Quit Losing to Hackers, Pushers & Dinkers. CARLOS CAMPOS
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Название: Quit Losing to Hackers, Pushers & Dinkers


Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес


isbn: 9781456623708




      Hackers are generally tennis players who did not start playing the game of tennis until they became adults, 18 years and older. I assume that they are called Hackers because they tend to “Hack” at the ball rather than stroke the ball. They generally did not play Junior or High School Tennis.

      Most Hackers were inspired to play the game of tennis after watching the professionals play on TV. They marveled at the incredible grace and skill of professional players who made spectacular shots look so easy.

      Brad Gilbert is the only professional tennis player who was considered to be a Hacker by his peers. He was the original Hacker, Pusher & Dinker From Hell and my role model.

      I must note with amusement that in 1997 Andre Agassi had given up on his dream of becoming the #1 tennis player in the world. He had even dropped out of the top 100 ranked players in the world and was ranked #141. Many people thought his tennis career was over.

      He started playing satellite tournaments trying to get his game back. It was even reported that he was close to quitting tennis altogether. He then made the smartest decision of his life by hiring Hacker Brad Gilbert to coach him. Andre Agassi could have chosen any tennis coach in the world to help him try to get his game back.

      I find it interesting that Andre Agassi could have chosen any coach in the world, but he felt compelled to choose a Hacker to coach him. Hacker Brad Gilbert was able to quickly turn Andre Agassi’s game around, and the rest is history. It must be noted that Hacker Brad Gilbert did not change any of Andre Agassi’s shot techniques, as Andre Agassi already possessed the most powerful groundstrokes in the world.

      Brad Gilbert only worked on Agassi’s mental game, and that was enough to take him to the top of the tennis world. Could it be that the mind is a powerful weapon? My final answer is an overwhelming YES!


      I’d bet you your last nickel that Andre Agassi would admit that accepting Brad Gilbert’s Hacker philosophy and mental approach to the game was the main reason that he was able to become the #1 tennis player in the world in 1999. He had not been able to do it with only his powerful groundstrokes.

      Hmmm, could it be that Hackers have a superior intellectual grasp of the game of tennis? My final answer is I KNOW SO!

      Please note that Hacker Brad Gilbert has written a book on tennis called Winning Ugly. I assume that his title means “How to Win Like a Hacker, Pusher & Dinker!” I recommend his book.

      It tells you how he was able to defeat players like Pete Sampras, Andre Agassi and Boris Becker, players who obviously had a lot more talent than Brad Gilbert did.


      My book will tell adult levels players and junior players how to defeat Players who have more physical talent and better tennis technique than them.

      Junior Hackers are 18 years old and younger. They are generally called “Pushers.” Don’t worry parents. This does not mean that your children are drug dealers. I assume that they are called Pushers because they tend to “Push” at the ball rather than stroke it. Junior Pushers will probably grow up to be adult Hackers as that is their fate and destiny.

      I find it amusing to go to Junior Tennis Tournaments and ask a Junior player, why he thinks he lost his match? I almost always get the same answer. “I lost to a as if the loss does not count because they lost to a “Pusher”! I don’t get it. A whoopin is a whoopin to me. I try not to laugh when I hear that lame excuse over and over. When I press them to be more specific, I usually get, “All they do is push the ball back.” Hello? Isn’t that the object of tennis to get the ball back over the net one more time than your opponent? My final answer is YES IT IS!

      The term “Dinker” generally refers to senior citizens, about 60 years old & up. I suppose they are called “Dinkers” because they have lost a lot of their mobility and they therefore tend to “Dink” the ball. It is safe to assume that adult “Hackers” will become “Dinkers” when they turn about 60 years old.

      Why the different titles? I have no clue, but Hackers, Pushers & Dinkers basically play the same type of game. They all seem to get the ball back on a consistent basis, and that tends to annoy their opponents. Why? My final answer is I DON’T KNOW!

      But please beware that you can be called a Hacker, Pusher or Dinker regardless of your age. I have been call all three names on many occasions. Did I care? My final answer is NO!


      Hackers, Pushers & Dinkers are also sometimes called “Retrievers” because they just get the ball back. I can still recall the whoopin I gave the fool who called me a good retriever. I did not appreciate being called a dog, so I gave him an extra good whoopin for being disrespectful to a Superior tennis player.

      Hackers, Pushers & Dinkers are easy to spot. They generally do not have proper form or technique and have funny looking strokes. But they still manage to somehow consistently get the ball over the net. There are two basic types of Hackers, Pushers & Dinkers. The Country Club types that wear the top name brands and latest styles in tennis attire and those that look like they just got off the banana boat. They say clothes make the man, but a Hacker, Pusher or Dinker is a Hacker, Pusher or Dinker no matter what outfit they wear.

      Tennis racket manufacturers love Hackers, Pushers & Dinkers because they tend to have the latest rackets on the market and are always talking about the new racket that they are about to buy.


      Many Hackers, Pushers & Dinkers are still in the closet and are unwilling to admit to their orientation. I hope that my book will encourage and motivate them to come out of the closet and take pride in being one of us.

      Hackers, Pushers & Dinkers will do or buy almost anything that promises to improve their game. They are always only one tennis lesson away from an Andre Agassi forehand or Steffi Graf backhand. They fantasize they could be playing on center court at the US Open, if they only would have gotten into tennis as youngsters. I know I could have.


      I’ve heard sports commentators say that without fans there would be no professional Football, Baseball or Basketball. I saw without Hackers, Pushers & Dinkers, there would be no professional tennis. The tournament sponsors put up the big prize money only because they want to reach the millions of Hackers, Pushers & Dinkers who must buy most of the tennis clothes and equipment.

      A Non-Hacker, Non-Pusher or Non-Dinker is generally a tennis player who was trained early on as a youngster on proper tennis form and technique. As noted earlier, some people are genetically disposed to become Hackers, Pushers or Dinkers. It does not matter at what age they get into tennis or how many tennis lessons they take. I am a good example of one because tennis lessons were not able to help me.

      There СКАЧАТЬ