Henley's Twentieth Century Formulas, Recipes and Processes. Various
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Название: Henley's Twentieth Century Formulas, Recipes and Processes

Автор: Various

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664126917


СКАЧАТЬ into No. 3 one or two drops of Solution D; leave No. 4 glass empty; into No. 5 glass pour a few drops of Solution E; into No. 6 glass place a few grains of Package G; into No. 7 glass pour a little of solution F.

      Request some one to bring you some cold drinking water, and to guarantee that it is pure show that your wine bottle is (practically) empty. Fill it up from the carafe, and having asked the audience whether you shall produce wine or water, milk or ink, etc., you may obtain any of these by pouring a little of the water from the bottle into the prepared glass. Thus No. 1 glass gives a port-wine color; No. 2 gives a sherry color; No. 3 gives a claret color; No. 4 is left empty to prove that the solution in the bottle is colorless; No. 5 produces milk; No. 6, effervescing champagne; No. 7, ink.

      Bottle-capping Mixtures.—

      I.—Soak 7 pounds of good gelatin in 10 ounces of glycerine and 60 ounces of water, and heat over a water bath until dissolved, and add any desired color. Pigments may be used, and various tints can be obtained by the use of aniline colors. The resulting compound should be stored in jars. To apply liquefy the mass and dip the cork and portion of the neck of the bottle into the liquid; it sets very quickly.

II.—Gelatin1 ounce
Gum arabic1 ounce
Boric acid20 grains
Starch1 ounce
Water16 fluidounces

      Mix the gelatin, gum arabic, and boric acid with 14 fluidounces of cold water, stir occasionally until the gum is dissolved, heat the mixture to boiling, remove the scum, and strain. Also mix the starch intimately with the remainder of the water, and stir this mixture into the hot gelatin mixture until a uniform product results. As noted above, the composition may be tinted with any suitable dye. Before using, it must be softened by the application of heat. {127}

III.—Shellac3 ounces
Venice turpentine1 1/2 ounces
Boric acid72 grains
Powdered talcum3 ounces
Ether6 fluidrams
Alcohol12 1/2 fluidounces

      Dissolve the shellac, turpentine, and boric acid in the mixed alcohol and ether, color with a spirit-soluble dye, and add the talcum. During use the mixture must be agitated frequently.

      Show Bottles.—

      I.—Place in a cylindrical bottle the following liquids in the order named:

      First, sulphuric acid, tinted blue with indigo; second, chloroform; third, glycerine, slightly tinted with caramel; fourth, castor oil, colored with alkanet root; fifth, 40-per-cent alcohol, slightly tinted with aniline green; sixth, cod-liver oil, containing 1 per cent of oil of turpentine. The liquids are held in place by force of gravity, and alternate with fluids which are not miscible, so that the strata of layers are clearly defined and do not mingle by diffusion.

II.—Chromic acid1 drachm
Commercial “muriatic” acid2 ounces
Nitric acid2 ounces
Water, enough to make3 gallons

      The color is magenta.

      The following makes a fine pink for show carboys:

III.—Cobalt oxide2 parts
Nitric acid, c. p.1 part
Hydrochloric acid1 part

      Mix and dissolve, and to the solution add:

Strongest water of ammonia 6 parts
Sulphuric acid 1 part
Water, distilled, q. s. to make 400 parts

      This should be left standing in a dark, cool place for at least a month before putting in the window.

      IV.—Green.—Copper sulphate, 300 parts, by weight; hydrochloric acid, 450 parts, by weight; distilled water, to 4,500 parts, by weight.

      V.—Blue.—Copper sulphate, 480 parts, by weight; sulphuric acid, 60 parts, by weight; distilled water, to 450 parts, by weight.

      VI.—Yellowish Brown.—Potassium dichromate, 120 parts, by weight; nitric acid, 150 parts, by weight; distilled water, to 4,500 parts, by weight.

      VII.—Yellow.—Potassium dichromate, 30 parts, by weight; sodium bicarbonate, 225 parts, by weight; distilled water, to 4,500 parts, by weight.

      VIII.—Red.—Liquid ferric chloride, officinal, 60 parts, by weight; concentrated ammonium-acetate solution, 120 parts, by weight; acetic acid, 30 per cent, 30 parts, by weight; distilled water, to 9,000 parts, by weight.

      IX.—Crimson.—Potassium iodide, 7.5 parts, by weight; iodine, 7.5 parts, by weight; hydrochloric acid, 60 parts, by weight; distilled water, to 4,500 parts, by weight.

      All the solutions IV to IX should be filtered. If distilled water be used these solutions should keep for five to ten years. In order to prevent them from freezing, either add 10 per cent of alcohol, or reduce the quantity of water by 10 per cent.

      A Cheap And Excellent Warming Bottle.

      —Mix sodium acetate and sodium hyposulphate in the proportion of 1 part of the former to 9 parts of the latter, and with the mixture fill an earthenware bottle about three-quarters full. Close the vessel well with a cork and place it either in hot water or in the oven, and let remain until the salts within melt. For at least a half day the jug will radiate its heat, and need only be well shaken from time to time to renew its heat-giving energy.

      Bottle Deodorizer.

      —Powdered black mustard seed is successfully employed. Pour a little of it with some lukewarm water into the receptacle, rinsing it afterwards with water. If necessary, repeat the process.

      BRANDY AND BRANDY BITTERS See Wines and Liquors.

       Table of Contents

      Formulas for the making of Brass will be found under Alloys.

      Colors For Polished Brass.

      —The brass objects are put into boiling solutions composed of different salts, and the intensity of the shade obtained is dependent upon the duration of the immersion. With a solution composed of

Sulphate of copper120 grains
Hydrochlorate of ammonia30 grains
Water1 quart

      greenish shades are obtained. With the following solution all the shades of brown from orange brown to cinnamon are obtained: {128}

Chlorate of potash150 grains
Sulphate of copper150 grains
Water1 quart

      The following solution gives the brass first a rosy tint and then colors it violet and blue:

Sulphate of copper435 grains
Hyposulphite of soda300 grains
Cream of tartar150 grains