Название: Transformation Journal
Автор: Carolyn Slaughter
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Религия: прочее
isbn: 9781426719745
How Confident Can I Be That God Will Always Answer My Prayers?
The Bible clearly teaches that your state of heart and mind have everything to do with your prayer life. It is only when you have asked forgiveness for your wrongs and have brought yourself sincerely and wholly before God that your prayers can become aligned with God's best intentions and miraculous power. Although you do not need certain words or posture for effective prayer, examining your intent and preparing the state of your heart for prayer are vitally important.
Mark 11:12-24 and James 4:2-10
• According to today's Scriptures, what is necessary in order to pray effectively? What can make your prayer life ineffective?
• Which of these most challenge you in your prayer life?
What Happens If I Don't Pray?
The Old Testament contains a story of a king whose pride prevented him from praying or even paying attention to God. After God's servant Daniel interpreted the king's dream, God allowed painful life experiences to happen that eventually drove the king into true prayer. Without a healthy relationship with God through prayer, your personal welfare and future are at stake.
Daniel 4:19-37 and 2 Chronicles 7:14
• When King Nebuchadnezzar's focus changed to prayer (Daniel 4:34-37), his life changed. How?
• Daniel's advice to King Nebuchadnezzar in 4:27 reflects the priorities of a humble servant of God. How does this advice offer guidance for your prayer life?
What Is It That Seems To Draw Me Into Christian Community?
If you are like most people, you have an innate desire to be with other people. This desire comes directly from God, because God created you for relationship. As a Christian, however, an even more specific calling is on your life for community. As a follower of Jesus, you have been inducted into a powerful community of believers that has God as its center and sharing the love of Jesus Christ as its mission.
1 John 1:1-10 and
1 Corinthians 1:1-9
• What are the benefits of belonging to God's "fellowship of believers"? What do those who are called into God's community share in common?
• According to today's readings, around what has God drawn us together as Christians?
Why Should I Commit Myself Regularly To Be With God's Community Of Believers?
The earliest group of Christian believers probably asked this question too, but they quickly decided what was important for them as a group. A first priority was the need to be in close Christian community in order to be encouraged and inspired to do the mission to which Jesus had called them. The spiritual growth and support they experienced in Christian community allowed them to begin the incredible task of making disciples of the whole world.
Acts 2:29-47
• What made this community of believers so committed to one another? How did they show it?
• If you totally devoted yourself daily to a Christian community that included biblical teaching, deep fellowship, and prayer, how would your spiritual life grow? Which of these is lacking right now for you?
How Does Christian Community And Fellowship Make Me A Stronger Christian?
What is it about being in Christian fellowship that makes you stronger in your faith? There is definitely strength in numbers, and the Christian life is no different. It would be to your peril to think you can be just as strong and grow just as much in your spiritual life without the help and encouragement of your Christian brothers and sisters.
Hebrews 10:19-25, 3:12-13, and Galatians 6:1-2
• List the five "let us" statements, or callings on the community, from Hebrews 10:22-25. Why do you think it is easier to worship or have hope in Christ in a community of people rather than by yourself?
• Describe a time when you were encouraged or spurred on by another Christian brother or sister. Have you ever encouraged another believer? What happened?
If I Am What I Eat, Do I Really Become Like Those With Whom I Hang Out?
Being in Christian community is a crucial priority—since most, if not all of us, are influenced by the world around us. That is just our nature. Just as many people begin speaking in the accent of the people around them after a period of time, you too will take on the flavor of those you spend the most time with on a regular basis.
Proverbs 13:20 and 2 Corinthians 6:14–7:1
• How does the image of being yoked together give you insight about those with whom you can and can't have a close relationship?
• What will it take for you to influence non-Christians with your life and yet not be negatively influenced by them?
How Can I Love Others In A Christian Community Like The Church When There Are So Many People Not Like Me?
If there were one clear message about being in Christian community together, it would be the call to love. The whole world should be able to look into every group of Christians and see the overwhelming presence of love and commitment to one another. God's word clearly describes the importance of every single person called into Christian community, even if each one is very different from the others. God has reasons for you to value those in community with you who are nothing like yourself.
1 Corinthians 12:12-27 and 1 John 4:7-21
• According to 1 Corinthians 12, what is the СКАЧАТЬ