A Spoonful of Sugar. Liz Fraser
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Название: A Spoonful of Sugar

Автор: Liz Fraser

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Секс и семейная психология


isbn: 9780007310098


СКАЧАТЬ ection>

      A Spoonful of Sugar

      Old-fashioned wisdom for modern-day mothers


      For Granny, with love.

       Author’s Note


       Meet Granny … and what you’re in for

      Chapter One: CHILDHOOD

       The very basics

       The big rush

       The curse of worrying

       When push comes to shove

       Playing by the rules

       Letting kids be kids

      Chapter Two: HOME SWEET HOME

       Household chores

       Routine, routine, routine


       Health scares

       The great outdoors

       We really are what we eat

       The good news

       Buying local

       The bad news

       Strike a balance

       Cooking from scratch

       Spilling the beans – was it really all home made back then?

       (Don’t) supersize them

      Chapter Four: PLEASE MAY I GET DOWN?

       Animals feed, humans dine. Which are you?

       Once upon a breakfast time

       Lunchtime, what time?

       The evening meal – nervous breakdown anyone?

       Getting bums on seats

       Who’s at the table?

       Eliminating fussy eaters

       And you’re not getting down till you’re finished

       And for desert: a serving of realism

      Chapter Five: BECAUSE I SAY SO

       The importance of discipline: at home

       Drawing the line

       Discipline: where are we now?

       Crime and punishment. What to do when they cross the line

       Smacking. Oh, here we go

       It stands to reason … or does it?

       Out of sight, out of order

       Another challenge for parents


       Where are we now?

       How has it got this way?

       Generation ME


       Thinking of others: spending time with the Real People

       Coming right back at you, Mum

       The drinking culture, family and behaviour

       How to bring back a little respect

      Chapter СКАЧАТЬ