Karl Barth. Paul S. Chung
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Название: Karl Barth

Автор: Paul S. Chung

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9781498270311


СКАЧАТЬ However, in the account of the rich man and the poor Lazarus, Jesus wanted to say that a rich person does not enter into the kingdom of God (Luke 16:19–31). A Marxist theoretician, Joseph Dietzgen, who was a despiser of Christianity, was right in saying that the original sin of the human race is self-seeking. The similarity between Barth’s argumentation and that of a more Marxist approach is shaped in his passion for the socialistic spirit of solidarity. In view of The Communist Manifesto of 1848, Barth argued that socialism proceeds from solidarity and it emphasizes solidarity “as the source of his power and progress” to the social consciousness of the worker. Furthermore, he argued, “Solidarity is the law and the gospel of socialism.” As a socialist, one ceases to be an individualist and thus ceases to think, feel, and act as a private person, so he or she should become a class-conscious worker. “To be a socialist means to be a ‘comrade’ in consumer’s unions, in labor unions, and in political parties” “as a member of the forward-striding, fighting totality.”92