Systematic development of handball offense concepts. Jörg Madinger
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Название: Systematic development of handball offense concepts

Автор: Jörg Madinger

Издательство: Автор

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес


isbn: 9783956412189


СКАЧАТЬ and receives a return pass (B).


clearly moves to the left (C) (he may bounce the ball one time with the hand that is not in direction of the defense).


(D), and receives a pass.

      - If there is a large gap next to

may approach the goal directly (E).

      - Usually,

passes the ball into the parallel piston move of


approaches the defense at full speed and initially tries to break through (G).

      - If

(not shown in the figure), if
closes the gap.


lines up for the pivot position,
moves to the right back position,
lines up for the center back position with a ball,
keeps his position or takes turns with a second defense player.


should approach the goal during the 3-on-2 play and try to break through before passing the ball to the pivot or to the wing position player.


The players should repeat the course on the other side as well and play 3-on-2 on the left side.


Switch the defense players at regular intervals.

      No.: 1-7 Offense/Small groups (15/80)


      - Define the playing fields with two foam beams.





plays the initial pass to
(A), makes a slight piston movement to the right, and receives a return pass (B).


clearly moves to the left (C) (he may bounce the ball one time with the hand that is not in direction of the defense).


(D), and receives a pass (variant 1; figure 1).


(E). Subsequently, the players keep on playing 3-on-2 in the right playing corridor until they have shot at the goal (F, G, and H).

      - After the crossing,

may – instead of passing the ball into the crossing movement of
(J) on the left side (variant 2; figure 2).


approaches the goal and tries to break through (K).

      - If

(M), who then shoots at the goal (N).


must decide which variant will be played, depending on the position of


must anticipate the parallel pass at any time and start to run accordingly.


The back position players should approach the goal and try to break through before passing the ball.


Switch the defense players at regular intervals.

      No.: 1-8 Offense/Team (10/90)


      - Divide the field longitudinally into a right and СКАЧАТЬ