Jesus, Disciple of the Kingdom. Osvaldo D. Vena
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Название: Jesus, Disciple of the Kingdom

Автор: Osvaldo D. Vena

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9781630873738


СКАЧАТЬ praxis. Thus the New Testament will be viewed primarily as history and only secondarily as doctrine concerning the real nature of that history.5

      The Need for a New Model

      The Jesus who has been proclaimed by the various historical-Jesus researchers has also alienated people both in the church and in society at large, for this Jesus seems to be the product of liberal Christianity (Jesus the charismatic genius and great hero), or of scientific, and thus positivist, investigation that sees in Jesus a healer, preacher of renewal, cynic, and so on, who is at odds with the Judaism of his time. The problematic images of Jesus coming from these different quests have been addressed in depth by Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza in her book, Jesus and the Politics of Interpretation. She advocates for an ethics of interpretation that recognizes that any presentation of Jesus, whether religious or scientific, is really a reconstruction done with the tools available to the researcher that condition the results of the investigation. She says: