Start & Run an Internet Research Business. Gerhard W. Kautz
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Название: Start & Run an Internet Research Business

Автор: Gerhard W. Kautz

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Экономика

Серия: Start & Run Business Series

isbn: 9781770407367


СКАЧАТЬ are required to make the initial contact with potential clients, and to deliver the final product in the form of a written report.

      Listening skills are required to understand what the client is asking you to do. You will often have to augment this with perception skills to fully understand what the client wants, even though he or she is not being clear in his or her request. The skill of knowing how to ask the right questions is also important for understanding the client’s wishes.

      2.3 Investigative skills

      You should also have basic investigative skills to do the work. For example, as you are going through a company’s annual report to assess it as a competitor to your client, and you see that the company has just purchased a smaller company, you should investigate the smaller company as well. However, you must be able to curb your investigative curiosity to avoid going off in a direction that will only waste your time.

      2.4 Personal skill assessment

      If you are weak in any of the previously mentioned skills, you should do something to improve your skill set. For example, if you are worried about not being good enough on the computer to be successful, a basic community-run course on how to work the Internet may be all you need. Or, maybe reading a book on the subject would help improve your skills.

      If you think you have all the necessary skills, then you have the basics needed to start and run an Internet research business.

      3. Assess Your Experience

      Your personal experience will probably determine the area in which you should direct your Internet research business. To do the assessment, consider the experience you gained over the years, particularly in the following categories.

      3.1 Work Experience

      It is assumed that most people reading this book have had work experience, and some people may be close to retirement with considerable work experience. That experience may have been limited to a few particular areas or it could involve a variety of previous jobs.

      Either way, you will have gained experience that may be of value in an Internet research business.

      To begin, create a list of your work experiences and as you think of more experiences add them to your list. You will be surprised at the variety of work experience you have had over the years. For example, your list may include:

      • House construction

      • Buying manufacturing components for a company

      • Installing equipment for customers

      • Sales in different areas

      Make sure you list each sales experience separately by the products you sold, because the sales area may be significant in your assessment.

      Next you want to rank these experiences in three categories —

      • depth of experience you obtained,

      • how good you were at doing the job, and

      • how much you enjoyed doing the work.

      Your objective is to have three lists of the same experiences, but in different relative order, numbered with the highest experience being number one, and all others following in the order you determine. The ranking does not have to be precise, only a comparison of each item against the others. You will use these rankings to do an overall assessment of where you should specialize in your Internet research business.

      For the depth of experience section, rank each item on your list by how much useful experience you obtained. If you gained a tremendous amount of practical experience in one area, this will probably be your number one ranking. Some experiences may have been only fleeting, and they of course will get a very low ranking. Using the example list of experiences above, you may have spent most of your time installing equipment for customers, so this will be your number one under depth of experience. The house construction may have just been a brief summer job years ago, so this will be at or near the bottom of your list. Similarly, your sales experience may have been parttime years ago, such as when you worked as a grocery checkout clerk. The other items will fall in between according to how you assess them relatively.

      Next consider how good you were at each experience on your list. This is, of course, your opinion on how good you were, so make sure you do an honest assessment. Using the examples again, you may not have done well at installing equipment, even though you did it for quite a while, so this experience would be way down on your list. You may have done quite well at dealing with customers in your sales positions, so this would be higher on the list. You may also feel that you did a good job when dealing with suppliers when you were a buyer for a manufacturing company, so this goes high on the list.

      Finally, assess each experience you had according to how much you enjoyed the work. You may not really have liked the face-to-face encounters with customers, but you did like talking to suppliers on the telephone. By far your happiest experience may have been during the construction job, when you dealt with tools and techniques that were all new to you. Arrange your list accordingly.

      3.2 Hobby and sports experience

      Hobbies can also lead to jobs or careers. Many people have been able to turn a passionate hobby into a lucrative business. You may think you do not have or have had a hobby that could lead to a business, but have you really considered it? Think of all the hobbies you had or attempted. List them in the order you would like to pursue them as a business, and put them in the evaluation table. The list could include, for example, woodworking, gardening, or photography.

      Sports should also be considered, particularly if you are very active in one or more sports, such as organized soccer or baseball. Even if you are only a casual participant, such as a round of golf two or three times a year, list it. Then arrange the sports in your order of priority.

      Put the hobby and sports lists together and arrange them in order of priority. Some hobbies may outrank some sports, and vice versa. Then put the list into the evaluation table suggested in Section 4.

      3.3 Educational experience

      You may have more than one university degree, or you may have only a high school diploma. However, over the years you probably have taken many short courses such as on computer spreadsheets, yoga, beekeeping, or building a basement recreation room. List all of these in their order of importance.

      4. Overall Personal Assessment

      By now you may have already decided on an Internet research business specialty, or you may be starting to zero in on one. However, if you are still wondering, you can make a listing of all your experiences, assessed by category. Create columns for work experience (depth); work experience (good at); work experience (enjoyed); hobby experience; and eductional experience. Fill out each column with all the jobs and hobbies you've had or done.

      5. Select Your Specialization

      The evaluation table you made should help you select your specialization. Take a look at the top row of items and see if anything pops out at you.

      If СКАЧАТЬ