Cities of Others. Xiaojing Zhou
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Название: Cities of Others

Автор: Xiaojing Zhou

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: История

Серия: Scott and Laurie Oki Series in Asian American Studies

isbn: 9780295805429


СКАЧАТЬ only (Peffer).

      Chinatown Family alludes to those exclusionary laws and their underlying racism. The family’s patriarch, Tom Fong, Sr., who comes to the United States during the gold rush, is driven out of the West Coast by anti-Chinese violence and becomes a laundryman in New York City. Forbidden by law to have a family in the United States, Fong goes back to China every five or six years to be with his wife and to father a child. The Chinese Exclusion Act is still in effect when, with the help of his second son, Frederick, an insurance agent, who entered the United States by jumping ship while working as a seaman at age sixteen, Fong eventually has enough money to bring his wife and their two youngest children to New York City during the 1930s (Chinatown Family 7).3 Lin situates the Fongs’ family union in New York in the context of U.S. exclusionary laws through an ironic, yet seemingly matter-of-fact, statement by the narrator: “There were those immigration officials, and there were immigration laws, laws made, it seemed, especially to keep Chinese out of America, or to let in as few as possible” (9). Hence, to live as a family, the Fongs have to circumvent the law: “A laundryman certainly could not bring his family into the country legally. But a merchant could if the children were not yet twenty-one years old. And Uncle Chan was a merchant, with a fine busy grocery store in Chinatown.” He “was glad to help to bring his sister and her children over.” So “to satisfy the law,” Uncle Chan made his brother-in-law Tom Fong legally a joint owner of the grocery store. “Thus in the somewhat blinking eyes of the law, Tom Fong became a merchant” (10).

      Lin Yutang’s calling his novel Chinatown Family during the early twentieth century could have been viewed as an act of mischief or even subversion. It was at least done tongue in cheek, for the paterfamilias in Lin’s Chinatown Family, an otherwise very innocuous Tom Fong, is not only a Chinese man but a laundryman to boot! And in the early twentieth century, the mighty machinery of the U.S. Immigration Service was geared precisely to preventing Chinese laborers such as Fong from having a family on American soil. In fact, in the 1930s, which is when the action of Lin’s Chinatown Family takes place, Fong’s family was downright illegal in America. (xiii)

      By situating Chinatown Family within its historical context, Chen draws critical attention to the ways that the novel exposes the violation of Chinese immigrants’ human rights through legalized discrimination on grounds of race, class, and national origins. “The subtextual question in Lin’s portrait of his Chinatown family,” Chen contends, “is whether social and human units such as this should be discriminated against and even criminalized” (xv). Chen’s remarks about Chinatown Family point to the novel’s subversive possibilities, which have often been overlooked by critics.

      Yet the spatiality of identity construction and subject formation in Chinatown Family remains overlooked in critical analyses of the novel, even though recent scholarship on Lin’s work has advanced beyond largely ethnographical readings of assimilative immigrant narratives of upward mobility through adherence to hard work and family values and by overcoming cultural conflicts. While continuing to explore the implications of Chinese immigrants’ assimilation as portrayed in Chinatown Family, Palumbo-Liu shifts critical attention from Lin’s depiction of stereotypical Chinese culture to the formation of the Chinese American subject through the “model minority” discourse.7 In his analysis of the assimilation process of Tom Fong, Jr., Palumbo-Liu highlights the pedagogical relationship between Tom and his white English teacher, Miss Cartwright, who embodies the norm and ideal of the desirability of being American (Asian/American 157). As described in the novel: “[Tom] had never believed it possible that there were such Americans. Miss Cartwright spoke with a kind of angelic sweetness. . . . Her accent was feminine, clear, softly vibrant, and seemed to Tom divine” (61). This raced and gendered pedagogical relationship evokes the relationship between Chinese male immigrants and white female missionary patrons and Sunday school teachers in several short stories by Sui Sin Far. The function СКАЧАТЬ