Название: Leading Intercessions
Автор: Raymond Chapman
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Религия: прочее
isbn: 9781848253827
With confidence in the love of Christ who died for sinners, we commend the souls departed this life . . . We give thanks for the eternal life in which none shall ever thirst again.
We offer these prayers to God who knows the secrets of all hearts and gives us the water of life.
Let us pray for the light of Christ, that we may worship with a clear vision of his love.
Open the eyes of your people, to have a right judgement in all things by the light of your truth . . . Shield us from the works of darkness that may threaten the purity of your Church.
When so many cannot see their way and fall into indifference or despair, grant that the light of the Gospel may be known to all nations . . . Give true discernment to those who go astray through the false judgement of outward sight.
Be close to our families and save them from all that would offend against you . . . Bring the brightness of your presence into our community, to reveal and correct those things which are contrary to your will.
Have mercy on the blind and weak of sight . . . Guide those who seek to relieve them, and increase our will to help where resources are needed.
We remember those whose eyes are open indeed as they live in the fullness of your glory . . . We give thanks for the way of salvation shown by Christ, the Light of the world.
That we may have the perfect vision of faith, may these our prayers lead us to closer knowledge of God.
Let us pray to God, the giver of life in this world and in his eternal Kingdom.
Breathe new life into the Church . . . Break through our sloth and indifference . . . Give us power to proclaim Jesus as the Resurrection and the life.
Bless the wilderness places of the world, where the springs of hope have become dry . . . Heal with your life-giving Spirit all who are weighed down by the burden of materialism.
Lead us, our families and friends, in the way of true righteousness . . . Give us lives more joyful in the assurance of sins forgiven.
Comfort those who mourn, so that they may know that death is not the end . . . Give the Spirit of life to those whose spirits are broken by sorrow.
Confident in the promise that those who believe in Jesus Christ will live though they are dead, we give thanks for all who have left their earthly body and entered into the greater life of the Spirit.
We make our prayers in the name of Christ who has raised us from the death of sin to eternal life.
Let us follow in the way of Christ and pray through him to the Father.
Give true humility to your people, making them more worthy to proclaim the sufferings of Christ, the just for the unjust . . . As he was smitten for us, strengthen us when we must bear scorn and opposition for his sake.
Turn and soften those who take the false and easy way when choice is demanded . . . Cleanse the world of corruption that is concealed under a show of goodness.
Give us the desire to serve those whose lives touch our own . . . Let us honour one another for the sake of him who humbled himself to the Cross for us.
Have compassion on those who are condemned by unjust laws and cruel regimes . . . May they feel, in their suffering, the suffering love of Christ.
We pray for those who have been put to death through anger, blindness or cowardice or by the violence of injustice . . . Give them the peace that was refused them in this life.
Casting our cares and our sins before the feet of Christ, may we have grace to follow him to the end.
Let us pray, in the joy of the Lord’s sacrament and in the sorrow of his Passion.
Inspire the Church with the presence of Jesus Christ, here with us as he was with his disciples on the eve of his Passion . . . Draw us closer to you and to one another in the celebration of holy communion.
Recalling your great acts of mercy, we pray for the world, for freedom from the slavery of injustice and oppression, and all that holds people back from fullness of life.
As you gave to your disciples a new commandment of love, give the spirit of love to all among whom we live . . . Let the healing power of our communion spread beyond these walls, to make many whole.
Have mercy on those who have not learned to love . . . Grant that those who feel themselves to be without value may be confident of their worth shown in Christ’s saving death.
We pray for those who in this world followed Christ and died in the assurance of his love . . . May the grace of his communion fortify us until we rest with them.
As we come to the Table of the Lord, may these our prayers be united with the great Prayer of Thanksgiving.
In sorrow, in penitence and in thanksgiving for the divine sacrifice of the Passion, let us pray.
Give to your Church grace to enter deeply into the sad mystery of this day . . . As we stand before the Cross of Jesus Christ, make us more worthy to take that Cross as the sign of our faith.
Have mercy on a world that goes its way ignorant or forgetful of Christ’s sacrificial love . . . In the power of the Cross, let his true kingship be established.
As Jesus cared for his mother and his friend even in the hour of death, let nothing diminish our concern for one another . . . As he was crucified near to a city, may his saving love come into our homes.
Look with compassion on all who are bruised and smitten by suffering . . . In the sufferings of Christ, let them find healing.
We pray for all whose earthly lives have ended . . . We pray that the death which destroyed death shall be their life.
Now and at all times, we offer our prayers through Jesus Christ, crucified for us.
In quiet confidence and joyful expectation, let us pray to the Lord.
With sorrow and hope we offer our worship this day . . . Grant to all the faithful the grace to wait upon your will in peace and stillness.
Bring to busy, restless humanity the blessing of calm . . . May the message of hope be preached even in the darkest places of the world.
Bless our families with the peace of Christ . . . Heal disputes and divisions in our community with the remembrance that Christ suffered for us all, even to death.
Give rest to the tired minds and bodies of those СКАЧАТЬ