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СКАЧАТЬ it is not his theories but those of the modern scholar that have been ventilated.

       Somewhat later, from 1823 to 1826, Esmangart and Johanneau issued a variorum edition in nine volumes, in which the text is often encumbered by notes which are really too numerous, and, above all, too long. The work

       was an enormous one, but the best part of it is Le Duchat's, and what is

       not his is too often absolutely hypothetical and beside the truth. Le

       Duchat had already given too much importance to the false historical


       explanation. Here it is constantly coming in, and it rests on no evidence. In reality, there is no need of the key to Rabelais by which to discover the meaning of subtle allusions. He is neither so complicated nor so full

       of riddles. We know how he has scattered the names of contemporaries about his work, sometimes of friends, sometimes of enemies, and without

       disguising them under any mask. He is no more Panurge than Louis XII. is Gargantua or Francis I. Pantagruel. Rabelais says what he wants, all he wants, and in the way he wants. There are no mysteries below the surface, and it is a waste of time to look for knots in a bulrush. All the

       historical explanations are purely imaginary, utterly without proof, and should the more emphatically be looked on as baseless and dismissed. They are radically false, and therefore both worthless and harmful.

       In 1840 there appeared in the Bibliotheque Charpentier the Rabelais in a single duodecimo volume, begun by Charles Labiche, and, after his death, completed by M. Paul Lacroix, whose share is the larger. The text is that of L'Aulnaye; the short footnotes, with all their brevity, contain useful explanations of difficult words. Amongst the editions of Rabelais this is one of the most important, because it brought him many readers and admirers. No other has made him so well and so widely known as this

       portable volume, which has been constantly reprinted. No other has been so widely circulated, and the sale still goes on. It was, and must still be

       looked on as a most serviceable edition.

       The edition published by Didot in 1857 has an altogether special character. In the biographical notice M. Rathery for the first time treated as they

       deserve the foolish prejudices which have made Rabelais misunderstood, and

       M. Burgaud des Marets set the text on a quite new base. Having proved, what of course is very evident, that in the original editions the spelling,


       and the language too, were of the simplest and clearest, and were not bristling with the nonsensical and superfluous consonants which have given rise to the idea that Rabelais is difficult to read, he took the trouble

       first of all to note the spelling of each word. Whenever in a single instance he found it in accordance with modern spelling, he made it the same throughout. The task was a hard one, and Rabelais certainly gained in clearness, but over-zeal is often fatal to a reform. In respect to its

       precision and the value of its notes, which are short and very judicious, Burgaud des Marets' edition is valuable, and is amongst those which should be known and taken into account.

       Since Le Duchat all the editions have a common fault. They are not exactly

       guilty of fabricating, but they set up an artificial text in the sense that, in order to lose as little as possible, they have collected and united what originally were variations--the revisions, in short, of the

       original editions. Guided by the wise counsels given by Brunet in 1852 in his Researches on the old editions of Rabelais, Pierre Jannet published the first three books in 1858; then, when the publication of the Bibliotheque Elzevirienne was discontinued, he took up the work again and finished the edition in Picard's blue library, in little volumes, each book quite

       distinct. It was M. Jannet who in our days first restored the pure and

       exact text of Rabelais, not only without retouching it, but without making additions or insertions, or juxtaposition of things that were not formerly found together. For each of the books he has followed the last edition issued by Rabelais, and all the earlier differences he gives as variations.

       It is astonishing that a thing so simple and so fitting should not have been done before, and the result is that this absolutely exact fidelity has restored a lucidity which was not wanting in Rabelais's time, but which had

       since been obscured. All who have come after Jannet have followed in his


       path, and there is no reason for straying from it.



       To the Honoured, Noble Translator of Rabelais.

       Rabelais, whose wit prodigiously was made, All men, professions, actions to invade, With so much furious vigour, as if it

       Had lived o'er each of them, and each had quit, Yet with such happy sleight and careless skill, As, like the serpent, doth with laughter kill,

       So that although his noble leaves appear

       Antic and Gottish, and dull souls forbear

       To turn them o'er, lest they should only find

       Nothing but savage monsters of a mind,--

       No shapen beauteous thoughts; yet when the wise

       Seriously strip him of his wild disguise,

       Melt down his dross, refine his massy ore,

       And polish that which seem'd rough-cast before,

       Search his deep sense, unveil his hidden mirth,

       And make that fiery which before seem'd earth


       (Conquering those things of highest consequence, What's difficult of language or of sense),

       He will appear some noble table writ

       In the old Egyptian hieroglyphic wit;

       Where, though you monsters and grotescoes see, You meet all mysteries of philosophy.

       For he was wise and sovereignly bred

       To know what mankind is, how 't may be led: He stoop'd unto them, like that wise man, who Rid on a stick, when 's children would do so. For we are easy sullen things, and must

       Be laugh'd aright, and cheated into trust;

       Whilst a black piece of phlegm, that lays about

       Dull menaces, and terrifies the rout,

       And cajoles it, with all its peevish strength Piteously stretch'd and botch'd up into length, Whilst the tired rabble sleepily obey

       Such opiate talk, and snore away the day,

       By all his noise as much their minds relieves, As caterwauling of wild cats frights thieves. But Rabelais was another thing, a man
