Josephine Cox 3-Book Collection 2: The Loner, Born Bad, Three Letters. Josephine Cox
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СКАЧАТЬ much power, until now you act like you’re lord of your own kingdom.’

      ‘What on earth are you getting at?’ Never having witnessed such rage in this usually tolerant man, Seamus instinctively stepped back a pace, his voice shaking with fear, his eyes wide and bewildered. ‘I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.’

      Desperately controlling the urge to lash out with both fists, Frank continued to glare at him. ‘If I were you,’ he said, ‘I’d get out of here as quick as you can, before I cause you a deal of pain – just like you caused that poor mare lying in the stables.’

      When the head groom’s eyes lit up with comprehension, Frank went on, ‘Oh! So now you know what I’m talking about! You neglected a simple thing like a thorn in the hoof, and now Molly is down, and the vet doesn’t give her a cat in hell’s chance of recovering.’

      ‘But I was onto it!’ Seeing his cushy lifestyle coming to an end, Seamus began screaming. ‘It was nothing – I would have got round to it. Damn it, she was fine when I left this morning. It’s that fool of a boy you took on – he’s the one responsible. Why don’t you go and ask him what he’s been up to? Meddling, that’s what! He knows nothing about horses – nothing!’

      ‘Dave is more of a horseman than you will ever be.’ Frank was beginning to lose control. ‘He knows every bit as much as you – probably more. And out of the two of you, he’s the one to be trusted. So, like I say, pack your bags and get out of here, as fast and as far from here as you can.’

      He thrust him away. ‘If I were you, I’d go right now – because I don’t know how long I can keep it together … if you know what I mean.’ His eyes said it all, and the other man saw the violence there, yet still he was defiant.

      ‘I want what’s due to me! I’m owed three weeks’ wages and severance pay. And I’m going nowhere without it.’

      ‘You’ll get nothing from me!’

      ‘Then I’m not leaving!’

      Frank smiled, which was more frightening than his temper. ‘Is that so?’

      With one lurch he had Seamus by the collar of his shirt. With the other hand, he took hold of the seat of his pants and with a mighty heave he threw him outside, where he landed hard on the ground, screaming and shouting and promising all kinds of retribution.

      When Frank took a step towards him, he was gone … fleeing across the yard like the coward he was.

      Having heard the commotion, Dave and Lucy had come to the stable door and witnessed the scene. ‘It’s no more than you deserve!’ Dave called out, and fearing that he too would confront Seamus, Lucy called him back to the mare. ‘She’s trembling, Dave … she must be cold.’ With great tenderness, she drew the blanket up and over the mare’s flanks. ‘There must be something we can do to help her?’

      ‘You heard what the vet said, Lucy.’ Realising that Molly had gone into convulsions, Dave took Lucy by the shoulders and spun her round to him. ‘Go indoors,’ he ordered quietly. ‘This is no place for you just now.’

      Realising something bad was about to happen, Lucy would not be persuaded. ‘No, Dave. I want to stay here, with you.’

      ‘No.’ He led her towards the stable door. ‘You have to trust me, Lucy. You really shouldn’t be here.’ Opening the door, he walked her outside. ‘I’ll call you if anything happens.’


      ‘I promise.’

      With Lucy making her way across the yard, Dave returned to the mare. ‘Easy does it.’ He wiped her forehead with the cool cloth. ‘Breathe easy, sweetheart. The fever’s got a hold of you. Once that’s broken, you’ll begin to feel better.’ But he was not hopeful, because now, her eyes were rolling and her whole body was shivering. He drew the blanket higher, and prayed a little. She didn’t deserve this, but what was worse, it could all have been avoided.

      Ever since he’d worked at the stud farm, Dave’s love and respect for horses had grown, along with his knowledge of their ways. With the exception of Madden, the big, nervy stallion, the horses here were biddable, trustworthy creatures – a joy to deal with, and a deep balm to Dave Adams’s troubled heart.

      From across the yard, the shouting got louder. ‘I HOPE SHE DIES!’ Seamus was yelling shrilly. ‘From the first time your boyfriend set foot on this yard I knew he wouldn’t rest until he got it all – my job and you, you little whore. Oh yes, he wanted you all right, and by God he’s got you now, hasn’t he, eh? I expect the two of you have already climbed into bed, haven’t you? Well? Answer me, you little bitch!’ He raised his hand to slap her.

      In minutes, Dave had raced across the yard to launch himself at Seamus. ‘You bad-mouthed bastard, I ought to tear you limb from limb!’ He swung a clenched punch which caught Seamus between the eyes and sent him reeling backwards to the ground.

      Before Dave could follow up, however, Frank had gripped Seamus by the arm and was frog-marching him across the yard, where he threw him out of the gates and into the lane, together with his bag of belongings.

      As he walked away he didn’t look back, but Seamus’s raised voice carried across the yard.


      His angry words flew towards them as they returned to the stable.

      One glance at the mare was enough. Dave looked at Frank and the man took his meaning. Without hesitation he guided Lucy out of there.

      With Lucy sobbing on her father’s shoulder, Dave bent to stroke the mare’s nose. ‘Couldn’t quite manage it, eh, old girl?’ There was immense sadness in his voice, and anger too. ‘What a waste! What a shocking waste!’

      He stayed awhile, cross-legged on the straw next to Molly, wondering how Seamus could have let this happen.

      A few moments later, he covered her over and went into the house. Frank poured them all a drink, while Dave telephoned the vet. ‘There’s no rush,’ he told him sadly. ‘She didn’t pull through.’


      The following day, Frank asked Dave to take Lucy into town. ‘A day at the shops will do her good,’ he said. ‘She’s had a bad night. We all have. Here. Take this and give it to her.’ The man handed him three ten-pound notes. ‘She can treat herself to a new outfit for the barn-dance next Saturday.’

      ‘Whatever you say,’ Dave answered respectfully. ‘But if you’d rather take her, I’ll stay here and get everything cleared away.’

      Frank thought about the mare, and the task of having her corpse removed from the stable, and for one brief moment he was tempted to leave Dave here to deal with it. But then he thought how Lucy would be better off in the company of someone her own age than with himself; and besides, he had seen the way things seemed to be going between them. It gladdened his heart to think the two of them might get together in a serious way.

      ‘No, son, thanks all the same. You and Lucy get off. I’ll see to everything this end.’