Josephine Cox 3-Book Collection 2: The Loner, Born Bad, Three Letters. Josephine Cox
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СКАЧАТЬ hands as they came up to him, while Maggie and her team of helpers bustled about, collecting bits and bobs of discarded rubbish from the tables.

      When everyone was gone, and the sound of car engines and merry voices had died away, Frank had a quiet word or two with Dave and Lucy, telling them how thrilled he was with their engagement, and promising to put on a wedding for them, that would be ‘the talk of Bedfordshire’.

      That said, he took Maggie by the arm, and announced that he was looking for a woman himself. ‘What d’you say, Maggie?’ he asked cheekily. ‘Are you ready to make an honest man of me?’

      ‘Ask me again in the morning,’ she laughed. ‘When you’re sober enough to know what you’re saying.’

      Slightly inebriated from the cider she had downed, and contemplating the exciting future ahead of herself and Dave, Lucy took to the stage, where she twirled and danced, and sang aloud. The musicians had gone home, leaving their empty pint glasses perched on the bales. Wisps of straw littered the floor.

      From the far side of the barn, Maggie and Dave looked on. ‘Bless her heart, she’s over the moon with it all,’ Maggie told him. ‘I’ve never known her so happy.’

      Dave smiled. ‘She’s a lovely girl,’ he said thoughtfully. ‘I only hope I can do right by her.’

      The Scotswoman was intrigued. ‘And why wouldn’t you do right by her?’ she demanded.

      ‘Love doesn’t always mean happiness.’ Dave said soberly. He paused, then added in a low voice, almost to himself, ‘You can’t know how it was – at home, with Mam and Dad.’

      Like Frank, Maggie had always wondered about the boy’s past, and once or twice she had almost raised the issue. But somehow Dave put up barriers and she never found the courage. Now, though, she spoke out.

      ‘Why don’t you tell me how it was?’ she suggested kindly.

      Seeing that Frank and Lucy were busy, Dave took a moment to consider and suddenly it was all tumbling out … how his father had been devoted to his mother, but she caused them so much unhappiness. ‘I know she loved him, but she seemed hellbent on hurting him,’ he recalled sadly. ‘She was out all hours with the men … she even bedded my father’s workmates. Money was nothing to her, even though she didn’t earn much at the hairdresser’s where she was a part-time stylist. Dad worked hard, and she spent his wages like water from a tap. Twice, we lost everything, and Grandad had to come to the rescue.’

      The old emotions, of love, worry, and frustration flooded back and when he couldn’t go on, she gently urged him, ‘It’s always best to talk about things, Dave. And you know whatever you tell me, I will never repeat it to a living soul.’

      So, he went on and told her about the night when it all came to a head. He related how his father had walked out, and the subsequent events of that night. Not since he had unburdened himself to Eli, had Dave spoken of these matters. Finally, he explained how it all went wrong, and of how his mother’s life slipped away while she was in his arms.

      ‘D’you see what I mean?’ he asked Maggie brokenly. ‘She loved my father so much, and yet she still ruined his life … all our lives.’

      Maggie was deeply shocked and saddened by the story. Dabbing at her eyes, she could now understand what the lad had meant when he spoke of hoping to do right by Lucy.

      ‘You can’t measure yourself against your mother,’ she assured him. ‘Because she spoiled your life and the lives of your father and grandfather, it doesn’t mean to say that you might ruin Lucy’s life. You are made differently, my lad.’ She felt instinctively that there was something else, something he wasn’t saying. ‘Can I ask you something?’


      ‘Tell me honestly … do you love Lucy?’

      Dave took a moment to answer. ‘Yes, I do love her,’ he said, ‘it’s just that …’ He shrugged. ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m sorry, Maggie, I shouldn’t burden you with all this.’

      The woman persisted. ‘Before you came here, when you were a boy, was there someone you felt strongly about?’

      Judy came immediately, to mind. ‘I had a friend,’ he said. ‘A girl by the name of Judy. We told each other everything.’

      ‘A friend – is that all she was?’

      Surprised by her question, Dave looked up. ‘We were just children,’ he said. ‘Judy’s father delivered the milk, and we played together. She was a lot like Lucy, kind and thoughful, and I loved her very much … like a sister, or a friend. Maybe more than a friend, Maggie – but we were too young to know about such things.’

      His heart ached. ‘Sometimes, when I think of home, I think of her and I miss talking with her. She knew what was going on in our house, and she understood. When there was trouble and I was worried, I could confide in her, and she would always listen.’ He smiled fondly at the memory of her. ‘Judy was my best and only friend.’

      Maggie sensed his heartache. ‘Of course you miss her,’ she acknowledged. ‘What happened to you, Dave, was a terrible thing. To have everything you cherished torn away from you, must have been unbearably hard.’

      All the same, she needed him to be sure. ‘I know you love Lucy,’ she acknowledged. ‘It’s in your face when you look at her, and in the way you treat her. But it needs to be the kind of love that builds a marriage. To have that depth that binds you together for the rest of your lives. Don’t compare what you and Lucy have with what your parents had. You mustn’t be afraid, Dave. You are your own man, and you must draw strength from knowing that Lucy has promised herself to you.’

      ‘I know all that,’ he said. ‘And I do love her. I want to protect her … to give her all the things she wants out of life.’

      ‘It’s you she wants.’ Maggie wouldn’t let it go. ‘And that’s wonderful – as long as you love her in the same way. Do you, Dave? Do you love her with every fibre of your being, the way a man loves his woman?’

      ‘How can I know that?’ he asked helplessly. ‘All I know is that I do love her. Isn’t that enough to build a life on?’

      Maggie thought it probably wasn’t. When he had spoken of the girl Judy just now, there had been something extraordinary in his voice – a certain magical essence that was lacking when he spoke of Lucy. But then again, she reminded herself, Dave had referred to this Judy as a sister, an only friend when his whole world was falling apart. Of course he would have special feelings for her – and besides, if it was anything deeper, he would have gone back for her … wouldn’t he?

      Lucy’s voice cut through her thoughts. ‘Dave! Come and dance with me!’

      Excusing himself, Dave went to Lucy and, taking her in his arms, he moved her round the stage. Giggling quietly, they both sang the Elvis song, ‘Are You Lonesome Tonight’, and with her head resting on his shoulder, they were in a world of their own.

      And from where Maggie stood, they looked as much in love as any other engaged couple she had ever known.