The Complete Poetical Works of George MacDonald. George MacDonald
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Название: The Complete Poetical Works of George MacDonald

Автор: George MacDonald

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9788075837844



       And I, thy debtor, ever, evermore,

       Shall never feel the grateful burden sore.

       Yet most I thank thee, not for any deed,

       But for the sense thy living self did breed

       Of fatherhood still at the great world's core.


      All childhood, reverence clothed thee, undefined,

       As for some being of another race;

       Ah, not with it, departing—growing apace

       As years did bring me manhood's loftier mind,

       Able to see thy human life behind—

       The same hid heart, the same revealing face—

       My own dim contest settling into grace,

       Of sorrow, strife, and victory combined!

       So I beheld my God, in childhood's morn,

       A mist, a darkness, great, and far apart,

       Moveless and dim—I scarce could say Thou art: My manhood came, of joy and sadness born;— Full soon the misty dark, asunder torn, Revealed man's glory, God's great human heart.

      G.M.D. jr.

       ALGIERS, April, 1857.


       Table of Contents

      Proudly the youth, sudden with manhood crowned,

       Went walking by his horses, the first time,

       That morning, to the plough. No soldier gay

       Feels at his side the throb of the gold hilt

       (Knowing the blue blade hides within its sheath,

       As lightning in the cloud) with more delight,

       When first he belts it on, than he that day

       Heard still the clank of the plough-chains against

       His horses' harnessed sides, as to the field

       They went to make it fruitful. O'er the hill

       The sun looked down, baptizing him for toil.

      A farmer's son, a farmer's grandson he;

       Yea, his great-grandsire had possessed those fields.

       Tradition said they had been tilled by men

       Who bore the name long centuries ago,

       And married wives, and reared a stalwart race,

       And died, and went where all had followed them,

       Save one old man, his daughter, and the youth

       Who ploughs in pride, nor ever doubts his toil;

       And death is far from him this sunny morn.

       Why should we think of death when life is high?

       The earth laughs all the day, and sleeps all night.

       The daylight's labour and the night's repose

       Are very good, each better in its time.

      The boy knew little; but he read old tales

       Of Scotland's warriors, till his blood ran swift

       As charging knights upon their death-career.

       He chanted ancient tunes, till the wild blood

       Was charmed back into its fountain-well,

       And tears arose instead. That poet's songs,

       Whose music evermore recalls his name,

       His name of waters babbling as they run,

       Rose from him in the fields among the kine,

       And met the skylark's, raining from the clouds.

       But only as the poet-birds he sang—

       From rooted impulse of essential song;

       The earth was fair—he knew not it was fair;

       His heart was glad—he knew not it was glad;

       He walked as in a twilight of the sense—

       Which this one day shall turn to tender morn.

      Long ere the sun had cleared the feathery tops

       Of the fir-thicket on the eastward hill,

       His horses leaned and laboured. Each great hand

       Held rein and plough-stilt in one guiding grasp—

       No ploughman there would brook a helper. Proud

       With a true ploughman's pride—nobler, I think,

       Than statesman's, ay, or poet's, or painter's pride,

       For little praise will come that he ploughs well—

       He did plough well, proud of his work itself,

       And not of what would follow. With sure eye,

       He saw his horses keep the arrow-track;

       He saw the swift share cut the measured sod;

       He saw the furrow folding to the right,

       Ready with nimble foot to aid at need:—

       Turning its secrets upward to the sun,

       And hiding in the dark the sun-born grass,

       And daisies dipped in carmine, lay the tilth—

       A million graves to nurse the buried seed,

       And send a golden harvest up the air.

      When the steep sun had clomb to his decline,

       And pausing seemed, at edge of slow descent,

       Upon the keystone of his airy bridge,

       They rested likewise, half-tired man and horse,

       And homeward went for food and courage new.

       Therewith refreshed, they turned again to toil,

       And lived in labour all the afternoon;
