The PH Diet: The pHenomenal Dietary System. Bharti Vyas
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Название: The PH Diet: The pHenomenal Dietary System

Автор: Bharti Vyas

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес


isbn: 9780007352760


СКАЧАТЬ overall health will have improved significantly and your body will be stronger by this level, you will be able to cope with more acid-forming foods. Although you can get away with the odd ‘cheat’ quite easily at Level 3, it is not recommended too often! You want to continue moving towards health and beauty and not backwards to ill-health and imbalance. Whenever you feel you need to, you can revert back to Level 2.

      The more gently you treat your body by easing into the programme, and the longer you stay at each level, the less likely you are to suffer a ‘healing crisis’. This is when the body is throwing off more toxins than you can eliminate, which may result in you feeling a little unwell.

      You can check your pH status by testing your urine and saliva, but don’t worry if you choose not to do this. It’s not a compulsory part of this programme, and the diet will work equally well without it. However, should you start monitoring and recording your pH levels every day, you will feel more active on your journey to health. Testing your pH levels will give you regular updates on your progress – and it’s fascinating and easy to do. (For more information, see Chapter 4.)

       And finally

      Food is one of life’s great pleasures, so take your time and enjoy the programme. Your goal is to eat delicious foods that create alkaline reserves within your body. This will bring you better protection against disease, more energy, great-looking skin and a slimmer, healthier you. You can start right now.


       Getting Started The Principles of The pH Diet

      Any new dietary programme should be entered into gently. The pH Diet is no exception. If your diet has been unbalanced or high in junk foods, or if you have been dieting on and off for a long period, don’t make any sudden alterations to your eating habits. Such abrupt changes may result in withdrawal symptoms or a ‘healing crisis’, in which you may experience headaches or other unpleasant symptoms. We do not want this to happen to you, so we encourage you to take on the new programme slowly.

      The pH Diet is not a race or a three-week wonder – it is an easy, flexible and healthy way of eating and enjoying food with the ultimate goal of regaining your health, losing weight and looking great. You should take the time to tune in to your body, its needs and responses, and take personal responsibility for it. Ultimately, no one knows more about you than you.

      There are three levels to the pH Diet. The amount of time you spend at each level is flexible, allowing you to build the programme around your lifestyle. However, the longer and more thoroughly you do each level, the greater the benefits will be. Doing it right is far more important than doing it quickly!

      If you measure your pH status with the special paper as described in Chapter 4, it will be easier for you to decide when to move from Level 2 to Level 3. However, we recommend that you start at Level 1 and work through each level until symptoms improve and you feel and look better. Even if you have no current symptoms and your pH levels are ideal, prevention is better than cure. Following the programme can only benefit your long-term health.

      Breakfast may be a challenge as it will probably be the meal with the most change. Level 1 introduces water and lemon juice on rising and reduces coffee or tea. Level 2 introduces millet flakes, Breakfast Rice and the ‘3&6 Mix’. Level 3 takes this further and introduces ‘nut’ milks while increasing fruit juices and fruit, maintaining the ever-decreasing intake of detrimental beverages.

      The most important rule for breakfast is that you have some. So many adults and children leave home with no breakfast, snatching something unsuitable with no nutritional value on the way to work or school. A start to the day like this will only leave you feeling fatigued later in the day.

      If you slip and have something you know to be extremely acid forming, such as a strong cup of coffee and a croissant or a bar of chocolate, drink more water to help dilute the toxins. Don’t give yourself a hard time – just get back on track quickly. Start thinking of what your next meal will be. By thinking about alkaline super foods, you are more likely to eat something to help rebalance your system.

       The pH Diet in a Nutshell

      Level 1 – Reducing the toxic load

      Level 2 – Increasing alkaline reserves

      Level 3 – Maintaining the balance

      Level 1 gets you started on banishing the acid wastes stored in your body. You need to start eliminating all the pollution that has built up in your body, especially the colon, from years of eating and drinking too many acid-forming foods and drinks. You do not, however, have to embark upon a sudden ‘detox’ regime. At this level you eat what you normally eat. The main emphasis here is liquid intake, not food intake. It makes good sense to reduce detrimental beverages and other anti-nutrients before embarking on changing your diet.

      This is not a short-term programme, so you can do Level 1 for as long as you like, or as long as it takes for you to decrease your intake of harmful drinks and anti-nutrients. You need to clear out the old to make way for the new. Levels 1 and 2 will cleanse your body of impurities, normalize digestion and metabolism and regain alkaline balance. Leaving out the harmful beverages and anti-nutrients, before increasing beneficial foods and drinks, will give you an excellent start to reducing your weight, regaining your health and improving your looks.

       Step 1: Cut Down on Harmful Drinks and Anti-nutrients

      Many beverages contain caffeine. With every cup of coffee you drink, your body’s calcium balance – the difference between calcium intake and excretion – becomes negative. If you drink more than a couple of cups (not mugs!) of coffee a day, the calcium loss can be substantial, especially if you are absorbing too little calcium in the first place. Drinking several cups of strong coffee or tea a day clogs up your body with toxins and slows you down mentally and physically.

      Start now. Reduce your intake of the following drinks and anti-nutrients. Replace beverages with a healthier alternative from the ‘Acid- and Alkaline-forming Drinks’ table on page 8. Aim to reduce and eventually eliminate the anti-nutrients.


      • Coffee – including decaffeinated coffee

      • Tea

      • Alcohol – all wines, spirits and beers

      • Fizzy drinks, including СКАЧАТЬ