Leading Intercessions. Raymond Chapman
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Название: Leading Intercessions

Автор: Raymond Chapman

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9781848253827



      Let us pray to God, our creator, sustainer and redeemer, for our needs and the needs of the whole world.

      Fill the Church, your new creation, with the spirit of hope . . . Enable her to proclaim to all people the good news of the Kingdom and its righteousness.

      Restore to a world created holy and beautiful but which we have defaced by indifference and greed, the reverence due to all your creatures . . . Give hope and trust to take away the anxiety for the future that troubles so many.

      Bring to all who are of our community the assurance that they are your children and that you will meet their needs . . . Let our own trust be a witness to others.

      Have mercy on those whose troubles hold them back from knowing the beauty of the world . . . Deliver them from fear and show them the joy of your salvation.

      We commend those who have been delivered from the cares of this transitory life . . . Hold them in the life of the Kingdom where lost beauty is restored and lost innocence is renewed.

      Trusting in the unfailing love of God for all that he has made, we offer our prayer and praise before him.


      Let us pray in obedience to God’s holy law and in adoration of his glory revealed in his Son.

      As we have received your commandments, give to your Church a prophetic voice to declare them, that the glory of Christ may shine in all people . . . Give us the light that we cannot find without your guidance.

      Look with pity on a world lacking direction and purpose . . . Lighten the nations with the vision of truth revealed of old in your holy mountain.

      Grant to us, and to our families and friends, the desire to draw closer to Christ and to live our lives with him . . . Speak to us through the Holy Spirit as you spoke to the prophets and apostles.

      Send the light of Christ into the darkness of those who are in need and distress at this time . . . Give them the assurance of salvation.

      We give thanks that the faithful departed are transfigured in the light of your love . . . Give us grace to live according to your commandments and to follow in their steps.

      May these our prayers be found worthy in the light of Christ, our guide in all our words and ways.


      In penitence and faith seeking the path of holiness, let us pray to the Lord.

      Inspire your Church to witness to her Lord at this season by following him in humility and simplicity of life . . . Give us wisdom to make good resolves and grace to maintain them . . . Grant that we may so deepen and purify our worship that we shall know more fully your holy will.

      We pray for those who use the good things of this world selfishly and for those whose power makes them insensitive to the needs of others . . . Show them the way of love and self-denial . . . Cleanse the peoples of the earth from worshipping the false gods of wealth and possessions.

      Fill us with the grace of prayer and service . . . Enable us to give ourselves more readily, in our homes, our work and all our dealings with others . . . Shield those known to us who are beset by temptation to do wrong.

      We pray for those whose lives are austere not by choice but by misfortune . . . For those who have no comforts to renounce because they struggle to survive . . . We pray for the starving and undernourished, the homeless and the unprotected.

      Have mercy on the dead who once trusted in the things of this world . . . Have mercy on those who looked for salvation through their own deeds . . . In your unfailing love, grant them the eternal life which all may gain through faith but none can merit.

      Sorrowful for our sins and joyful for the means of pardon, we begin our Lenten pilgrimage in prayer.


      Let us pray to the Lord who guides us through the wilderness of temptation into our fellowship with him and with one another.

      Forgive the weakness and failures of those who call themselves followers of Christ . . . By his victory over temptation, strengthen your Church in his service.

      Have mercy on a fallen world, disobedient to your law . . . Restore in all our humanity your image that has been defaced through sin . . . Inspire those in authority with more concern for the care of natural things.

      Make us more aware of the beauty of creation in the places where we live and work . . . Give us grace to resist the temptation to use your creatures for our own pleasure.

      Have mercy on those who have fallen deeply into sin and despair . . . Lead them into the new life which Christ has opened to all who will believe.

      We commend to your mercy the souls of those who have passed from the temptations of this world . . . Forgive their sins and receive them into the perfection of your new creation.

      Beset by temptation but trusting in the power of Christ alone to save, we commend ourselves to his mercy through our prayers.


      Let us pray in the power of the Holy Spirit who guides and enables the people of God.

      As your word has been revealed from the days of Abraham until this time, make us faithful in our generation to believe your promises and follow the guidance of your Holy Spirit.

      Open the ears of a world that seems deaf to your word . . . Grant that the lives that have fallen aside from the true way may be born again.

      Keep us, our families and friends, alert to your calling . . . As we come to you in questioning, relieve our doubts and fears . . . Breathe new life into our homes and the places where we work.

      Give courage to those who are fearful of what lies before them, who face the call to depart into new and unknown ways . . . Keep them steadfast in hope and trust.

      Grant to the faithful departed the eternal life promised by our Lord Jesus . . . Unite our prayers with them and with those who have believed your word through all the ages.

      May the Holy Spirit direct and sanctify these our prayers and lead us in the way of truth.


      That we may worship in spirit and in truth, let us pray with reverence to Almighty God.

      Source of the living water, forgive us when we fail in trust and serenity towards you . . . Through all times of trouble and difficulty, keep your Church constant to worship you in spirit and in truth.

      Come to a world that is thirsty for peace and security . . . Calm the restlessness of humanity with the knowledge of salvation won by Jesus Christ.

      We pray for those known to us who are suffering in their marriages or other close relationships . . . We remember also those who know you imperfectly, and pray that they may understand and be made whole.

      Look with compassion on those who know too well the pains of bodily thirst . . . Strike through the hardness of our hearts, that СКАЧАТЬ