Quest. The Drummer's Soul. All the parts. Complete collection. Nikolay Lakutin
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СКАЧАТЬ on right now?" You can't even take a stop? "what is it?" he asked slyly.

      "No, we won't. The rules are written for everyone. Faster, do not delay, ' replied the lady, raising herself up, standing from his broken seat.

      The crowd parted, and Vahe went to the exit, but stopped in front of the conductor and looked her in the eyes with a peculiar intensity.

      The woman's face changed, lost its fighting spirit. The conductor sat back in her seat, collected all the change money from the tray, threw off the belt bag with the cash, and silently gave it all to Vaga. He took the generous gift for granted, and got off the bus. The driver, who was watching the situation out of the corner of his eye, did not appreciate this charitable gesture.

      – E…– and, leaving the driver's seat, rushed to catch up with Vahe, who went in the opposite direction of the route in the direction of the stop, where he got into the transport. To the surprise of the passengers, he wasn't in too much of a hurry, as anyone would have done. The driver caught up with Vahe a few seconds later, grabbed him by the shoulder, but when he turned and met his eyes, the driver behaved no less strange than the conductor. Instead of taking the money, he took out more of his personal ones from his pocket and also gave them to the stranger, after which he apologized for the incident, wished him a happy journey, returned to his seat, and continued the route.

      The passengers looked at each other in silence, not understanding what had happened, but no one commented on the situation.

      "I can still!" "that's enough," Vahe said, shoving the money into his pockets, then went back to the dealership and left in a shiny new sedan.


      Andrew and Alex have prepared the van on the road. Updated the stock of products, served the car at the station. Tikhon gave the go-ahead for the morning, which meant that at five in the morning it was necessary to leave the city.

      "How are things going?" Tikhon asked the boys as he entered the garage of the rented apartment.

      – Everything is ready, we can move right now.

      "Well done, boys. Keep a premium for efficiency.

      Tikhon took two thick bundles of bills from his pocket and handed them to the young men.

      Andrey exchanged an intricate glance with his partner.

      "Is something wrong?" the drummer asked kindly.

      – Yes, no, everything is super, – said Alexey, – the money is in order, but there is no place to spend it. All the same time on the road, on the way.

      "Welcome, boys." Canceling the trip. The city in which we are now located is quite large, it has almost all the benefits of civilization. Entertain.

      "Are you serious?"

      – Absolutely.

      "Are you ready to postpone your trip because of us?"

      – Why not, I understand your wishes, guys. Rent or buy a place closer to the center, meet cool girls and start living life to the full.

      "Are we fired?" with anxiety on her face inquired Andrew.

      – Guys, it's all right. There are no complaints about You. The space has cleared my foothold in this city for quite a long period of time. So the plans changed. You can take the car, equipment and tools, too. This is the last time we see each other.

      The boys looked at each other.

      – Tikhon, are you sure everything is all right? – Alexey anxiously specified, – if there are any problems, we are always ready to help and come to the rescue at any moment.

      "I know that. Thank you guys, you served faithfully and received a generous reward for it. But now it's time to break up. The world will no longer hear the sound of the drum from under the sticks in my hands.

      The assistants lowered their eyes, they had little idea who their employer really was, they just stuck to him with all their heart, and this moment of parting became for them one of the most difficult moments in life.

      Tikhon felt a surge of bitterness and even a bit of anger at himself for not being able to help him in the case to which they were not allowed for obvious reasons of safety and care. He correctly explained:

      Don't get angry with others, and don't get angry yourself.

      We are guests in this mortal world,

      And what is wrong, then you accept it.

      Don't think with your head.

      After all, everything is natural in the world:

      Evil radiated by you,

      It will come back to you without fail!

      The boys nodded their heads.

      – It's late, go to bed, and in the morning take all that you think necessary and in the good way of twirling destinies. I left everything, I have to go.

      "How?" Now? Not even a glass of wine? Alexey was upset.

      The drummer walked over to the guys, hugged them as a very sensitive and loving person can hug them, then stepped back, nodded, and left.


      Bartholomew walked from side to side in the great hall in his apartments, thinking. He went to the full-length mirror, looked at himself carefully, and asked the reflection:

      "We're going to win, aren't we?" We have always won and we will win now.

      After these words, Bartholomew moved away from the mirror and sat down in a nearby chair, but the reflection in the mirror remained, it answered:

      – We won, but our opponents were not so strong. Gideon has come for you, and he will not give up.

      "He came for us!" Or are you separating yourself from me and our entire brotherhood?

      The reflection gave no sign of confusion.

      "Gideon was trained in my program, and I know the loopholes in these labyrinths of power that he so brilliantly mastered," Bartholomew said majestically from his chair.

      The image from the mirror answered:

      "He has been practicing outside these walls for a long time, and his strength today is a serious competition for you.

      "So much the better, since I haven't had a serious opponent in a long time." I have something to calm him down.

      – I like a cheerful mood… I recognize you as a warrior, "the reflection answered from the mirror ," well, then keep a bonus for excitement. Tikhon didn't go anywhere.

      "What?" After meeting with Vahe, he had to leave this city as quickly as possible, so as not to do things and not to Shine once again. Did he give up his mission?

      – His mission was adjusted. Now his goal is you. Get ready to fight, but get ready seriously… warrior.

      The reflection in the mirror disappeared.

      Sweat broke out on Bartholomew's forehead. He wiped it off with a napkin, then ran his hand over the scar on his cheek СКАЧАТЬ