Karl Barth. Paul S. Chung
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Название: Karl Barth

Автор: Paul S. Chung

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9781498270311


СКАЧАТЬ “Socialist Speeches,” makes it possible to understand variations in his relation to socialism, particularly in his practical relation to organized socialism and the social democratic party in Switzerland and socialistic International. The “Socialist Speeches” (later so named by Barth himself) is the title of a collection of some forty-three addresses that Barth delivered during his Safenwil period.61 Barth began his pastorate in Safenwil on May 1, 1911. Four and a half months later he began to give his first socialist speech at the meeting of the Laborers’ Society in Safenwil. The Laborers’ Society was the official name of the local group of the Social Democratic Party of Switzerland. Barth was not a member of the socialist party yet when he began his “Socialist Speeches.” These earliest “Socialist Speeches” were formulated word for word just like sermons, and they construct comprehensive texts written out in the passion and precision of his proclamation.62 Half of Barth’s pastoral time in Safenwil was the time of World War I and the October Revolution in Russia.

      Karl Barth and the Social Movement for Jesus

      In 1911 Barth became the pastor in Safenwil, Switzerland, an industrial and agricultural area in the canton of Aargau. The first phase for Barth’s socialism can be located from the beginning of his pastoral work till the outbreak of the First World War. Barth himself testified in a speech (“Evangelium und Sozialismus”) of his interest in a relation between the gospel and socialism, during a meeting of the Workers’ Association in Küngoldingen on February 1, 1914.