Название: Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period
Автор: Various
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр: Документальная литература
isbn: 4057664654670
[3] Pemaquid, Maine, east of the mouth of the Damariscotta. There was an English settlement there from 1626. As to the jurisdiction, all this region east of the Kennebec had been included in the Duke of York's patent of 1664, but his governor at New York took no active steps to assume its government till 1677, and de facto Pemaquid in 1675 was in the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, which in 1674 had organized the region east of the Kennebec as the county of Devon.
[4] Lieut. Thomas Gardiner, resident at Pemaquid, was chief military commander and treasurer of the county of Devon, and a county magistrate.
[5] Near Sedgwick, Maine.
[6] William Stoughton, of the Court of Assistants, afterward lieutenant-governor of the province; see document no. 70, post.
[7] Off Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.
42. Declaration of Edward Youreing. May 24, 1675. [1]
To the Hono'rd Court of Assistants Now Sitting in Boston The Declaration of Edward Youring of Boston, Fisherman, Humbly Showeth:
Thatt whereas the said youring being in October last past, both himselfe and the Barke whereof the said youring was part owner, and being hyred upon A leading Voyage, so farr Easterly as A Place caulled Zecganickto nere the botom of the Bay of Fundy (and noe further), by Capt. Peter Rodregross and Company; As by A Charter Partie, Refferance being had thereunto, more fully may Appear; and allso will therein Declare thatt I your Poore and Humble Declarant Edward Youring had not the Least Intention of anything thereby but onely and honestly to Improve both myselfe and my Interest in the foresaid Barque, in an honest Lawfull way; And it being well knowen and seen, both in Towne or else where wherever my caulling haith Led mee, thatt I have been according to my Capassetye and Abillity an Industreous hard Laberar, whereby I mought gitt wherewith to mentayne my Famely, which in a measure hayth been sumthing Comefortably untell now (through the goodness of God), nor I have not at all been wanting to take the best paynes I could for an honest Livelyhood, both for my selfe and my Familie, I not being so Ignorant but thatt by Instructyans and good Examples being thereby rightlie informed, thatt hee is worse than an Infidle thatt shall not provide for his Familie, etc.; I Doe Declare in the presence of God and Your Hon'rs this Day that, through God's goodness to me, I am Conscious unto my owne Innocency, and am truly free from thatt Reporte of my being guiltie of Pyracy or being A pyorett, nither ever had I the Least thought nor suspition thatt those persons which Carryed them selves so fairly to me whilst that I was in Boston with them, would have caryed it so much contrary to whatt they promised to me before they went from hence; And thatt was thatt they would not meddle, nor take either vessells or goods from any English man, as may Appeare by severel testimonys; whereupon I did proced upon the said Voyage, upon Monthly Wages. And wee being come as farr East as Casco Bay, then the Privateers (though much against my minde and will) they wentt on Shoare and brought on Board of us severall Sheepe which belonged to the inhabitants of thatt place, where upon I did so farr show my dislike to the Privateers for soe doeing that I tould them thatt I protested against their Actions in that way; where upon they did not only revile and use opprobius and reproachfull words to me for my declayring my minde to them, but they allso threated to strycke me and being so threatened forced me to Silence, and they also forced me to goe further upon the said voyage; and when wee arrived so farr East as Pemmaquid I tooke so much notice of the debaucherie of the Privateers thatt I thought in my selfe thatt the voyage was not like only to be unproffitable but allso troublesome and uncomfortable, whereupon I desired to be cleared from them, but I being one thatt was bound by charter partie was forced to goe further East with them; and Comeing to a Place caulled Knoskeegg,[2] there wee mett with Capt. Roades and the Privateers tooke him aboard of our vessell, and after some stay there the wind being Contrary, notwithstanding they went to turne it out and as they ware turning out, I Edward Youring spoke to Thomas Mitchell whoe was then at helme, desireing him to beare up the helme and to goe no further with them, and I tould the sayd Mitchell my reason was because I heard them say thay would take George Manning[3] and the Vessell if they could meet with him, and one of the Privateers, by name Randler Judgson, came to me as I was speaking to Mitchell to beare up the helme, sweareing thus or this effect: "God damne me, Youring or Mitchell, speake another word of bearing up the Helme and Ile knock out your Braines with a hand speake", etc.; furthermore I the sayd Youring haveing no way to Escape from them was forced to Stay Longer with them, but at Length Comeing to a Harbour further East, wee spieing a vessell at an Anchor, Capt. Rodregrose commanded Thomas Mitchell to Steer right with her, and Comeing up with her Rodregross bid them Amaine[4] for the Prince of Orainge; whareupon they lowred out their Annchor and it proved to be George Manning; then I the said Youring, haveing heard Rodregross and the Privateers say whatt they Intended to doe if they meett with Manning, I intreated them not to take him but to lett him goe peaceably with whatt hee had, and onely give him warning for the future; but Rodregross instead of Complying with my request blamed me much for speak[ing] against takeing of him, and forthwith went on board and tooke a way his peltery; and the same Afternoone made prize, both of vessell and goods, after wh. I Edward Youring Speakeing in the behalf of Manning, Capt. Rodregross tooke doune his pistol, wch generally he kept loaden by him, and presented it to me, and had not Capt. Roades whch satt by Layd his hand upon it, turnning of it away from me, I had then been shott. and the next Night following Petter Grant one of the Privateers made a writeing, and being very earnest with me to sett my hand to it, toulde me it would be no damage to me to sett my hand as a Witness; I the said Youring, being Ignorant of such things and not knowing what was in it, I did Sett my hand to it, but no otherwayes butt as A wittness (the which I did by reason of my being in feare of my life, if I should have denyed to have done it), and soon after the Pryvat[eer] [torn] had been at Mayhchyous[5] and Laded the goods they tooke from George Manning, they went to St. Johns, wheare they had not been above three or fower howers, as I judge, before thatt there caime into the Harbor a vessell from the Sea and came to an Anchor about a mile distant from us. then the said Rodregross Commanded twoe boates to be manned to cary him and his Company, and coming nere to the vessell, he bid them A Mayne for the Prince of orainge, and Some in the vessell knowing him desired him to come aboard, And when he came aboard Rodregross Commanded them to weigh Anchor and to Come and Ride by him; and thatt Night Capt. Rodregross kept possession of [torn] himself and the next day commanded his boat from his own vessell, and Commanded George Walton, master of the said vessell,[6] to deliver their Beaver and Moose, wch after search made in the hold he tooke and Carryed it away, and I the said Youring shewing my dislike as much as I darst in my opposeing Rodregross, upon which and because I would not give my consent to goe over the Bay of Fundee, I being one thatt was ingaged by Charter partie to the Contrarie, and soone affter one of the Privateers struke me many blowes upon my backe and Sides with a long knife Like a Short Hangger, which brused me very mutch, and the same night being a very could night in the latter eand of Dicember Last, the sayd Privateer thatt hett me turned me ashoare, wheare I was like to be Starved wth could. The next day following, I being very ill and very sore with the blowes I recd the evenning before, and after the morning was a little passed, with much intreetye I prevailed to git libertie to goe aboard to gitt some Releife. And after they had forced Thomas Mitchell and myselfe to goe over the Bay of Fundee, as wee Returned backe wee put into Maychyas, and Standing into the harbor wee saw a vessell under Duch collors standing out; which when wee came nere unto proved to be George Mannings vessell; whoe as soone as hee came up with us, haveing gotten to Windward of our Vessell, poured СКАЧАТЬ