Quest. The Drummer's Soul. All the parts. Complete collection. Nikolay Lakutin
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СКАЧАТЬ just say I'm a "man of the world." Don't take it literally, because it won't be quite right. If you, when you say God, mean a bearded old man on one of the clouds-then of course this is fiction and in this case you can say that there is no God. But in fact, there is only an illusion about God, however, that there is an illusion… This is an extensive topic, and we can talk about it some other time. God is all that surrounds us. Everything visible and invisible. The one who created all this, who is all this. The one who manifests himself through all that you can feel, breathe, touch, see, understand, comprehend and create, just like The one you are a part of.

      The girl looked at Gideon thoughtfully, then suddenly said:

      "So you're saying my real name is Victoria?"

      – Yeah.

      "How do you know all this?"

      "I was once a member of the order of the Black hand, and you know that special people are accepted there.

      "I found out about the order not so long ago. I'm not one of the chosen ones you're talking about. I met Bartholomew by chance. I was his for a while… girl.

      – A strong old man, I admire his desire to live in all its manifestations.

      "Old man?"

      – Well, Yes.

      The girl frowned.

      "Do you know how old he is?" Gideon asked.

      I asked several times, but each time he evaded the question. I think he's in his early fifties, but he looks forty-two. I know what you're thinking, I was only thirty-four a week ago, but I was really interested in him. Maybe I even loved him. I don't know why he treated me like this.

      "It doesn't take a reason for Bartholomew to send a man to his death, but still, I think you just got too close to him at a certain point and learned more than you should have."

      "I found out about the order a few days ago, not from him.

      "Well, that's the answer.

      "But he doesn't know anything."

      "Bartholomew is a very difficult man, Victoria. And, I'll slightly disappoint you, he's not in his early fifties, he's in his early hundreds!

      "I don't believe it!"

      "One hundred and thirty-seven years, to be exact."

      "How can that be?"

      – He has many techniques of esoteric knowledge, one of them allows you to slow down the aging process.

      "Do you believe that?" Are you saying I slept with a man a hundred years older than me? Yes, this has not been in history, and can not be.

      – Mistake. History knows cases of staying in the same body for more than a thousand years. And these people looked about the age of a well-groomed sixty-year-old man, while maintaining all the functions of the body, including sexual. Naturally, twenty-year-old girls and boys are very popular as partners with these representatives.

      – Nightmare…

      "No, it's just a slight digression. These people do really terrible things in a very different way.

      "Do they?" So they are still there?

      – Always be… And they will. Knowledge is not lost, it is simply hidden. And this knowledge is a great power. The only question is in whose hands this power is. So far, not in those whose I would like… unfortunately! – graduated from Gideon.

      "Who would like to?" Victoria asked.

      Gideon didn't answer. They walked in silence for a while. But the girl still showed another curiosity:

      – You were so interesting to talk about God, though a little tricky, but just at the same time. I don't know, it seems that the Russian language is considered great and powerful, but still there are not enough words to convey the meaning in its purest form. I understand roughly what you were going to say.

      Gideon smiled.

      "Speaking of languages," he said. – Three thousand years ago, as before, people on this planet spoke the same language. What is noteworthy is that there was not a single negative word in it, so such an understanding as evil, bad, bad, wrong, dangerous… and so on-so on, no manifestation of ignorance-people simply did not know, of course, that all this on the planet and did not exist. This is a very Mature and well-thought-out language. It originated more than two hundred thousand years ago. Then everything was much simpler and clearer. In the original language, there were no words for the future, because the future, like the past, did not exist, and the word does not exist today. Everything is happening just now. Therefore, there were no problems, for example, with materialization. There was no need to wait for something to manifest in the future, because there is no future, everything is happening now. And people did not forget to show gratitude for the creation. Spoken, materialized, thanked… Everything is simple, everything is honest, everything is naturally beautiful.

      After these words, Gideon looked at the highway, which appeared not far away, then looked at the fellow passenger, appreciated her skeptical look and somehow distantly, completely unusual ear said:

      – Red evening dress, size forty-two, evening shoes with heels fifteen centimeters, a set of cosmetics from the collection of Milan Rive Gauche second generation.

      Victoria looked at her companion, trying to understand what he was saying and why. And I saw in his hand a beautiful red dress, chic shoes and a very attractive suitcase.

      Gideon stood with his eyes closed, exuding a feeling of gratitude so strong that it was impossible not to feel it, as well as to describe in words this abundance of sensations not previously known.

      Victoria opened her mouth unconsciously.

      – This is for you my gift, he said boyfriend gifts girlfriend. – Now there is no need to go to the village in search of things. Put this on. On the road, you will not be missed by any car in this form. The first driver will give you a ride to the city, and for free. Be sure.

      "Who are you?" – slightly moving away from shock, said the girl.

      "I'm your brother, Victoria, a human.

      "Why did you save me?" You knew my intentions, didn't you?

      "Your deadline hasn't come yet, and I did what I had to do. For your stuff I'm sorry. I had to sacrifice them.

      "It's strange… we were in the middle of nowhere in an instant, but you still have your clothes on, and I don't. Why is that?

      "I used the combined teleportation technique.

      "How's that?"

      – This is when you move yourself, and at the same time you drag someone. That's why I still have my clothes on, but you don't.

      "Can I try it on?" Victoria demanded, her eyes unable to detach themselves from the clothes in Gideon's hand.

      "Of course it's yours."

      The girl accepted the gifts without hesitation, took off her shirt, immediately gave it to the owner and put on a dress, then shoes. The outfit was just right.

      "You СКАЧАТЬ