place before his mouth attacked me again.

      “Love it.” I arched against him, just to test the hold he had on me. Delightfully, he pushed me down hard with his pelvis. Not grinding, but his cock was a thick, solid weight against my own, anchoring me.

      Ev took my hands and placed them on the headboard. “Good. Now I’m going to have some fun.”

      “Awesome. Use me.” I stretched against him. I needed this, and every cell hummed with awareness.

      Ev moved my shirt again to kiss my neck and collarbones. “Keep holding on.”

      Then he pushed up the sleeves to kiss and lick at each wrist in turn, kissing each bit of skin he uncovered. I wore two bracelets on my left wrist that the twins had made, and Ev gently moved those aside to lick at my pulse point. It was a simple cotton long-sleeved shirt, but I resolved to wear something with buttons next time we did this.

      “Should I be wearing a cardigan for this?” I laughed, trying to distract myself from the very real possibility of coming in my pants at some point.

      “Shh.” Ev moved so that he could lick my waist, uncovering a narrow strip of skin, and my next laugh died in my throat. He raised the shirt millimeters at a time, and when his lips finally found one of my pierced nipples, I almost shot on the spot.

      “Ev. Seriously. I didn’t bring spare pants.”

      “You have very little self-control.” He made a little chiding noise that went straight to my dick before he went back to teasing my nipples with little licks and flicks. I’d gotten them pierced on a whim when I was nineteen, but Ev played them like a finely tuned instrument and made my impulse seem like genius.

      And I wasn’t kidding—my balls tightened and I had to start making complicated drinks in my head to keep from exploding. Eventually, mercifully, Ev returned to my waistband and unzipped me, but his microscopic removal technique had me cursing softly and clutching the headboard hard. He kissed everywhere but my aching dick—tops of my thighs, all around my patch of hair, over the arch of my hip bone—until finally my pants were around my lower thighs and my shirt was around my neck. He sat back on his heels, surveying his work like he was very pleased with himself for trapping me with my own clothes and driving me out of my mind.

      Then, wordlessly and in one smooth motion, he swallowed my dick down. I arched up, but his strong forearms locked me in place.

      “Wait. Want to get you off, too,” I panted. My body was used to very efficient orgasms—five-minute shower specials. On very rare occasions, though, I got a chance to practice edging, and Ev made me feel both like I’d been edging for hours and like I was on the express train to quick and dirty. His nimble tongue danced through whatever СКАЧАТЬ