Money & Mindfulness. Lisa Messenger
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Название: Money & Mindfulness

Автор: Lisa Messenger

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Поиск работы, карьера


isbn: 9780994310958


СКАЧАТЬ the business world, I firmly believe you get what you pay for. If you’re offering an eye-wateringly low price, what are you saying about your standard of service? I recently spotted a quote on Instagram posted by Kelly Gregorio a writer for Advantage Capital Funds, the business finance incubator. It read, “Don’t demoralise your efforts by setting rates that are beneath your results.” These days, those are words I try to work by. As Oprah Winfrey says, “When you undervalue what you do, the world will undervalue who you are.”

      Another interesting point that I’ve heard from many experienced business owners is that while we assume customers want cheap-as-chips services, they can be suspicious if you sell yourself short. A client of mine did a very interesting experiment. They were selling Italian-made handbags for about AU$90, which was far cheaper than their competitors, and yet nobody was buying them. So they decided to do a test and hike the price up to AU$350. That’s a 288 per cent price increase. Yet this reverse-sales tactic oddly worked and the exact same handbag started flying out the door. It was as if customers couldn’t understand why they were so cheap before, and is a fascinating look at human psychology and our expectations, perceptions and suspicions.

      That’s not to say I always get it right. I still have moments everyday when I think, “sh*t, why didn’t I charge more?” when I realise I’ve underestimated the effort a project will take to finish. But that happens less often these days and if it does, I don’t beat myself up because I learn from the nuisance or twist presented by every single project. If I had to sum up this chapter it would be this: have faith in your product and have faith in yourself. If you tell people what you’re offering is worth a certain amount and you honestly believe it is in your soul, they will believe it too.

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      As I mention in all of my books, I am a big fan of positive meditation and visualisation. It might sound at odds, mixing meditation and money (isn’t one all about letting go and the other about getting?) but they actually mix together wonderfully, which is why when I was sitting down to write this chapter I asked the amazing life coach and motivational speaker Gabrielle Bernstein, who we were lucky enough to feature in an early issue of The Collective, to share her favourite money meditation from her book Miracles Now.


      “I have to admit that I used to be one of those people who let the bills pile up. Yup, I was that girl. Every month the stack on my desk grew bigger and wobblier. Every time I looked at it, I felt pangs of frustration over having to pay them. Maybe it stemmed from an old fear of not having enough, or maybe I was just exercising my self-sabotage muscles. Whatever the issue, it was a pretty awful monthly ritual.

      Then it became clear that my bad habit was blocking me in many ways and creating unnecessary frustration and guilt. My bill pile was cluttering up my desk space – a real no-no. The ancient Chinese method of feng shui emphasises releasing all clutter in the office space. Clutter has a profound impact on our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. The value of clearing the clutter is that it releases vital energy that helps with mental clarity, inspiration and even our earning capacity!

      So my first step towards healing my relationship with bills was to clear the clutter off my desk. I gathered my pile of bills and organised each statement in a beautiful green box. (If your bills are paperless, you can make a similar move with your email. Simply create coloured labels or folders for each bill and organise them as they come in, so you are never searching for the latest email statement.)

      Once I was organised, I committed to bringing my spiritual practice to my monthly bills. I sat with my beautiful green box and prayed over each bill before cutting a cheque. I said, “Thank you, Universe, for providing me with the resources to pay these bills. I am grateful to contribute to the economy and to support my growing business.”

      Simply saying this prayer before paying each bill energised me. I was infused with an attitude of gratitude rather than an essence of anxiety and tension.

      Now my bill-paying process is much more enjoyable and my desk is clutter-free. To top it all off, as soon as I cleared my desk space I started to notice many more career opportunities come through. Money began to flow more freely once I cleared the space to receive it.

      If you’re someone who experiences a lot of anxiety around paying bills, use these tips to bust through the block. Clear your desk and pray before you pay!”

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