Let's Explore America. Raj Boone's Gadasalli
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Название: Let's Explore America

Автор: Raj Boone's Gadasalli

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Руководства


isbn: 9781456608989


СКАЧАТЬ the adjective Jewish, not by the noun Jew.

      Hindu. Large-scale immigration of Hindus is a relatively new phenomenon and current population estimates are at 2 million. Over 150 temples are shining all over the US, prominent ones being in New York, Pittsburgh, Moundsville WV; Austin, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

      Islam. There are tens of thousands of African American adherents, apart from recent wave of immigrants from the Indian sub-continent (200,000) and the Middle East.

      Values in life

      Americans are a religious lot; the vast majority being Christian, subscribe to Biblical values. In God We Trust is their motto. Often it is said that Americans are too materialistic and America is a materialistic society. There is some truth in this but only some. Americans support worthy causes and come to the aid of the distressed when natural disasters and calamities occur in any part of the globe. But unfortunately, the world takes it for granted and blames America for not doing more. Strange as it may appear, the image of businessmen is all that good in society. Most of the time Hollywood portrays businessmen as crooks, ignoring the fact that Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and the like are great humanitarians and Philanthropists.

      Here is an inspirational poem written by an American, in appreciation of divine grace.


      Wilton Hall

      Today upon a bus, I saw a lovely girl with golden hair. I envied her, she was so gay and wished I was so fair. When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle she had one leg and wore a crutch. But as she passed a smile, Oh God, forgive me when I whine, I have two legs and the world is mine.

      I stopped to buy some candy. The lad who sold it had such charm. I talked with him, he seemed so glad. If I were late it would do no harm. As I left he said to me.” I thank you. You have been so kind. It’s nice to talk with folks like you – you see I am blind. Oh God, forgive me when I whine, I have two eyes and the world is mine.

      Later while walking down the street I saw a child with eyes so blue. He stood and watched the others play, he did not know what to do. I stopped a moment and then I said, “why don’t you join others, dear?” He looked ahead without a word and then I knew he couldn’t hear. Oh God, forgive me when I whine, I have two ears and the world is mine.

      With feet to take me where I go, Eyes to see the sunset low, with ears to hear what I would know, Oh God, forgive me when I whine. I am indeed blessed indeed the world is mine.

      What are you living for?

      American society like most other societies holds certain eternal values as dear to it’s heart. These are love

      and compassion for fellow human beings, speaking the truth and helping the needy and so on. But there are glaring exceptions. Corporate greed has ruined many lives and confirms that money cannot be the be all and end all of life. But in America the guilty will always get caught and punished. This can not be said of other societies.

      Some twenty years ago, I happened to read the following published by THE FREE TRACT SOCIETY. Los Angeles. CA. This I have shared with family and friends over the years.

      Failure or Success? Something to think about.

      In 1923, a very important meeting was held at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago. Attending the meeting were ten of the world’s most successful financiers.

      The President of the largest Independent steel Company.

      The President of the National City Bank.

      The President of the largest Utility Company.

      The President of the largest Gas Company.

      The President of the New York Stock Exchange. President of the bank of International settlements.

      A member of the President’s cabinet.

      The greatest wheat speculator.

      The greatest bear in Wall Street.

      Head of the world’s greatest monopoly.

      Certainly we must admit that here were gathered a group of the world’s most successful men. At least, men who had found the secret of “making money”, but nothing else.

      Twenty - five years later

      The president of the largest steel company- Charles Schwab - died a bankrupt and lived on borrowed money for five years before his death.

      The president of the greatest utility company – Samuel Insull – died a fugitive from justice and penniless in a foreign land.

      The president of the largest gas company, Howard Hopson, is now insane.

      The president of the New York Stock Exchange – Richard Whitney – was released from the Sing Sing Penitentiary.

      The member of President’s cabinet – Albert Fall – was pardoned, so he could die at home.

      The greatest wheat speculator – Arthur Cutten – died abroad, insolvent.

      The greatest “bear” in Wall Street – Jesse Livermore – Committed suicide.

      The head of the great monopoly – Ivar Krueger – committed suicide.

      The president of the Bank of international settlements – Leo Frazer – committed suicide.

      These men learned well the art of making money, but not one of them learned what to live for. What are you living for?

      The 1980s saw corporate greed reaching new heights and several bigwigs who committed crimes were sent to prison. There was a lull for some years but more recently corporate crooks that ran companies like Anderson, Enron, Worldcom and others are being called to justice.


      A mural at UN headquarters in New York.

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