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СКАЧАТЬ цитата со с. 33. См. также: Igor Kopytoff, «The Cultural Biography of Things», in Appadurai, ed., Social Life of Things, особенно 84. Является ли такая трактовка Декарта или Канта убедительной, это уже другой вопрос. То, что картезианское эго было больше, чем просто разум, доказывается в работе: Karen Detlefsen, ed., Descartes’ Meditations: A Critical Guide (Cambridge, 2013).


      Bruno Latour, «From Realpolitik to Dingpolitik», из: Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy, ed. Bruno Latour & Peter Weibel (Cambridge, MA, 2005); Bruno Latour, We Have Never Been Modern (Cambridge, MA, 1993); см. далее: Frank Trentmann, «Materiality in the Future of History: Things, Practices and Politics», Journal of British Studies 48, no. 2, 2009: 283–307.


      Harold J. Cook, Matters of Exchange: Commerce, Medicine and Science in the Dutch Golden Age (New Haven, CT, 2007).


      Brook, Vermeer’s Hat, цитата на с. 82. См. также: Schama, The Embarrassment of Riches.


      Thomas Mun, England’s Treasure by Forraign Trade (London, 1664), 108.


      Some Considerations Touching the Usefulness of Experimental Natural Philosophy (Oxford, 1663) из: Works of the Honorable Robert Boyle (1744), 56.


      Bishop of Rochester, Thomas Sprat, The History of the Royal Society of London (London, 1667), 381, 384.


      Nicholas Barbon, A Discourse of Trade (London, 1690), 14–15.


      Bernard Mandeville, The Fable of the Bees (1714; London, 1989), 68, 69. 58. As does Clunas, Superfluous Things, 146.


      Daniel Defoe, A Plan of the English Commerce (Oxford, 1728/1927), 77, 144—6. John Cary, An Essay on the State of England (Bristol, 1695), в особенности 147. См. также: Richard C. Wiles, «The Theory of Wages in Later English Mercantilism», Economic History Review, new series, XXI/1 (April 1968), 113—26; Paul Slack, «The Politics of Consumption and England’s Happiness in the Later Seventeenth Century», English Historical Review CXXII, 2007: 609—31; Cosimo Perrotta, Consumption as an Investment I: The Fear of Goods from Hesiod to Adam Smith (London and New York, 2004).


      Berry, The Idea of Luxury; Perrotta, Consumption as Investment; Maxine Berg and Elizabeth Eger, eds., Luxury in the Eighteenth Century: Debates, Desires and Delectable Goods (Basingstoke, 2003).


      Michael Kwass, «Consumption and the World of Ideas: Consumer Revolution and the Moral Economy of the Marquis de Mirabeau», Eighteenth-century Studies 37, no. 2, 2004: 187–213. См. также: James Livesey, «Agrarian Ideology and Commercial Republicanism in the French Revolution», Past and Present, no. 157, 1997: 94—121.


      Montesquieu, L’Esprit des lois (1748), bk VII.


      David Hume, «Of Refinement in the Arts» (1741), repr. из: Political Essays (Cambridge, 1994), 108, 112. См. также: «Of Commerce», 93—104.


      Hume, «Of Refinement in the Arts», 107.


      David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature (1739), 116. О сторонниках Спинозы см.: Jonathan Israel, Radical Enlightenment (Oxford, 2001). См. также: Annette C. Baier, «David Hume, Spinozist», Hume Studies XIX/2 (Nov. 1993), 237—52.


      «Novelty, and the Unexpected Appearance of Objects», Henry Home/Lord Kames, Elements of Criticism (London, 1762/1805, I, 211—21, цитата со с. 221. Сравните эссе Аддисона об удовольствиях воображения в Spectator, no. 412.


      Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments (London, 1759), Part IV, гл. 1. Я цитировал 6-е издание 1976 года (1790), 179—87.


      Smith, Wealth of Nations bk II, гл. 3, 362—7.


      Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, 412 (bk III, гл. 2) и 437—40 (bk III, гл. 4). См. далее: Albert O. Hirschman, The Passions and the Interests: Political Arguments for Capitalism before Its Triumph (Princeton, NJ, 1977).


      William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765—9; 18th edn, 1829, London), II, гл. 1/11.


      Anne Granville Dewes, quoted in Keith Thomas, The Ends of Life: Roads to Fulfilment in Early Modern England (Oxford, 2009), 127. Также см.: Vickery, Gentleman’s Daughter, 183—94; Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, «Hannah Barnard’s Cupboard: Female Property and Identity in Eighteenth-Century New England», из: Through a Glass Darkly: Reflections on Personal Identity in Early America, eds. Ronald Hoffman, Mechal Sobel & Fredrika J. Teute (Chapel Hill, NC, 1997), 238—73; Sandra Cavallo, «What Did Women Transmit? Ownership and Control of Household Goods and Personal Effects in Early Modern Italy», из: Moira Donald & Linda Hurcombe, eds., Gender and Material Culture in Historical Perspective (Basingstoke, 2000), 38–53.


      Fredrik Albritton Jonsson, Enlightenment’s Frontier: The Scottish Highlands and the Origins of Environmentalism (New Haven, CT, 2013), 18–26, 237—9.


      Jonathan СКАЧАТЬ