Jesus, Disciple of the Kingdom. Osvaldo D. Vena
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Название: Jesus, Disciple of the Kingdom

Автор: Osvaldo D. Vena

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9781630873738


СКАЧАТЬ of the author to render a portrayal of Jesus that serves the needs of his community. But I also have, which Mark did not, a history of interpretation of the text, the way in which the church has ascribed meaning to the life of Jesus during two millennia and which conditions the way I read the text. And I also have my own reaction to that history of interpretation, which makes me privilege certain readings over others, in a similar fashion as the evangelist privileged certain traditions over others.35

      To speak of Jesus as a disciple of the kingdom, then, implies that Jesus’ ministry needs to be seen as paradigmatic, instrumental, temporary, and not necessarily absolute and final, qualities of God’s reign to which Jesus seems to have always subordinated himself. The Gospel of John alludes to this when it says: “The one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12). Luke also shares this opinion by writing an entire book, Acts, devoted to the work of the apostles and their followers, thus making it clear that Jesus’ earthly ministry was unfinished and was now being continued by the Spirit through the work of the community (cf. John 14:16, 26; 16:4–15; Acts 1:8).

      Historical and Sociological Approaches to Jesus

      What was the historical Jesus, the real flesh-and-blood Jesus, like? This is what a historical approach to Jesus would try to find out, and many answers have been proposed, most of which have been treated ad nauseam by scholars from the nineteenth century to our own days and whose record appear, among a myriad of academic and popular works, in Craig S. Keener’s monumental volume entitled The Historical Jesus of the Gospels. In his book, Keener traces the history of Jesus scholarship in detail, providing an invaluable resource for those interested in this kind of endeavor. Since mine is less historical than rhetorical, as previously noted, I refer the reader to Keener’s book. Nevertheless, I would like to consider briefly some of these images, for they provide the background to my own investigation.

      Jesus as a Wandering Charismatic

      Jesus as the Broker of God