The Bachelor Party. Ron Hummer
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Название: The Bachelor Party

Автор: Ron Hummer

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Контркультура


isbn: 9781456618254


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      The man smiled, took a deep breath. “My name is Frank Russo.”

      Emily glared at the man, put her hands on her hips. “Are you the one who had my son beat up in prison?”

      “Now why would you make that accusation?” Russo asked.

      “Because the men said this is a message from Mr. Russo,” Elaine said.

      “In any case, we seem to have a problem.”

      “I don’t understand,” Emily said.

      “Well, it seems that my daughter has disappeared.”

      “My son doesn’t know your daughter,” Emily said.

      “On the contrary,” Russo said, scratching his head. “She was last seen with your son going out of the strip club.”

      “Then your daughter saw everything,” Emily said. “Did she put ecstasy in my son’s drink?”

      “My daughter wouldn’t do anything like that,” Frank said.

      “I’m not sure I understand this,” Elaine added.

      Frank clapped his hands. “Well, let me explain it to you. There was blood at the crime scene. As you know, there were three people, The third person could be my daughter.”

      Emily crossed her hands over her chest. “So, what are you saying?”

      “For all I know, your son could have killed my daughter after Tony Sage was killed.”

      “That’s ridiculous,” Elaine said.

      “In any case, I’d like to know what happened to my daughter. As far as I’m concerned, your son is the prime suspect.”

      “Then I guess I’ll report this to the police,” Emily answered.

      “You have no proof that I did anything,” Frank fired back. “Those men will deny that they ever said that to your son.”

      Emily: “What do you want?”

      “I want to know what happened to my daughter. You go to the police” - he put his hand to his mouth and coughed - “and make demands that they work on this case. Do whatever they have to do to find out what happened.”

      “They’re doing everything they can already,” Elaine said.

      “I’m not so sure. They think your son’s guilty. And if he is, then maybe he did something to my daughter as well.”

      “My son is innocent of all these charges,” Emily said.

      “That’s good. I hope so. For his sake. You stay on top of the police.” He pointed his forefinger at Emily. “You get some answers. Things will be unpleasant for your son if you don’t get answers that I need.”

      “Fine,” Emily said. “I’ll speak with my attorney. I want to do everything I can to clear my son’s name.”

      “Just make sure he is clear of all these charges. Because if he’s not, then all of you will deal with me.”

      The men turned and walked away.

      “What are we going to do?” Elaine whispered.

      “We’ll go see Amanda. She’ll tell us what to do.”

      Chapter 4

      Emily and Elaine sat on a plush black couch in front of Amanda Collins, who sat behind a mahogany desk. She took a sip of her coffee, put it back on the coaster, her blond hair moving around her shoulders as she shook her head.

      “Frank Russo is head of a mob syndicate in New York. I’m really surprised that he came to you like that.”

      “Maybe we should call the police,” Elaine said.

      “He can just deny everything,” Amanda replied.

      “He was the man who ordered those men to beat up Michael,” Emily answered angrily.

      Amanda took a deep breath, leaned back in her black swivel chair. “I can have the police question him especially if his daughter is involved.”

      “She is involved,” Emily answered.

      “We don’t know that,” Amanda said. “Now, I’m not sure I understand what Frank Russo wants from us.”

      “He doesn’t think the police are investigating this very hard,” Elaine said. “He said that we need to make them work harder.”

      “I think they’re doing all they can already,” Amanda said.

      “My brother would never kill anyone,” Elaine said. “There has to be an explanation.”

      “I’m not sure what we can do. The DA is willing to go for a plea bargain.”

      “No,” Emily said. “Michael did not murder Tony Sage.”

      “If you have any ideas,” Amanda said, “Then now is the time.”

      “Maybe we could do something,” Elaine said.

      “What?” Amanda inquired.

      “What if we hire a private detective?”

      “I don’t know. That could make it worse,” Emily said.

      “I agree,” Amanda said.

      “Well, you hired a private detective,” Elaine said. “Remember when your brother was murdered. You hired that guy. What was his name? Jack Roscoe?”

      The color seemed to drain from Amanda’s face, her eyes widened. “Keep your voice down,” Amanda said, nearly jumping out of her chair. She ran over to the door, the sound of her heels clicking as she shut it.

      “What’s wrong?” Elaine asked.

      Amanda shook her head as she walked back to her chair. “Don’t say that name too loud.”

      “Why?” Emily asked.

      “Look, it’s not important.” She dropped back into her chair. “If you really want to hire a private detective, then I have some other names for you.”

      “Why don’t you want us to hire Jack Roscoe?” Elaine asked. “Didn’t he solve your brother’s murder?”

      “Look Elaine,” Amanda said angrily, “Jack Roscoe is a very nasty man. He won’t work for me. He won’t work for you.”

      “Why?” Elaine asked.

      “He doesn’t like lawyers,” Amanda replied.

      “I don’t understand,” Emily said. “He worked for you.”