Football 101. Michael Ashley
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Название: Football 101

Автор: Michael Ashley

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес


isbn: 9781607468387



      If coaches are missing one element, the season will be a struggle regardless of the record.

      How important are communications? I coached a high school team one year. I yelled at the outside linebacker to “Watch the flat”. The QB threw a pass to the flat. The linebacker was nowhere to be seen. I yelled again and the QB threw to the flat again, no linebacker. I pulled him out of the game and yelled at him for not listening and following instructions. He said: “Coach, I don’t know what the flat is”. Note to self: Before you get mad at someone for not performing a task, ask yourself: Did we tell him where the flat is?

      BTW: The flat is the area of the field from the hash marks to the sideline and from the line of scrimmage (LOS) to about 10-12 yards deep. See “Pass terminology” in the Offense chapter.

      When I went to Catholic high school in Philadelphia, we just had one coach for football and basketball. He took all of us who turned out and had us run through a forest. The ones who ran into the trees were on the football team.

       - George Raveling (Basketball GURU)


      Are football coaches nuts? We were having our last practice before the County Championship game. The weather was very bad. We consider all bad weather Steeler weather. A mother came up and said a tornado set down in Falls Church, the next town over. We really needed the work so I asked, “East Falls Church or West Falls Church?” East Falls Church gives us at least 10-15 more minutes. She looked stunned, called me an idiot, put her kid in the car and drove off. I would call that “special focus”, so it really depends who you ask.

      Football Dads

      All a father wants is for his son is to play for a good coach so he can learn to have passion for any sport, or activity, in a safe and successful environment. Some teams have complete staffs and some don’t. At the youth level, most, if not all, of the teams can use another set of hands.

      This book allows a father to understand the process better and come down off the hill and contribute in a meaningful manner. The drills and strategies in this book have been developed over the years and are used by national championship teams. They are applicable at all levels of high school and youth football and focus on teaching the fundamentals of football. Consider this book your own personal reference guide.

      Football Moms

      “Football moms” are our treasure, and a part of this great tradition. Team moms run the silent army of parents who do all of the behind the scenes work, which turn winning seasons into special seasons.

       You know you’re a football mom when:



        You keep score at T ball games.

        You scold your child for fighting, but still want to know who won.

        You wear Under Armour.

        Bring a lawn chair to practice.

        You think the coaches are too soft.

        You don’t have to “Wait till your father gets home” to take care of business.

        You have a red cup waiting for the coach after practice.

        You tell your son “you’ll live” when he comes over with an injury.

        You organize tailgate parties.

        You put the team’s best interest ahead of your kids.


      Football Teams

      Football teams are the toughest fraternities to join. You have to earn your way onto a football team and once there, you will know the thrill of bare knuckle combat. You will know what true unfiltered camaraderie means. You will know fear, and gain strength from your team mates. You will learn to depend on others and have them depend on you. You will be able to share the ultimate satisfaction of a job well done with true buddies. When a team comes together with talent, and strong character traits, nothing can stop them.

      A team is more than players. It includes the coaches and the parents all pulling together for the same cause: a “Special Season”. They are so rare that when you have one, it will stay with you for the rest of your life.

      Here is the recipe for a Special Season:

       Talent comes first- You can’t win without it.

       Solid Character traits- “Team first” mentality, hard work, discipline

       Head coach with a solid plan.

       Skilled coaches who know the plan, can teach it in practice and monitor it in games.

       The patience to stick to the plan

       Teams who can turn weaknesses into strengths

       Great support staff who takes care of: films, pictures, water, chains, parties, fundraising.

       Luck- I know, the harder you work the luckier you get, but luck plays a part in all great seasons.

      I have won without all of these elements and lost with them, but when you can have both, that is the “Special Season”.


      A Football Offense is like golf. It has tools and rules. The tools in golf are the clubs, and the rules for when you use which clubs. You use a sand wedge (tool) when you are in the sand (rule). Football is similar: The “plays” are the tools, and the “rules” dictate when you use them. You sweep (tool), when you play slower teams (rule).

       The only difference is that football is like playing golf on the highway.

      In order to not get run over, coaches need to remain calm, use well engineered plays that are executed by trained, fundamentally sound warriors utilizing rules that have been developed over years of trial and error. Pretty simple until the X’s and O’s start СКАЧАТЬ