The PH Diet: The pHenomenal Dietary System. Bharti Vyas
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Название: The PH Diet: The pHenomenal Dietary System

Автор: Bharti Vyas

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес


isbn: 9780007352760



       How Much Water Should I Drink?

      It is recommended that you drink at least 2 litres (3½ pints) of water daily, spread evenly over the day. This probably sounds like a lot of water, especially if you do not drink much at the moment, but as soon as you start drinking water at regular intervals, you will notice how much better you feel and look. Drinking water not only hydrates the inner body but also the outer body, giving the skin a lovely fresh glow.

      If you are unused to drinking this amount of water, drink a glass on the hour, every hour until it becomes habit. If you do this from 8am until 6pm, you should have had your daily 2 litres (3½ pints). If adding lemon or lime encourages you to drink this amount of water, then please do so – there is no limit to how much lemon you may add. Lemon will improve the taste and make the water alkalizing. You might own one of those watches that bleeps on the hour – now is the time to put it to good use as a reminder to drink your water.

       Level 1 – Reducing the Toxic Load

       Aims of Level 1 – Reduce Toxic Load Reduce Anti-Nutrients and Improve Beverage Choices

       Aims of Level 1 – Reduce Toxic Load Reduce Anti-Nutrients and Improve Beverage Choices

      This level concentrates more on food, particularly foods that increase mineral reserves. These are green leafy vegetables and foods rich in essential fatty acids. During Level 2, you continue to reduce your toxic load by cutting down on wheat, substituting it with alternative types of grain. You are not eliminating wheat at this level, just reducing the amount you consume. In fact, you are not asked to give up any food, and you can continue with your regular diet. Level 2 stresses quality, not quantity, of food.

       Step 1: Continue with Level 1

      Each day, try to improve the drinks you consume and reduce anti-nutrients. Continue to drink water and lemon juice on rising for cleansing and alkalizing the system. Keep drinking 285 millilitres/10 fluid ounces/11/3 cups water every hour, on the hour, until 6pm.

       Step 2: Power Up Your Breakfast

      Every morning, have 1 tablespoon of ‘3&6 Mix’ (see page 22). Continue with your usual breakfast or choose one from the Level 2 breakfast list (see page 22).

       Step 3: Introduce Vegetables and Vegetable Juices to Increase Alkaline Reserves

      Shop-bought vegetable juice is acceptable on Level 2 if you really don’t have time to make your own. Choose products with no added sugars or artificial ingredients. Some people find plain green juices difficult to stomach in the beginning. If so, consider adding carrot, apple or beetroot, which will sweeten the green vegetable juice. Gradually wean yourself off the carrot, apple or beetroot by upping the amount of greens. Visit a juice bar and experiment.

       Step 4: Introduce Good Foods

      Start introducing the 80 alkaline-forming foods and the 20 best acid-forming foods into your diet (see Chapter 2).

       Step 5: Avoid Cow’s Milk and Wheat

      Avoid all cow’s milk products, choosing soya alternatives. Restrict wheat products to once a day only.

       Level 2 Breakfasts

      You may have your usual breakfast or choose from the following:

      • Porridge made with water, served with 2 tbsp goat’s/sheep’s/soya yoghurt and ‘3&6 Mix’ (page 112).

      • Grapefruit (fresh or tinned), which is alkaline forming and a good source of fibre. It also eliminates acid wastes throughout your body, detoxifying your blood, tissues and digestive system. Top with fresh strawberries, raspberries or blackberries for added sweetness and alkalinity.

      • Stewed figs or prunes served with a small tub of goat’s/sheep’s/soya yoghurt and ‘3&6 Mix’ (page 112).

      • Breakfast Rice with ‘3&6 Mix’ (page 112).

      • Millet flakes and ‘3&6 Mix’ (page 112).

      • Fresh fruit with ‘3&6 Mix’ (page 112).

      • Burgen bread is recommended. Burgen is a reduced-wheat bread made with soya flour and linseeds. Otherwise, buy the best bread you can find, preferably rye or a reduced-wheat product.

      • 30g (loz) nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, brazils or cashews) will add protein for balance.

       The ‘3&6 Mix’

      The ‘3&6 Mix’ is a mix of seeds giving a balance of the omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. These fatty acids are essential to life and must be taken in the diet on a daily basis.

      The omega-6 essential fats make hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. These are involved in inflammatory reactions and in the stickiness of the blood. If you lack omega-6 fats, you may suffer from eczema, allergies, premenstrual tension and even hyperactivity. The omega-3 essential fats make a different prostaglandin, which is involved in keeping the heart and arteries healthy, and again influencing the formation of blood clots. We need both types every day for optimal health. Although these essential fats can be obtained from other foods, the ‘3&6 Mix’ is a quick and easy way to ensure you are getting your quota every day.

      In the pH Diet we are going to use half the seeds as they are, sprinkled over vegetables or added to sandwiches, and the other half ground in a simple coffee grinder, added to soups or cereals.

      Organic flaxseeds make up 55 per cent of the mix. In addition to being a beneficial source of omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseeds have water-soluble fibres, which are very effective at relieving constipation. Many people are deficient in omega-3 СКАЧАТЬ