Emotional Healing in Minutes: Simple Acupressure Techniques For Your Emotions. Paul Lynch
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СКАЧАТЬ was revealed. Here is her story:

      wendy’s story – cotton wool phobia ‘Ever since I can remember, I have had an intense aversion to cotton wool. Even the words “cotton wool” were unpleasant to me. The feel of the stuff, the touch of it, even the sound of it being pulled apart set my nerves jangling and on edge.

      ‘As I addressed the issue with EFT, my thoughts went back to my first childhood stay in hospital, for a tonsillectomy, when I was two and a half. It was a horrific experience for me -I was left all alone, full of grief for three days without seeing my mum. I felt deserted and cried continuously. I remember cotton wool swabs being used daily to clean my wounds. This experience left me with a dreadful stutter which took a year or more to disappear. And this was where my problems with cotton wool began.

      ‘Before the treatment, I couldn’t bear to hold cotton wool and would back off if anyone approached me with it. After the session I sat for a couple of hours holding a lump of the stuff with no problems at all. So EFT worked for me. It is strange how something as inoffensive as cotton wool could be the focus of all my bad experiences, trauma and frightened emotions.’


      As practitioners, it took us a long time to fully appreciate the scope and far-reaching effects of re-aligning the energy system. The scope of EFT applications is as broad as the most fertile imagination. The versatility is amazing. Some of the most common uses of EFT include:














      limiting beliefs

      low self esteem




      pain management

      panic attacks


      physical aches and pains

      post-traumatic stress





      sports performance

      stopping smoking


      traumatic memories

      It is not essential to have a ‘problem’ to benefit from this technique. The method works exceedingly well for issues that never reach a therapist’s office, issues that in some way you have just learnt to live with. EFT can be incorporated into your daily life and applied to minor irritations, restrictions, limitations or any other area, as and when needed.

      Work-related Issues

      The workplace can produce all manner of stresses and EFT can help to ease the ever-present irritations, frustrations and challenges, whether in relation to your boss, colleagues, deadlines or learning new skills. The technique can be used to release pent up energy and feelings of pressure, or applied whenever you feel tired or lethargic.

      One work-related area for which people often apply EFT is a fear of public speaking. People with this phobia can suffer a tremendous amount of stress leading up to talking in public. Fears of forgetting words, making a fool of yourself or painful shyness can all be eradicated by simply tapping the meridian points. EFT can effectively remove blocks to success and personal performance – use it before meetings, presentations, cold calls or any situation where you feel under pressure to achieve. A young woman called Shelley used EFT to promote confidence and assertiveness within her job.

      shelley’s story – self-confidence at work Shelley had started a job as sales assistant in a clothes store. She was relieved about this as it was only a few weeks before Christmas and she needed the extra money. Just a few days later she was told that she would not be paid until after Christmas as the wages were only paid once a month.

      She was extremely upset and angry that she would not be able to afford Christmas presents for her family. We tapped for her anger, frustration and upset and she felt a little better. We then suggested that maybe she could ask for an advance and this was when deeper issues surfaced. She didn’t feel ‘good enough’ to ask for the money. She also felt that the manageress didn’t like her. We tapped for ‘I believe the manageress doesn’t like me’, ‘I don’t believe they will let me have a sub’ and ‘I don’t feel confident enough to ask’.

      After the session Shelley felt totally different. Her energy had lifted and she felt good about herself. The next day she asked if she could have an advance. The manageress smiled and said ‘Of course, I’ll phone head office right away.’ She also praised Shelley on the standard of her work. A few weeks later she was asked if she would like to train for a managerial position.

      Aggravations and Irritations

      No matter how laid back we are, it can still be easy to lose our temper when under pressure. The old saying of ‘count to ten’ can be replaced by ‘tap for it’. A few minutes of tapping should be enough to release the tension. Partners’ annoying habits, screaming children, traffic jams, interfering parents can all be soothed away quickly.

      Pam’s story – irritation Pam had an adorable little dog called Lucy. However, Lucy had a very excitable nature and car journeys with her were an ordeal. She would squeal the entire time. This behaviour caused Pam to dread taking Lucy anywhere in the car. She had tried everything she could think of to break the habit, but to no avail. After learning about EFT, she decided to give it a try. Pam and her husband set off in the car to take Lucy for a walk and, true to form, Lucy began her horrendous noise. Immediately, Pam began tapping for all the different elements that annoyed her. She tapped for:

      ‘Her barking drives me mad.’

      ‘I can’t stand the noise Lucy makes.’

      ‘I want to throw her out of the window.’

      ‘This ceaseless barking!’

      While tapping, the irritation began to subside and Pam realized that she was relaxed and enjoying the view from the window. Lucy’s barking no longer troubled her but her poor husband was getting very uptight. They agreed that next time Pam would drive so that her husband could tap away his annoyances.

      Physical СКАЧАТЬ