Название: Transformation Journal
Автор: Carolyn Slaughter
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Религия: прочее
isbn: 9781426719745
• Is it possible to truly love God and hate others with whom you are in community? Why or why not?
Living In Christian Community Builds Me Up, But What Are Other Goals Of Living In Community?
God has definitely called us to be in community for our protection and strength, but it doesn't stop there. God desires that all of creation be in right relationship with God, and we are the hands and feet to bring that about. One important aspect of Christian fellowship is our partnership in the mission of Christ. Just as we partner with other believers in living out our lives, we also partner with God in the mighty work of redeeming the world by bringing the love of Jesus to all people.
Philippians 1:3-11 and 2:1-4
• What does the word partnership mean to you? Define the word. What kind of partnerships do you share with other Christians you're around regularly?
• If we are equal partners with God in redeeming the world, what is God's part and what is ours?
What Can God Do Through Us As A Community Of Believers?
One of the awesome aspects about being in Christian community is God's miraculous power that works within us. In calling us to partnership in building God's kingdom, God imparts mighty power in and through us as Christ's "body" to accomplish the extraordinary. In fact, you can't even imagine all that God has in store for us together!
Ephesians 3:14–4:6 and Acts 4:31-35
• Which by-product of God's love (as described in the Ephesians passages) encourages you the most?
• In Acts 4:31, a direct connection between speaking the word of God boldly and being filled with the Holy Spirit is shown. How did this affect the early Christian community? How could it affect your community today?
Why Would Jesus Wash His Disciples’ Feet?
Throughout his earthly ministry, Jesus turned the common religious understanding of his day upside down. And in his last few hours on Earth, he cemented the idea of serving in the hearts and minds of his followers with a dramatic example. Through a graphic demonstration of caring for others, Jesus provided a powerful overall message about serving.
John 13:1-17
• Do you think Jesus was telling his followers to physically wash the feet of others? What else could he have meant?
• Who is the person who could use a cleansing, refreshing touch of care from you today?
Where Can I Get Strength And Motivation To Serve Others?
While Jesus was on Earth he represented God's words, character, and work. Among Jesus' last instructions to his followers was the challenge to continue this work. Jesus also promised to empower his followers for serving beyond what even Jesus himself did, according to what you ask.
John 14:1-14
• What promises did Jesus give his followers in today's reading?
• Write a prayer naming which promise you need most today, and claim it with confidence!
What Will Serving Jesus Require Of Me?
Jesus got a variety of responses to his invitation to follow him. Not everyone liked or accepted the cost involved in total commitment, yet Jesus commissioned seventy-two who were willing to be totally involved in his work of harvesting, healing, and spreading the gospel. The results of their serving were miraculous.
Luke 9:51–10:20
• How did Jesus respond to the excuses offered in Luke 9:57-62? To the rejection found in Luke 10:8-16?
• What excuse do you need to eliminate when it comes to serving others?
Is Everyone Supposed To Be Involved In Service For Jesus?
The Holy Spirit gives supernatural abilities (spiritual gifts) to every follower of Jesus to do ministry. Each follower is uniquely gifted by God and is equally valuable in God's service. If God has equipped you for ministry, God will hold you accountable for managing your gifts wisely and using them cheerfully for God's purpose.
Romans 12:1-8 and 2 Timothy 2:20-26
• What do today's Scriptures say about how to prepare yourself for God's use in serving?
• According to the Timothy reading, what attitudes are the ones that please God as you serve?
How Did Jesus Define "Greatness"?
Even Jesus' closest companions didn't understand the selflessness required to complete Jesus' mission. True service is not about the benefits you receive or positioning yourself for greater power and influence. True service is about emptying yourself for others.
Matthew 20:20-28 and Philippians 2:3-11
• What lesson(s) from Jesus' response to the other ten disciples (Matthew 20:24-28) did James and John need to learn?
• In what particular situation do you need to choose humility and service over the desire to have power and control?
What Mind- Set Does God Expect Me To Have While Serving?
When you name Jesus as Lord (absolute authority, Master), you acknowledge yourself as his servant. A servant's role is to obey the master; complete obedience is nothing out of the ordinary for a servant. Servants of Jesus do what the Master asks СКАЧАТЬ