Emotional Healing in Minutes: Simple Acupressure Techniques For Your Emotions. Paul Lynch
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СКАЧАТЬ such as hiccups and sneezing fits.

      Sports Performance

      Most sports require a focused and positive frame of mind to ensure success. How you feel on a particular day often reflects your overall performance. Performance levels can be improved by using EFT. Some benefits include:


Removing the nerves before an important match, game or competition


Enhancing technique when a particular block or challenge exists


Diffusing negative memories of failures or disappointments


Building the confidence to achieve high standards


Increasing motivation and stamina


      How many of us are completely happy with the way we look? Most people feel discontented with some aspect of their appearance; they are ‘too fat’, ‘too thin’, ‘too short’ or ‘too tall’. Or they may feel ugly or unattractive because of one particular part of their body – ‘My nose is too big’, I don’t like my thighs’, ‘I wish my teeth didn’t stick out’, ‘If only my bum wasn’t so big’. These insecurities can erode our self-esteem. In the same way, some people feel ‘clumsy’, ‘awkward’ or ‘dumb’ and this can prevent them from enjoying certain activities. For some, reassurance alone is not enough to allay these doubts and insecurities but EFT will help you to overcome negative thoughts and feelings connected with your self-image.

      Feeling uncomfortable about ourselves can lead to shyness, blushing, stammering or profuse sweating and these can all cause acute embarrassment. It is very easy to find ourselves caught in a vicious cycle, becoming tense at the mere thought that we might blush or trip over our words, thus compounding the fear of it happening again. EFT can help break the chain of events that precede such complaints.

      Self-imposed Limitations

      In the same way that poor self-image can make us unhappy and insecure, negative beliefs about ourselves can lead to self-imposed limitations. ‘I can’t …’, ‘I’m no good at …’, ‘I’ve never been good at that’. These negative beliefs hold us back in many ways. They stop us from attempting new things and keep us trapped within the apparent safety of our personal comfort zone. Unfortunately, the limitations we put on ourselves prevent us from doing things that could improve and expand our lives. Before you turn down an opportunity because of fear, or because you believe ‘I could never do that’, target the negative emotion with EFT and watch what happens!


      Have you ever made a decision based on an emotion only to regret it at a later date? When making a personal decision, we are often influenced by outside influences. How will others react? What will they say? Am I being selfish? Then there is the need for parental approval or fear of being judged. All these conflicting energies can disrupt our train of thought and make decision-making very confusing. Next time an important decision needs to be made, try using EFT to neutralize the fear, self-doubt or conflicting emotions that prevent you from making an informed and centred choice.

      Confronting Life’s Problems

      The application of this subtle energy therapy can be used in so many circumstances that it truly is a companion for life. The breadth of possibilities where EFT can help is demonstrated by Sue’s story.

      Sue’s story – unhappiness ‘I stumbled across EFT at a point in my life when I felt that a lot of changes were needed in order for me to be happy. I kept finding myself falling in love with the wrong type of person and choosing totally inappropriate jobs. I got to the point of being bitter and resentful. I thought it must be everyone else’s fault – certainly not mine.

      ‘The angels must have had pity on me when I heard about EFT. After all, it was painless (no needles), did not take long (I had limited time being a working mother) and it did not cost the earth. It sounded too good to be true, but I felt that I had nothing to lose.

      ‘The first feeling that surfaced was anger – I did not feel comfortable with anger at the best of times. In fact, I was more afraid of other people’s anger than of my own. I followed the simple procedure that starts with the recognition of a negative emotion, tapping all the points and within two minutes it was all over. I didn’t know why, but when I tuned in again, I burst out laughing. The relief and release of tension was incredible. I became excited and confident and wanted to try it on lots of other things. I used it for simple things like headaches, stomach upsets, backache, PMT. I then went on to more complex issues like fear of deep water, fear of aggression, fear of rejection, being alone, not having enough money. Each time, there was an immediate effect – once, a pain in my shoulder that I had experienced for many years, literally shifted down along my arm and disappeared while tapping.

      One aspect central to my original problem was the feeling that other people were responsible for my happiness, or the lack of it. EFT made it easy for me to see the connection between my early experiences and my adult choices. My experience of EFT has freed me of countless negative beliefs and emotions. I lead a different life now – one with very little fear. I am confident and face new challenges every day. I can finally look for the things that I want to be doing, instead of staying in situations because of fear. If fear comes up or I feel unable to cope, I have a quick session of EFT.’

      If you are grappling with a certain area of your life, or feel stuck in a rut, use EFT to work through your feelings of frustration. Whether you are caught in an unrewarding career, an unproductive relationship or unfulfilllng circumstances, balancing the meridians will break up the stagnant energy and layers of resistance to making positive changes. No matter what the area of difficulty, this technique will help you to get the energy flowing back into your life again.

Part 2

       Chapter 4

       The Formula To Freedom

      Now it’s time to introduce you to the EFT formula. It is based upon the original EFT procedure that Gary Craig devised, plus our own personal modifications that have evolved over time. It is probably unlike anything you have ever come across before. When first introduced to EFT, people find it very hard to believe that such a strange procedure can have any effect at all, let alone the dramatic results that it regularly achieves. The concept of the body’s energy relieving emotional blockages may take some adjusting to. However, EFT will work regardless of whether you believe in it or not; all it requires from you is to remain open to the healing approach.

      It is important to become acquainted with and СКАЧАТЬ